Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 1536: Watch SpongeBob with me

Wen Muyan abruptly stopped the words she was about to speak out, and turned to say: "The accident that almost ruined her life is simply the worst nightmare of her life... She really loves it. Her baby..."

Xia Mingxiu's chest suddenly shook, and his deep eyes suddenly slid through a burst of grief.


Xia Mingxiu's hands on both sides wanted to clenched to prove that he still had a reaction.

However, I moved my fingers, but I couldn't hold it tightly. The nerves all over my body seemed to be paralyzed, and when I was involved, my whole body became numb.

He was a little grateful. Fortunately, he just accepted the words in time and didn't mention the child. Otherwise, Yuan Yao would hate him more.

"Injuries cannot be easily forgiven. If there are, there are only two ways."

Xia Mingxiu glanced at Wen Muyan, forced herself to curl her lips indifferently, and did not humbly ask Wen Muyan for advice on what the two methods were, turning around and striding away.

Not long after drinking the "pain killer", Yuan Yao's face gradually recovered, and the strength in her body continued to regain her whole body.

After tossing for more than half an hour, it was delayed by more than ten minutes from the prescribed time.

However, it is well known that when Yuan Yao was frightened because of his fans' restlessness, not many people attacked Yuan Yao's suspected tendency to "play big names", but paid more attention to this meeting.

Various webcast platforms rushed to hear the news and talked about cooperation with Serena.

In the end, Serena only chose the three live broadcast platforms with the largest domestic traffic for cooperation,

Yuan Yao adjusted herself, Yadell added makeup to Yuan Yao again, and Silina helped Yuan Yao organize her clothes again.

Everything was ready, standing in the corner of the day after tomorrow, Wen Muyan accompanied Yuan Yao by her side.

Yuan Yao is nervous.

Rather than being able to do it in the UK, this is her home country after all. She wanted to make her perfect debut for the first time, and suddenly she understood how big the eyes of the Olympic athletes who fought for the country’s glory were.

And she didn't allow herself to have the slightest difference, letting some people see her jokes for nothing.

Wen Muyan calmed Yuan Yao's back, with a slight smile in his voice.

"Don't worry, you are the best. I am here waiting for you."

Yuan Yao secretly exhaled, adjusted her breathing, and turned her head to respond to Wen Muyan's comfort.

"Go back and watch ten episodes of SpongeBob with me."

Wen Muyan’s deep facial features wrinkled instantly, obviously resisting,

"Oh my God, you have watched it more than a hundred times."

"Why, you don't want to accompany me?" Yuan Yao replied pretentiously.

"Of course not! My pleasure."

Yuan Yao smiled, "Then watch two more episodes."


Wen Muyan shook his head in horror,

"Haha..." Yuan Yao laughed happily. At this time, her agent Serena was almost ready to make the stage and officially let Yuan Yao take the stage.

Tension is certain, and it can't be calmed down with a few words of comfort.

After taking the stage, facing so many reporters, shooting machines, various microphones and running mobile phone live broadcast software in front of me, my legs were soft.

"That one……"

Yuan Yao held the microphone to her mouth and opened her mouth awkwardly.

The scene fell silent for an instant. Although it was a meeting, there was a fixed process.

As soon as Yuan Yao spoke, the host's mind quickly turned, intending to react accordingly.

"When I first met, I was a little nervous. I hope everyone will take care of me."

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