Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 363: There is no logic in love (1)

Mu Chuqing frowned. Suddenly, she stood up from the sofa as if thinking of something, her eyes flashed with panic and tension.


Doudou yelled suspiciously, and Mu Chuqing lowered her head to reduce the panic on her face.

Looking at Doudou, he bent over and put on Doudou's coat!

"Mummy, what do..."

"be good--"

Mu Chuqing touched Doudou's head and walked towards the door holding Doudou.

Opening the door, Mu Chuqing saw the left wing standing in the corridor, scratching his head!


The left wing's head scratching hand paused, then turned his head in confusion.

After realizing that it was Mu Chuqing, he quickly dropped the hand on his head and stood up straight subconsciously.


With an expression on Mu Chuqing's face, she hugged Doudou and walked to the left wing, looking towards the lounge next door, only to find that the door of the lounge was wide open and there was no one inside!

Mu Chuqing was puzzled.

"Where is Chang Chu?"

"I have gone back!"

"Where is Sheng Yuchen?"

A gleam of light flashed in the left-wing eyes, "Madam, the boss is in the bathroom!"

As he said, the left wing pointed sideways to the end of the corridor. There was a green sign on it with a picture of "toilet" marked on it.

Mu Chuqing looked over, her face suddenly sinking.

Pushing the Doudou in his arms into the arms of the left wing, Mu Chuqing said coldly: "You help me look at the child!"

With that, Mu Chuqing's footsteps were heavy, and she walked to the bathroom.

The left wing stared at the sudden little girl in his arms, and some did not react.

Doudou also looked straight at the left wing, blinking very cutely with her big dark dreamy eyes.

"You...your mommy me!"

Doudou blinked his big eyes twice quickly, seeming to react, pouting, and saying like a little princess:

"Mummy doesn't believe in you, she believes in Daddy!"

"Dad...Dad?!" Left Wing exclaimed in surprise.

What does her daddy have to do with him? !


Doudou stuck out his tongue, looked at the left wing with a circled expression, and glanced at the left wing with disgust.

"Uncle is good to Doudou, so he is Doudou's daddy, not a daddy, understand?!"

The left wing suddenly realized, "Oh, that's how it is, I understand!"

Doudou grinned, and the look in the left wing was more contemptuous than the look in Mu Chuqing.

At the door of the bathroom, there was a standing sign "cleaning", Mu Chuqing paused, bypassing the standing sign, and walked inside.

Sheng Yuchen has already taken off his suit jacket at this moment. He has a pure white shirt underneath. The sleeve of his right hand is raised at will. He is leaning against the wall on the side of the sink at this moment. The black eyes that capture people are also tightly closed, a look of pain on his face!

Mu Chuqing's eyes were fixed on Sheng Yuchen's lower abdomen, and the white shirt was almost all dyed red.

She had seen his wounds, which were astonishingly deep, and the blood flow at the time was also scary.

The wound broke!

It is equivalent to a second injury, even more painful than the first.

Mu Chuqing's heart trembled violently, and she was afraid to make a sound while covering her lips.

And it was Sheng Yuchen's right arm hanging in the sink that made her collapse!

The wound that should have been wrapped around gauze was empty, and the hideous wound was still leaking blood, being washed away by the water from the tap.

Maybe his hand was just blocked in the drain, and the water in a pool couldn't circulate, it was crowded together, it was eye-catching!

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