Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 1513: Why are you laughing!

Xia Mingxiu smiled low.

Raising her foot and walking to Yuan Yao's side, "You can try!"

"..." Yuan Yao glared at him fiercely!

Xia Mingxiu raised her eyebrows and gave her a provocative look,

Before Yuan Yao broke out, he had already retracted his gaze, smiling indifferently and looking at Wen Muyan indifferently, and said with a smile:

"It's late, Mr. Wen, go out together?"

Upon hearing this, Yuan Yao took the lead in letting go of Wen Muyan's hand and stood aside.

Wen Muyan twitched his lips, looked at Yuan Yao, and whispered "good night".

Yuan Yao looked at him with a grin, nodded with a smile, "Good night!"

He raised his eyes and glanced at Xia Mingxiu who was standing opposite, snorted coldly, and turned his head to the side.

Xia Mingxiu's lips pursed with a sarcastic smile, followed by a low and cold snort.

Wen Muyan looked at the two people's incompatible appearance, nodded at Xia Mingxiu, raised his foot and walked out.

Xia Mingxiu glanced at Yuan Yao lightly, then turned around, and slowly followed Wen Muyan behind him.

No matter how reluctant, Yuan Yao followed behind and sent the two to the door.

Wen Muyan did not look back and disappeared at the right corner of the corridor.

Yuan Yao leaned against the wall of the corridor and glanced at the corridor where Wen Muyan was no longer in sight, only to see Xia Mingxiu who was following Wen Muyan suddenly looking back at her.

Yuan Yao frowned and straightened up from the wall.

Xia Mingxiu had already turned around at this time and strode back.

Yuan Yao's body stiffened and stared at Xia Mingxiu fiercely, walking towards the room with wind blowing under her feet.

The faster Yuan Yao walks, Xia Ming's footsteps will be larger and anxious. Yuan Yao ran into the room first, holding the door to be closed.

Xia Mingxiu pressed against the door at the last moment.

"What are you doing?!" Yuan Yao glared at him angrily through the opening of the door.

Xia Mingxiu did not speak, and pushed the door open.

Yuan Yao hurried to the living room, hiding behind the sofa, pointing at Xia Mingxiu and shouting:

"What are you doing?! Get out, I want to rest!"

"..." Xia Mingxiu didn't speak, and silently approached Yuan Yao.

Yuan Yao quickly circled the sofa to one side, reached out and hooked the pillow on the sofa, and threw it towards Xia Mingxiu.

"You have a problem with your ears!"

Xia Mingxiu stretched out his hand, accurately caught the thrown pillow, and threw it on the sofa.

Yuan Yaoqi's teeth itchy, she looked at the two servants around her, and said hurriedly:

"You guys, help me blast her out!"

The servants glanced at Xia Mingxiu, and finally bowed their heads and trot out of the room.

Yuan Yao watched the two servants disappear without a trace, her eyes were so angry that she was about to cause a real fire of Samadhi.

"You have to tell them that you don't like them anymore, now let them help you, what about your face?" Xia Mingxiu said sarcastically.

"..." Yuan Yao was speechless, she forgot. "That's because...because you are their master, I'm not targeting them! You know!"

This is the real reason!

Xia Mingxiu sneered, "Who cares about you!"

Yuan Yao was mad, "Get out!"

Xia Mingxiu moved his eyebrows, "Yuan Yao, are you afraid of me?"

"I... Of course I am afraid of you! No one is a weak woman who is not afraid of animals!"

Xia Mingxiu pulled his lips, really didn't know whether to be angry or laugh.

Is she a weak woman?


The beast is talking about him?


This time he really laughed in a low voice.

"Why are you laughing?!"


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