Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 1584: He is so bad

Despair hit her whole body, Yuan Yao dashed completely, and suddenly burst into tears.

"Ah-my son!! My son!!"

The entire villa was shocked by the scene, completely at a loss.

In the eyes of all of them, in addition to filming, Yuan Yao is never a person who expresses his feelings too extreme.

In Britain, in front of the duke, earl and countess, it has always been a careless, gentle and gentle appearance.

She is the enviable role model of all women.

Therefore, Yuan Yao now looks like they have never seen before, looking extremely desperate, but also extremely pitiful.

This made them horrified and moved,

Although it looks a bit hideous and scary, it comes from a mother's love for her child.

Yuan Yao's tears flowed too fiercely, her voice hoarse, but she still shouted helplessly and desperately:

"My son! My son! Who made you come back?! Who made you come back... How can you do this to me?! How can you do this to me!!!"

The piercing voice of crying makes people feel distressed.

Liang Lin opened his mouth to say something, but Chen Hui secretly pulled his sleeves and shook his head gently at him.

Liang Lin frowned, glanced at the heartbroken woman sitting on the ground crying, and turned his head to the side with her lips pressed.

Chen Hui didn't know exactly where the words she had just aroused Yuan Yao. Seeing that Yuan Yao was crying pitifully, she had no choice but to speak again:

"Miss Yuan, the two receptionists said that Mr. Xia brought Young Master to you, so we rushed back! After all, Mr. Xia's identity is there. He shouldn't embarrass Young Master for no reason.

For no reason?

How could it be for no reason?

There is a reason...

"You don't understand, you won't understand! He is so bad, so bad..."



No one knows what Yuan Yao is talking about.

It's just vaguely able to hear that Miss Yuan and President Xia are not very harmonious.

Suddenly Yuan Yao thought of something ordinary, and hurriedly supported the table and struggled from the ground.

"No! No! I'm going to find him, he must return the child to me, he must return the child to me..."

With that said, she staggered towards the door of the villa...

"Miss Yuan..."

Seeing Yuan Yao’s desperate and almost crazy look, several people hurriedly stepped forward to stop her.

"Step aside!"

"Miss Yuan, it's still raining outside. Let's wait and see if Mr. Xia will really bring the young master back..."

"You get out, get out..."

Yuan Yao pushed them away and rushed out of the villa barefoot!

"Miss Yuan!"

"Miss Yuan..."

The servants were in a panic, and several servants hurriedly chased them out under umbrellas.

Chen Hui condensed with a face, turned her head to the servant in the house and said coldly:

"Contact Mr. Wen quickly!"

The servant suddenly realized that, again and again, he turned and ran away, and went to call.

Liang Lin and Chen Hui looked at each other, then chased them out with their back heels.

The rain that has been lingering all the time seems to be infected by Yuan Yao's emotions. The rain is getting bigger and bigger, hitting people, and even hurting.

In the huge courtyard, Yuan Yao's figure staggered towards the gate, and the servant beside him was also trembling, carefully moving the umbrella handle along with Yuan Yao's swaying body, but in vain.

The heavy rain drenched both of them in no time.

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