Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 1705: Looks like I have to make persistent efforts

Yuan Yao swallowed her saliva and closed her mouth tightly. She planned to stop saying a word, so she would have nothing to do with her!

Yuan Yao's silence changed Xia Mingxiu's expression from ugly to ridicule.

"It seems you are very dissatisfied with me?"

"..." Yuan Yao twitched her lips.

"It seems that I need to make persistent efforts!"

"..." Yuan Yao clenched her fist, she wanted to curse, she wanted to curse too much, who can teach her how to curse this shameless beast to relieve her anger.

Oh my God, why is her education and quality so good? !

After all, the old lady was the one who came here. She gave Xia Mingxiu a sideways glance. She was quite old, but she did not continue to stay on this topic.

Passing the bag in her hand to Yuan Yao, she almost commanded: "Hurry up, don't grind any more, go home before noon! I'm going back to cook!"

Yuan Yao took the bag and immediately beamed her eyes when she heard the old lady cooking.

"Grandma, what shall we have for lunch?!"

"You can eat whatever you want to do for you, but you have to pick it?" The old lady glared at her, her face still cold and disgusting.

Yuan Yao was also used to the attitude of the old lady, and smiled disapprovingly.

"No! Whatever grandma does is delicious."

"Then you still ask!"

"Because everything is delicious, I look forward to what you do!"

Yuan Yao's eyes were unusually bright, shining brightly, especially moving.

The old lady glanced at her, her cold face moved slightly.

Seeing that he was about to lose his grip, he turned around and snorted, "Snack goods!"

There was a bit of pampering and unbearable joy in the tight tone.

Yuan Yao smiled, "Grandma, slow down!"

"Speed ​​up, and pick up a bag again in the afternoon!"

"Ah! Don't!"

"Can't help you!"


Yuan Yao shouted, this is really nothing funny.


Watching the old lady leave cruelly, Yuan Yao sighed helplessly and shook the bag in her hand.

"Wow, it's big! How much do you have to install?!"

After sighing for two seconds, Yuan Yao put her gaze on Xia Mingxiu's body and smiled.

"It's time to test you!"

Xia Mingxiu's dark eyes gradually moved to the bag in Yuan Yao's hand, on which it was written XX brand rice.

It's a little far away from the old lady's yard.

Xia Mingxiu pursed her lips, turned around silently, "Let's go!"


Yuan Yao responded with an unusually gleeful voice, and pulled Xia Mingxiu back down the mountain stream.

This time the two people didn't talk about anything else. The division of labor was clear. Xia Mingxiu picked it up under Yuan Yao's command, and Yuan Yao put it in the bag. After a while, he took a bag full.

Then, Yuan Yao and Xia Mingxiu stared at the bag standing on the ground for a long time.

hold? It should not be!

Back, the picture feels spicy just thinking about it.

The only way is to resist!

But let Xia Mingxiu, a man who is extremely expensive at first glance, resist a bag of things, and it doesn't feel very suitable.

Besides, will he resist?

Yuan Yao was embarrassed for a long time, and looked at Xia Mingxiu, "You should have watched TV, like those construction workers, like this... the kind of resistance on your shoulders!"


Xia Mingxiu didn't speak, frowned and looked at the bulging bag in front of him, not knowing what he was thinking.

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