Don't be afraid, I'm not a devil

Chapter 236: The trapped man, the enchantress fulfills her promise, and she is happy to be online

For the third time, Yu Linglong did not refuse Ji Changsheng's move.

However, after Ji Changsheng became dissatisfied with using his hands and feet, she kicked Ji Changsheng away again.

"Can't you be more honest? I was just touched for a few minutes."

Yu Linglong's face turned red with embarrassment.

She was really moved by Ji Changsheng just now.

Scumbags will be scumbags, and the words of love are so beautiful.

She was originally worried that Ji Changsheng would be disappointed because he had no special background, and his competitors had such great backgrounds.

But Ji Changsheng's words, "Isn't Yu Linglong's husband more amazing than the reincarnation of Dagong?" really made her heart beat.

This was the most touching thing she had ever heard in her life, and it perfectly matched her heart, outlook, and pride.

That's why she didn't refuse Ji Changsheng's move this time.

But you can’t just follow the stick too much.

Ji Changsheng coughed lightly and chose to continue raking: "Honey, look in the mirror more and reflect on yourself more."


Yu Linglong took a deep breath.

"I'll give you five more minutes. You'll ascend immediately after five minutes. Are you sure you want to waste this opportunity?"

Ji Changsheng said sternly: "This is not called waste, this is called seizing the opportunity. Of course, since my wife, you want to take your time, we have a long time to come."

Under the dark sky and in the violent storm, although Yu Linglong was not worried about being seen and discovered in this world with her strength, she could not pass the test in her heart. Ji Changsheng expressed his understanding.

He is such a considerate and good man.

Yu Linglong straightened her clothes, and then glared at Ji Changsheng again: "Why are you so skilled? You obviously don't have time to practice."

"Honey, how do you know I don't have time to practice?"

"Nonsense. When you were on the mountain, you were worried all day long, thinking about how to get through. When you came down the mountain, you were thinking about murder and arson all day long. It has only been a few days, and you have been too busy to touch the ground. How can you have so much time to mess around with flowers? .”

So Yu Linglong was really furious.

It's only been a few days.

Li Changxi can understand.

How did Li Huanyan become the young lady of the Wa Palace in just a few days?

Si Feijian shouldn't have developed so fast.

Of course, at this time, she forgot that she and Ji Changsheng had only been in contact for a few days.

"Did you have many women in your last life?"

"Probably not. The Antarctic Immortal Emperor has no queen, right?"

When Ji Changsheng said this, he was a little unsure.

Yu Linglong laughed angrily at Ji Changsheng again.

"I'm talking about your previous life, not the Antarctic Immortal Emperor."

"Honey, we can't talk about one thing separately."

Yu Linglong: "...I really have a bad temper with you, Changsheng, don't you feel that you are a trapped person?"


Ji Changsheng is not a fool.

Neither is Yu Linglong.

"The Archmage kept a lot of things in the dark from me, including the origin of the Book of Painted Skin of the Infernal Corpse, the cause and effect behind Madam White Bones, and the reason why he asked me to help you."

"The Archmage asked you to help me?"

"Of course, you shocked me at first. After all, you killed Bai Shizhi, but at that time I only thought you were a talent. It was the Archmage who asked me to give you the jade sword to protect you. Safety."

Ji Changsheng raised his eyebrows.

"Honey, I'm sure I'm not the Archmage's puppet."

Yu Linglong smiled: "If you give the Archmage ten more courage, he would not dare to touch the First Heavenly King of Porcelain Yuan Dynasty and the Empress Nuwa."

She had never suspected that Ji Changsheng was a puppet. Let alone the Great Master of Xuandu, the Taiqing Sage could not be placed here as the manipulator behind the scenes.

After all, Ji Laomo's porcelain skills are too high.

No puppet controlled by others dares to seek death like this, which will implicate the manipulator behind the scenes.

"The Archmage is at most a chess player. He doesn't necessarily have anything to do with the chess pieces, and he can't control the spontaneous behavior of the chess pieces. If I don't protect you, there's nothing he can do. What I'm talking about is not that he controls you, but that you are like A carefully selected traitor. I put you here just so that you can charge into the enemy."

Yu Linglong sighed with emotion: "I have to say that you did a good job. In terms of charging into battle, you are better than me. The Archmage's chess eye should have been me, but I feel that you were not in the Archmage's original plan. Disciple of the Human Religion It’s not your approach at all, Chang Sheng, you are like a combination of Chan Jiao and Jie Jiao.”

The disciples of Jiejiao mainly focus on recklessness.

But no brainer.

Chan teaches his disciples to focus on Yin.

But not brave enough.

Ji Changsheng is both yin and brave.

He is more intimidating than the Jie Cult disciples when he acts recklessly, but he can control the situation every time.

When Yin Qi Chan teaches his disciples, they are not even qualified to carry shoes, but when he needs to be brave, he is very brave.

Ji Changsheng tasted the product and came to the conclusion: "So I am still the Antarctic Immortal Emperor, and I have a close relationship with my third uncle and my father."

Yu Linglong began to curse: "He is 90% dead. Can you please stop cursing yourself?"

