Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 938: Fall in love with someone again (49)

She is Doudou's mother, but she did not speak for more than a year.

All people don't know the truth. They don't know that she is Mu Chuqing. If they know, who can easily forgive her just because of the hurt Doudou has suffered?

How could this be?

How outrageous she was in the beginning.

"So... Is Doudou able to speak because of Jiang Meng?"

Sheng Yuchen nodded, put Mu Chuqing sideways on his lap, picked up the soup bowl on the table and handed it to Mu Chuqing, trying to divert her attention.

"Feed me soup!"

Mu Chuqing took the soup bowl, because of the guilt for Doudou, the guilt for Sheng Yuchen was drawn out more and more.

He cleverly took a spoon and took a spoonful of soup and delivered it to Sheng Yuchen's mouth.

Sheng Yuchen lowered his head and drank, the taste had a taste that he missed.

He raised his head to look at her, his black eyes deepened a bit.

"So, you behave, stay with me in the future. You are not allowed to go anywhere without my permission, you know?"

"Are you trying to imprison me?" Mu Chuqing sobbed while crying.

Sheng Yuchen didn't like to hear these words. He tilted his head and refused to drink the spoon that Mu Chuqing handed to his mouth, his black eyes lit up with two **** of fire.

"Can't you stay by my side willingly!?"

"It depends on your performance!"

Sheng Yuchen's brows and heart beat, "I blasted Jiang Meng away!"

"Listen to your tone, Jiang Meng is quite important in your heart, huh?" Although he knew the reason for this, he obviously weighed Jiang Meng and her on a balance.

Sheng Yuchen heard the obvious displeasure in her mouth, stretched her neck to sip the soup in front of her, and muttered: "Isn't doesn't matter to you."

Mu Chuqing looked at Sheng Yuchen's awkward look, pursing her lips, her face couldn't help but smile.

In fact, sometimes it is fun to tease him.

Putting the soup bowl on the table, Mu Chuqing had a straight face.

"It's not important to me? Let Jiang Meng leave, have you ever thought about Doudou's feelings? You actually left behind your favorite daughter for a woman, Sheng Yuchen, I misunderstood you! Go back! Tonight Doudou will definitely be very sad, I'm going to comfort her!"

While talking, Mu Chuqing stood up from Sheng Yuchen's arms, and was about to leave.

However, the whole body was spinning around for a while, and then there was a hard feeling of ice behind him.

Mu Chuqing has been pressed on the dining table.

Sheng Yuchen pressed Mu Chuqing's body tightly and reached out to pinch her chin, his face and tone sounded extremely dangerous.

"Dead woman, you don't get angry all day, am I itchy?"

Mu Chuqing's scalp was a little numb, and the joke was a little overdone.

"No, I'm actually quite happy! But, I just don't feel relieved. You count, I should not be there a month since I met you, Jiang Meng has been with you for two years, and I am very happy with Doudou It’s still so important. You don’t even know my details, and you can run Doudou who cares about me the most. In case, if you meet another woman in the future, will you also drive me away? ?"

Sheng Yuchen approached Mu Chuqing, her hot breath sprayed on Mu Chuqing's face, her tone still dangerous.

"It's enough to be crazy once in your life! How many more times do you expect?"

This makes Mu Chuqing love and hate.

If it should be very romantic, when he said that, she always wanted to say something and choke back.

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