Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 985: That person must be you too (36)


Sheng Yuchen opened his eyes suddenly, his eyes were covered with hideous blood red.

He waited until his eyes touched the layout of the room before he let out a long breath.

Looking sideways outside the window, the sky has begun to turn blue, and it seems that the sky is about to dawn.

Bowing his head, Mu Chuqing was still lying peacefully in his arms, sleeping peacefully and peacefully.

Hands clasped her subconsciously, feeling the warmth in her arms, and now she calmed down, only to find that the long vacant place in her chest was filled at this moment.

He thinks this woman is really good at using words.

She asked her "Indispensable in life."

If she doesn't ask, he really hasn't thought about this kind of problem.

At first he naturally only thought of Doudou, without thinking for a second.

But now, if someone asks him again, he thinks that the first thing he thinks of should not be Doudou.

He sighed contentedly, but his eyebrows wrinkled slowly.

The dream just now is too real.

Dreaming of an explosion, and also dreaming that he was sitting in a helicopter, anxious, he was eager to see the situation on the deck, noise, rain, waves, gunfire, he even fired a shot—

There was a sudden pain in my heart, tightening, convulsing, pain filled my heart, violent agitation, and deafening.

The blood-red eyes narrowed tightly, and there was a pain in his head.

Sheng Yuchen unbearably stretched out his hand to support between his eyebrows, and unconsciously tightened his arm around Mu Chuqing.

Xu Shi Mu Chuqing felt uncomfortable, moved her body, and unconsciously raised her hand on his chest.

Sheng Yuchen's hand holding his head suddenly grabbed Mu Chuqing's hand, and his eyes tightly looked at the shallow scar on her tiger's mouth.

The pain in my heart seems to be aggravated. How did this scar come from?

This is definitely not a superficial injury. It was clearly penetrated by something, which penetrated from one side to the other. Was she so painful that she shed tears?

Holding her hand, put it close to her mouth, and kissed gently and softly, distressed.

He didn't expect that all his feelings would really be hooked up by a woman.

These inexplicable feelings only flooded out of control when facing her.

All the reasons are no longer necessary.

He just wanted to remember what he had forgotten.

In the previous month, he had hired several psychiatrists in succession, and tried various drugs such as head MRI, acupuncture and moxibustion.

"For three years, even a normal person will forget something, not to mention a person with amnesia. The time interval is too long. If it was treated at the beginning, there may be subconsciousness, but now, even the only one that can be restored The subconscious has forgotten over time. It is a difficult and long process to restore the memory."

This is roughly the same rhetoric used by all doctors, but the word "long" can't be spent either by him or she.

I always feel that the two of them seem to have missed too much.

For a long time, he just wanted to accompany her.

Don't want to wait for a minute or a second.

When Mu Chuqing woke up, it was bright outside the window, she was still in the arms of the man.

Looking up, he was still asleep, quietly like a delicate and perfect statue.

The corners of the lips raised slightly, but the eyelids jumped up uncontrollably at this moment...

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