Don't be afraid, I'm not a devil

Chapter 542: Classic of Mountains and Seas, Daluo Loan, Hehuan Yan

Li Huanyan copied Ma Laoban's Huabei model, so there is no problem making money.

However, the cheap father-in-law's purpose is not to help the good son-in-law make money.

What he wants is a good son-in-law to help him overthrow the ruling party.

So his appetite is bigger.

He is even ready to break and then build.

But this does not absolutely coincide with Ji Changsheng's interests.

In comparison, Li Huanyan's model is a little smaller.

The impact on Hongjun is also a little smaller.

Moreover, it is more in line with Ji Changsheng's idea of ​​cutting meat with a blunt knife and boiling his adoptive father with warm water.

"The subprime mortgage crisis is a bit harsh, and it is easy to force Hongjun to go down directly. Pangu, this old guy, has no martial ethics." Ji Changsheng complained: "He really wants to push me to the front to directly deal with Hongjun."

This is really something that only he can do.

It's not because Ji Changsheng is better at fighting than the Six Saints, nor is it because Ji Changsheng is more capable than the Six Saints, but because the current position of Changsheng Jiezhu in the Pangu Universe happens to be the one responsible for "printing money".

As long as Ji Changsheng waved his hand, he could immediately create inflation in the Pangu Universe.

In contrast, the Six Saints could only achieve inflation below Daluo, which could not affect the overall situation at all.

But Ji Changsheng could make the number of Daluo strongmen also increase with inflation, which would affect the balance of the universe.

"Subprime mortgage crisis?"

Nuwa was stunned.

"Changsheng, explain this term to me briefly."

Since the otaku girl didn't need these systematic economic knowledge, Nuwa was too lazy to pay attention.

However, Ji Changsheng explained a few words, and Nuwa reacted.

"Mom, Hongjun wants to issue a Heavenly Dao loan to support the Saint Puppet. His priority recipients are Jie Yin, Zhunti and me. This means that in Hongjun's eyes, Jie Yin, Zhunti and I are all high-quality customers, and we are all capable of repaying this Heavenly Dao loan. Hongjun will not only not lose money, but will also make a lot of money."

Nuwa Niangniang nodded: "That's the truth, so Hongjun is very confident in lending."

"Compared with high-quality customers like us, there are more people with unstable incomes and low credit. These people are obviously one level lower than me and Jie Yin Zhunti, and they are subprime borrowers.

"In other words, 99.99% of the creatures in the universe do not have the talent to become Daluo. These 99.99% of the creatures are subprime borrowers in Hongjun's eyes.

"Under normal circumstances, Hongjun will never issue Heavenly Dao loans to these subprime borrowers, because they are not qualified and cannot repay."

"Of course." Nuwa Niangniang nodded.

Ji Changsheng asked, "What if I grant Tiandao loans to these subprime borrowers?"

Nuwa Niangniang immediately responded, "They may stop paying at any time, and even if they are killed, they will not be able to pay back the loans... If there are more natural disasters and man-made disasters, problems will arise. Tiandao will have a large number of bad debts, and may even cause a complete collapse. Once Tiandao collapses, Hongjun, the controller of Tiandao, will be the first to suffer. I understand, it is indeed a subprime mortgage crisis."

Nuwa Niangniang just hasn't systematically studied economics, and she is usually too lazy to use her super wisdom. After all, her super power is enough to push 99.99% of the problems.

But as long as she uses her brain a little, Nuwa Niangniang can immediately keep up with the version.

"Then Pangu's idea is really a bit like Huanyan's, but Pangu is more ruthless." Nuwa Niangniang said in surprise, "Huanyan, you have the appearance of a little Pangu."

Li Huanyan blushed.

She really can't stand this compliment.

"I don't have such great ambitions as Pangu. If the Pangu Universe subprime mortgage crisis is triggered, Hongjun will definitely take action to support it. In comparison, the purpose of Boss Ma's model is more pure, just to make money. As long as Changsheng can grasp the scale, Hongjun should be able to tolerate it, at least temporarily. Changsheng, take it easy. Don't really offend Hongjun for the little benefits promised by Pangu. At least give yourself a certain buffer time."

Li Huanyan certainly knows how high the risk is to lend to subprime loan users with unstable income and low credit.