After hesitating for a moment, Yu Linglong pointed to the sky: "99% of the time it was the one who made the move."

Ji Changsheng understood what Yu Linglong meant.

"I might be his reincarnation," he explained.

"If you are his reincarnation, the Archmage cannot give you just one bodyguard from me. Do you know what kind of family fortune you will get from the new Human Emperor?"


"Royal bloodline, surviving warriors of the sixth generation, famous ministers and strong generals, you have expanded the foundation laid down by Emperor Ying of our world a hundred times, and you are a gift package for the new Emperor. As long as he survives the initial test, all these will be It's his. As far as I know, the difficulty is much lower than the two of us."

Ji Changsheng was jealous: "Am I, the Antarctic Immortal Emperor, so hopeless? What do I have?"

Yu Linglong: "You have me."

Ji Changsheng immediately said: "That's better for my wife."

Although she guessed this sentence, Yu Linglong still felt warm in her heart.

"You only have me. I am not you. I am self-aware. Changsheng, if you are really the Antarctic Changsheng Emperor, with the human religion's attack style, you will be treated similar to the new Human Emperor. So you cannot be the Antarctic Changsheng Emperor. The reincarnation is at best his descendant."

"Just a descendant?

Ji Laomo was a little disgusted.

"Then I will still be a good son to Empress Nuwa."

Sanqing and Dafen.

Empress Nuwa goes to Oita.

"At most, he is a descendant. Ninety-nine percent of the Antarctic Immortal Emperor has completely fallen. Even if he is alive, he would not dare to control you to do the things you have done. If the Antarctic Immortal Emperor dares to recognize Empress Nuwa as his mother, Goddess Yuqing will He can't take care of himself if he can beat him."

Ji Changsheng couldn't refute.

It seems that because he is so extreme, he has no chance of being a puppet.

This is difficult to comment on.

"The Archmage said that before the death of Antarctic Emperor Changsheng, he also made many back-ups to reverse the decline of the three religions. Changsheng, I suspect that you are a traitor secretly trained by Antarctic Emperor Changsheng. If Emperor Antarctic Changsheng is still alive , you may get the same training as Master Xuandu trained me, but he suddenly fell. So you were thrown into this world, and let Master Xuandu help take care of you."

"Honey, is this what the Archmage said, or is it your own guess?"

"Some of it is said by the Archmage, and most of it is my guess."

"Then don't guess. There's no point in figuring this out."

Ji Changsheng made Yu Linglong realize why he was so efficient.

"As long as one day we are stronger than Master Xuandu and Antarctic Immortal Emperor, we don't need our origins. There is no point in exploring the past. We should look to the future."

Yu Linglong was silent for a moment and nodded vigorously.

"Chang Sheng, you are really awake."

When it comes to the Da Luo Game, she has been deeply involved in it and it is difficult to see through the clouds. She believes that Ji Changsheng must know less than she does and should theoretically be more curious.

But Ji Changsheng's words woke her up.

Everything in the past is a prologue.

Those are not important.

People should look forward.

"I just want to make sure of one thing now. After I ascend, can I go to the Emperor's Mansion of the Antarctic Immortal Emperor?"

"Yes." Yu Linglong said solemnly: "There are two disciples of the Three Generations of the Human Sect. I am responsible for guiding you. I will help you solve these matters. There will be no problems with the Chan Sect. There are great masters and Master Taiqing to help you. Guaranteed, the Antarctic Immortal Emperor’s subordinates will recognize you as the reincarnation of the Antarctic Immortal Emperor.”

"That's enough."

Ji Changsheng always focused on the key points: "As long as you give me this basic plan, I will walk the rest of the road on my own. I help the Archmage do things, and he has done this for me. It's fair."

As long as he can inherit the legacy of Antarctic Emperor Changsheng, Ji Changsheng doesn't care whether he is a genuine or pirated copy.

The actual benefits obtained are the most important.

Besides, Renjiao's family wasn't the only one to open the door for him.

Empress Nuwa has informed him in advance that as long as he ascends to the ancient world, he can take Li Huanyan to visit the Wa Palace.

Go to the Wa Palace, go to the Bajing Palace, and then stay in the Emperor's Mansion of the Antarctic Immortal Emperor.

Are you saying I'm a pirate?

Ji Changsheng laughed.

The new emperor seems to have gained a lot.

But there are many constraints.

You may not have the comfort of starting from scratch like him.

"Wife, I already understand everything. My life experience, origin, and human emperor have nothing to do with me for the time being. The most important thing for me now is to ascend to the ancient world of immortality. I will walk the road step by step, doing good deeds, accumulating virtue, and improving my strength. , whatever is supposed to come will come.”

A relieved smile appeared on Yu Linglong's face.

"Chang Sheng, you are more mature than me. It seems that I don't need to worry too much about you."

She had always been protecting Ji Changsheng before.

After she leaves, Ji Changsheng may not necessarily have problems, but he will definitely not be as safe as when she was around.

But seeing Ji Changsheng in such a condition, she felt relieved.

He hugged Ji Changsheng forcefully again, and then kissed him goodbye again. Before Ji Changsheng could react, Yu Linglong's figure disappeared into the thunder.

