Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 1575: Take me to see mom

"Don't you understand?"

Xia Mingxiu glanced at him lightly.

Yuan Wenqian nodded, changed his position on the chair, raised his eyebrows and replied:

"It's also fortunate that I haven't inherited the stupid gene of my stupid mother. You should feel fortunate, otherwise, I will definitely feel tired talking to you, let alone understand."


Xia Mingxiu looked at him with interest.

The little guy said: "Well, let's get back to business, before answering your question, you have to promise me one condition!"

Xia Mingxiu lifted his eyes and gave Yuan Wenqian an impatient look, "Are smart kids as troublesome as you?"

Yuan Wenqian shrugged, "You should ask yourself when you were a kid, if you are like me!"

Xia Mingxiu looked at the fearless little man and couldn't laugh or cry.

At first hearing this, I didn't hear it.

But anyone who is smarter and quicker will not be very angry.

At the same time that he made a beating and lost himself, he also praised that he must be smart when he was a child.

This kind of depressive loss, I really don't know whether to be happy or angry.

However, Xia Mingxiu just couldn't hate it.

"Go ahead, what conditions!"

"Take me to find my stupid mother!"

A sharp light flashed through Xia Mingxiu's Qingjun eyebrows.

Yuan Yao?

Missed for a month...

Yuan Wenqian looked up at Xia Mingxiu in silence. He was tall and slender. I didn't know if you were a few heads taller than him. A luxurious suit showed his nobleness everywhere. Just standing there, his aura is extremely powerful. , With the high nose bridge as the boundary, half of the handsome side face was dazzling brightly illuminated by the light, and the other side was correspondingly darker, more indifferent and deep.

Bright black eyes squinted under the sunglasses!

This man...

"How is it? Do you promise me or not?"

Xia Mingxiu raised his head, raised an eyebrow and nodded.

"it is good."

Yuan Wenqian finally opened his lips and smiled.

"You just circumscribed the question for a long time, just want to ask me if I am my mother's son, in what sense, right? Well, since you really want to know, then I will tell you, I am that fool The flesh and blood of the conceived child in October, the blood relatives!"

Xia Mingxiu's heart beat violently, and there was a burst of pain in his chest. An indescribable gas entangled in his chest, as if it was about to break through his blood. The pain was unbearable.

He suddenly took two strides into Yuan Wenqian, lifting him from his chair with one hand.

Yuan Wenqian frowned, standing on the chair with his legs, twisting his painful arm by Xia Mingxiu, frowning and coldly shouting: "You hurt me!!!"

Xia Mingxiu's palm was tight, and then suddenly loosened.

The little hope he had held before has now been broken,

I thought it was Yuan Yao who lost her child that year and adopted a child as a comfort, waiting by her side i,

This kind of thinking is simply absurd, and no one thinks about it easily.

However, apart from this possibility, he can't think of other situations that he can accept.

This child, she and Wen Muyan...

There is only one case.

The other is hopeless, the results have been known five years ago.

"How old are you?"

He still couldn't help asking, knowing the answer might make him fall apart.

Yuan Wenqian rubbed his aching arm and glanced at him coldly.

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