The purpose of lending is to make money.

Before lending, a credit investigation must be done. If the income is not stable enough and the family is not rich enough, it is normal that you cannot get a large loan.

According to Li Huanyan's words, Ji Changsheng only needs to lend the Tiandao loan to those Zhenjun with excellent credit and stable income, which is actually not very dangerous.

But according to Pangu's idea, Ji Changsheng specifically lends the Tiandao loan to those who can't pay back the money.

The probability of collapse is 100%.

"I mean to target high-quality True Lord users like Taibai Xingjun, Nezha, and Princess Longji, and give them the opportunity to enjoy the 'Daluo Loan'. They are wealthy and only one step away from Daluo, so they are the target of the 'Daluo Loan'." Li Huanyan gave a vivid example: "Pangu asked Changsheng to send the 'Daluo Loan' to Muxian... This is obviously aimed at exploding."

Muxian and Daluo can be linked together, which is extremely dangerous.

Ji Changsheng heard Li Huanyan say this and got angry: "The master of the temple has been very kind to me, Huanyan, please respect the master of the temple a little more."

Li Huanyan: "...I almost believed it."

Nuwa interrupted the flirting between Ji Changsheng and Li Huanyan, and still regarded Mu Xian as part of their flirting play.

She thought: "Changsheng, whether it is Huanyan's "Daluo Loan" or Pangu's "subprime crisis", as long as you are willing to operate, there are ways to secretly sabotage it, right?"

"Of course."

Ji Changsheng certainly did not hide his biological mother.

"The subprime crisis is the simplest. I only need to adjust the loan interest rate according to the wealth of the subprime borrowers, and a large area will collapse at once. Not to mention that I can use the identity of the Jade Emperor to optimize the industrial structure of the heavens and the worlds at will. I can make them unemployed with one order. If I change the loan interest rate again, they will be finished immediately."

Nuwa made a simple deduction and felt her eyelids jump.

Ji Changsheng is playing a financial war.

But behind the financial war, there are still corpses everywhere and rivers of blood.

The bloodshed in the heavens and the bankruptcy of all the worlds will all be in Ji Changsheng's mind.

Compared with the previous real-life disasters, such as the Conferred God Disaster and the Lich Disaster, this is covered with a financial coat and looks much milder.

But the consequences may be even more tragic.

And it will directly drain the resources of the Pangu Universe for future cultivation and evolution.

"The mode of the disaster is also evolving. It seems that Pangu has really learned a lot." Nuwa Niangniang's tone was a little solemn.

Ji Changsheng was relatively calm: "Pangu followed my origins and surfed at high intensity on Blue Star. I guess he learned it at that time. But this does not mean that Pangu's threat has become greater. If it was really the Pangu with invincible power back then, there would be no need to be so troublesome."

"That's true." Nuwa Niangniang nodded.

She was much smarter than Pangu before.

In recent years, she has been running towards the previous Pangu, and she is getting more and more lazy to use her super wisdom.

Because super wisdom tells her that her super power can solve all the problems she encounters.

Now she started to use her brain again, which meant that the situation was dangerous, not that she had made progress.

"What about the Daluo loan? How should you operate it to make it go wrong?" asked Nuwa.

She also began to calm down and learn the new mode of quantitative calamity.

In the case that super power cannot be used to push it forward, super wisdom has to come into play.

Ji Changsheng explained: "It depends on my purpose. If I just want to make money, then I can set the interest rate of the loan higher."

"What if you want to create bad debts?"

"Then find a way to make them go wrong before they pay off the loan - this is also very simple. The Jade Emperor can investigate corruption, the Changsheng Emperor can send thunder calamities, Luohou can close the door and let the demons go, and they are also likely to commit suicide with eight bullets in the back... As long as the mind does not slip, there are always more solutions than difficulties."

The users who have received the loan died, and the loan has not been paid off, so it naturally becomes a bad debt.

As for how to kill these users...

Ji Lao Mo laughed.

Is there anything simpler than killing?

Nuwa was stunned.

Of course, she could understand Ji Changsheng's words, and she could fully understand and operate these things.

But she was still a little amazed: "This is too dirty."

She had experienced several catastrophes before.