Only one sentence was left:

"Within seven days, I hope we can meet again in the prehistoric immortal world. Then you can be allowed to be a little more arrogant."

Ji Changsheng: "..."

When his wife was still alive, he held the jade sword and was really sure of his seven-day ascension.

Now my wife is gone.

seven days...

There's a lot of pressure.

And, should we be in such a hurry?

Ji Changsheng looked up at the sky.

The prehistoric fairy world is now in turmoil, and the holy war has arrived.

And he must be relatively safe in this world.

But in great crises come great opportunities.

If he stays for too long, the Human Religion will never wait for him. The wealth and honor will be fleeting.

It is precisely because the Holy War has arrived that a reckless person like him is given the opportunity to soar into the sky.

Climbing up when the class is solidified, working hard for 10,000 years is not as good as becoming famous in one battle during the war years.

It's very reasonable to risk your life to fight for wealth and wealth.

"The ambition to be trapped in a battle will lead to death but not life."

Ji Changsheng smiled silently.

Death is impossible.

But we must fight.

How many opportunities can there be for the Emperor of Heaven in one era?

If you miss this opportunity, you will be punished by God.

"Bao, I want to kiss you too."

"Pfft, why are you here?"

"I was originally in the Kingdom of Ten Thousand Monsters."

"No, I mean why can you see it?"

Only the former Jian Gongyou can compete with the exquisite Yao Guang Luo Huan.

Logically speaking, Li Huanyan couldn't see through it.

Li Huanyan shrugged and said, "She was too devoted in the end. I really didn't expect that she would also like men."

Speaking of this, Li Huanyan's tone was incredible.

Ji Changsheng was even more incredible.

"It's normal for her to like men. It's you who are abnormal, okay?"

"Bao, I like you too now. Come on, I want to kiss you."

Without giving Ji Changsheng a chance to refuse, Li Huanyan kissed him directly.

Ji Changsheng: "..."

Kissing a woman for the first time in my life, I felt like this woman was kissing someone other than me.

Just think of yourself as a transit point.

As long as the other side of the transfer is not Yu Linglong, Ji Changsheng will kill someone.

But since it was his wife, Ji Changsheng decided to endure it.

"Let me go, I'm not an easy person."

"It's okay, you can be."

Ji Changsheng felt like he was being forced for three minutes.

Then Li Huanyan let her go.

He smacked his lips.

The eyes are full of memories.

But when he opened his mouth, he cursed: "Bao, you are such a scumbag, you are having an affair with other women outside my back, and even your mouth smells like Yu Linglong."

Ji Changsheng laughed angrily when Li Huanyan slapped him down.

Finally I understood how Yu Linglong felt just now.

"Xiao Li, please control the smile on your face next time you accuse me."

"How can I laugh?"

Li Huanyan would never admit it.

I never expected that I was just going to my mother-in-law.

He actually found his first love while playing with rabbits.

This time I made a lot of money.

Li Huanyan was so happy that she flew into the air.

But she controlled herself forcefully.

"Bao, although you are a scumbag, I still like you. Come on, let's kiss again."

Ji Changsheng: "..."

five minutes later.

Ji Changsheng couldn't bear Li Huanyan's humiliation and forcefully broke away from Li Huanyan's arms.

"It's okay, Bao, if you miss your non-existent ex so much anymore, I will ask my mother to break off the engagement."

Li Huanyan rolled her eyes at Ji Changsheng.

"Stingy, I won't tease you anymore. I'll go to the Acacia Pie later."


"Give me the jade sword, I keep your promise."

Ji Changsheng's eyes lit up.

Li Huanyan once said that after Yu Linglong ascends, he will give her the jade sword, and then she will wear Huan clothes to show him.

Huanfu, the first jersey of Hehuan faction.

The favorite of men in the world.

"Yu Linglong didn't wear it for you, right?"


"I knew I could always be ahead of her."

Li Huanyan walked away happily holding the jade sword, returning to the Hehuan Sect happily.

Ji Changsheng couldn't help but feel sad for his wife.

"Honey, I gave you a chance, but you gave up again."

Half an hour later.

Acacia pie.

Li Huanyan's voice came from Ji Changsheng's voice transmission: "Bao, Jiutian Xuannu is urging me to ascend. I will ascend first. I keep my word, Huanfu, I will pass through and show it to you."

Ji Changsheng looked at the clothes worn by Li Huanyan in front of him and had the urge to break off the engagement on the spot.

This witch is too ungrateful.

You Siyi saw the opportunity and bravely launched a charge: "Master, teacher, she's gone too far. How about I wear it to show to Master?"

More than 4,000 words came first, and there were still 6,000+ at 8pm. Please continue to ask for subscriptions and monthly tickets. Both thighs have soared, Yu Laomo is in a coma, the viewer is still growing, the senior sister is still going through the tribulation, the situation in the world has been reshuffled, the plot is advancing steadily, everyone, please be patient. Thanks to Cross Beacon for the 4,000 starting coin reward, thanks to Luosu Anning for the 1,800 starting coin reward, and thanks to Xiao Tian1003 and Book Friends 20210326172955784 for the reward.

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