Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 1533: Why always bully me? !

Somewhat unbelievable, President Xia actually wanted to beat Miss Yuan?

But the next second, those fists were loosened, one hand grabbed Yuan Yao's wrists, and under her struggle, she hugged her up again...

"what are you doing?!"

Xia Mingxiu sullenly, ignoring Yuan Yao's struggle, holding her to the sofa, and throwing Yuan Yao on the sofa without mercy.

Yuan Yao was struggling to get up, Xia Mingxiu's body also suddenly bent down, sitting on the sofa, pressing Yuan Yao's shoulder, and angrily at the doctor who was standing by the side: "Check!"

"Yes Yes Yes!"

The doctor responded again and again, hurried forward, and put the box in his hand on the coffee table aside.

Open it and ask while wearing gloves.

"Ms. Yuan, where is your pain? How is it? Have you ever had a medical history before..."

Of course Yuan Yao refused to answer him,

"Xia Mingxiu, you let me go! I don't need you to control..."

"Check her belly first!" Xia Mingxiu said directly to the doctor.


The doctor looked at Yuan Yao’s lower abdomen, a flash of embarrassment flashed on his face, he paused, but he could only gently press Yuan Yao’s stomach through the dress...

Yuan Yao's body stiffened.

"Miss Yuan, is it painful here?"

"Get away!!"

Yuan Yao waved her hand and knocked out the doctor's hand on her stomach.

"With the time you are tossing about, he has already checked it for you, so why waste time here and be tortured! Yuan Yao, you are really stupid and hopeless!"

"I said, I'm fine! It's you who are going your own way. I only need one medicine, and he gave me the medicine. The matter has been solved long ago! You are the one who made things so complicated!"

"If you weren't so stubborn! Things won't turn into the situation it is now! This is all you asked for!"

Yuan Yao bit her lip tightly, her eyes still stubborn, but they were instantly covered by tears!

"Yes! I asked for everything! It's my fault, count my fault! It's okay! My fault! Your superior Xia will always be perfect and never make a mistake! Then you let me go Ah! Let me go! I just died here today, and I have nothing to do with you, okay?!!!"

Xia Mingxiu's eyes were deep and deep, and he lowered his eyelids and looked at the woman lying on his lap. Tears glided over her temples and dripped on his pants, but the hot and humid temperature was like a burning iron, scorching him. Skin.

The feeling of powerlessness in my heart became heavier. I pressed my thin lips tightly, but still refused to let go of the hand holding Yuan Yao's shoulder.

"Go on..." he said while looking at the embarrassed doctor.

Yuan Yao struggled, and the pain in her lower abdomen and the tossing just now wiped out most of her strength.

Today's tone is lifeless and weak.

"Xia Mingxiu, didn't you always want me to compromise with you? I compromised, I compromised! Why are you doing this..."

Xia Mingxiu pursed his lips and said nothing,

Yuan Yao closed her eyes reluctantly, the tears in her eye sockets quickly slipped because of this action, wet the high-end expensive suit fabric under her head.

"Why? Xia Mingxiu, why?! I have compromised with you, what do you want?! What did I do wrong? Every time I have to try various ways to bully me?!"

Xia Mingxiu's hands squeezed Yuan Yao's shoulders tightly, a pair of deep eyes quietly watched the tears in Yuan Yao's eyes slide down a path.

Although the tight face eased, it was still ugly.

She said that he always bullied her...

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