I have never seen such a dirty trick.

The tricks used by the two saints in the Conferred God Tribulation now seem to be fair and aboveboard.

Ji Changsheng was very calm: "The heart of playing tactics is dirty, mom, I am very pure, these are the experience and wisdom summed up by Houtu."

Houtu flew with confidence and took the blame herself.

Everything has nothing to do with the pure, filial, benevolent and kind Southern Changsheng Emperor.

Nuwa ignored her eldest son's self-defense.

"Changsheng, you should toss the 'Daluo Loan' first. It's better to be a little troublesome than to enter the 'subprime crisis' mode first."

Nuwa has already seen that it is easier to create a "subprime crisis" because those subprime loan users cannot even resist Ji Changsheng's administrative order from the Heavenly Court, and have almost zero risk resistance.

In comparison, users who are eligible for the "Daluo Loan" are relatively powerful. They have a strong family background and can support themselves.

As long as nothing happens, Hongjun doesn't bother to pay attention.

If Hongjun doesn't pay attention, Ji Changsheng won't be in danger.

The time of the catastrophe will also be delayed.

As for Pangu... Pangu's interests have to be put aside now.

"I need to learn more about this information first. Before I fully understand this catastrophe mode, Changsheng, you should be more cautious." Nuwa reminded.

She also needs to make more preparations.

"I listen to you."

Emperor Xiaotian is very well-behaved.

There is only one good mother in the world.

Ji Changsheng certainly won't go against his mother.

Nuwa took out a seed from the void and pressed it directly on her forehead.

"Mom, what is this?" Li Huanyan asked curiously.

"Knowledge seeds come from a top intelligent civilization. This is the only thing left after the destruction of that civilization, and it is very fast to learn."

But Nuwa was too lazy to learn before.

Because this intelligent civilization has been destroyed.

And she is still alive.

"How did that intelligent civilization destroy?" Li Huanyan continued to ask.

Nuwa casually said: "Internal strife."

Li Huanyan: "..."

Ji Changsheng: "..."

The two looked at each other.

Li Huanyan asked Ji Changsheng with her eyes: "Are you kidding me, or are you serious?"

Ji Changsheng replied with his eyes: "It should be serious. It is normal for intelligent civilizations to die in internal strife."

Ji Changsheng would not be surprised if the human race died in internal strife one day.

As long as the number of a group is large enough, the number of fools will always exceed that of smart people.

And there may be factional oppositions between smart people, and the fight will be more fierce.

Not just the human race.

Which of the six saints is not a genius.

Hongjun is even more amazing.

It doesn't affect them to beat their brains out.

In comparison, it is too normal for a civilization to die in internal strife.

In the future, the Pangu Universe may be destroyed by internal strife.

Li Huanyan thought about it and it was right.

Ji Changsheng only has three confidantes now, and she has been fighting with Yu Linglong.

Internal strife is inevitable.

Li Huanyan winked at Ji Changsheng.

The two walked to another palace in the Wa Palace.

Li Huanyan breathed a sigh of relief, felt the strong breath of Daluo in her body again, and laughed three times up to the sky.

"I didn't expect that I, Li Huanyan, would also have the day of Daluo."

Although Nuwa Niangniang evaluated her as the weakest Daluo in history.

But you just say whether she is Daluo or not?

Li Huanyan has been enlightened.

It's a good thing to be able to make progress.

What's the weakest or not, the weakest Daluo can also kill ordinary Zhenjun.

"Is Yu Bihai still wasting time in the Zhenjun realm?" Li Huanyan asked.

Yu Linglong and Yu Lao Mo were two mountains that were impossible to climb over Li Huanyan’s head.

Now Li Huanyan has not climbed over Yu Linglong’s mountain either.

Because she and Yu Linglong were promoted to Daluo at almost the same time.

Yu Linglong is still stronger than her...

After being promoted to Daluo, Yu Linglong is at the level of an ordinary Daluo strongman. After being strengthened by the Taiqing lineage, it is almost certain that she will become an above-average Daluo strongman.

As for Li Huanyan... First of all, it is difficult for her to strengthen, and secondly, Nuwa is too lazy to help her strengthen.

Li Huanyan temporarily gave up climbing Yu Linglong’s mountain.

Fortunately, there is Xiao Yu, a slightly shorter mountain, which can give her confidence.

Ji Changsheng nodded: "Xiao Yu was a True Lord before. After completing the journey to obtain scriptures, Xiao Yu has made a little progress and is now in the middle stage of the True Lord realm."

It is not yet in the late stage.

But in fact, it has made rapid progress.

You can't think that Xiao Yu can't keep up with the version just because of Ji Changsheng's amazing progress.

In fact, if Yu Lao Mo is taken out alone, his progress speed ranks among the best in the prehistoric fairyland.

After all, Yu Lao Mo has received a lot of good fortune.

The inheritance of Xing Tian and Minghe, the merits of the journey to obtain scriptures, plus Yu Lao Mo's own talent is only slightly worse than Yu Linglong. He originally has the appearance of a true lord, and there is a 1% hope of impacting Daluo.

But under normal circumstances, even if Xiao Yu wants to impact Daluo, it should be millions of years later.

But Xiao Yu is lucky.

In addition to his own few confidantes, Ji Changsheng gives him the most resources in the Ji Party.

The master of the temple does not get as many benefits as Xiao Yu.

It's not because Ji Changsheng doesn't want to help the master of the temple.

It's really that the master of the temple is a little bit worse than Xiao Yu.

The same resources, given to Xiao Yu, can now impact you to the middle stage of the true lord realm.

Give it to the master of the temple, you are not even a true lord.

You can't waste money like this.

What's more, Ji Changsheng has no money.

So the best steel is used on the blade.

Li Huanyan was also somewhat shocked by Yu Lao Mo's progress.

"He's already in the middle stage of the True Lord Realm, so fast. His actual promotion speed is still much faster than mine." Li Huanyan's expression was slightly stern.

Ji Changsheng complained: "Baby, you are inflated. Xiao Yu's talent has always been steadily suppressing you. It is normal for him to progress faster than you. He lost because of his gender."

Li Huanyan has an ordinary ascension talent, that is, a heavenly soldier level talent.

Yu Lao Mo has a heavenly general level talent. Even if Ji Changsheng didn't help him, in the long run, as long as Yu Lao Mo didn't die, he could also mix in the middle level of the prehistoric fairyland.

If Yu Lao Mo was a woman.

He might have reached the Daluo level now.

Ji Changsheng admitted that he was a typical feminist who valued women over men, and it was definitely not because of lust.

Li Huanyan ignored Ji Changsheng's complaints. After a moment of awe, she became excited again.

"What's the point of having better talent than me? From now on, I will completely climb over the hill of Yu Lao Mo. The next goal is Yu Linglong. Choice is more important than hard work. I am really grateful to myself."

Back then... about half a month ago, she was planning to marry her silly apprentice You Siyi, whose name she almost forgot, to Ji Changsheng.

Later, she learned one thing from Ji Changsheng:

You can choose your birth after birth!

If you can't compete with reincarnation skills, then compete with marriage after birth.

So she decisively did it herself.

Facts have proved that if a person seizes one or two opportunities in his life, he will soar to the sky.

It's just that when the opportunity comes, you will not be notified in advance.

Most people can't catch the opportunity to change their destiny, such as her silly apprentice.

She caught the same opportunity.

So now she has become the young lady of the Wahuang Palace.

The greater the risk you took at the beginning, the greater the harvest now.

"Don't you want to thank me?" Ji Changsheng asked.

Li Huanyan immediately hugged her own treasure's arm.

After three minutes of laughter, she began to get into work mode.

"Xiao Yu is one of our Ji Party members. Since he has talent, he should be the first person to be considered as the target of Daluo Loan."

Ji Changsheng was a little surprised: "You are not going to take revenge on Xiao Yu?"

Li Huanyan said proudly: "When I was not as good as him, I always thought about taking revenge on him. Now I am better than him, of course I will not care about those old things anymore."

"Yes, Bao, your pattern has also begun to sublimate, although it is not really old things."

Li Huanyan: "... I also know that it has not been long, but there are so many things that have happened. I always feel that many years have passed. I can only say that the days with you are still too fulfilling."

What she has experienced in the past six months is more and more exciting than what she has experienced in the past few decades.

"In short, as long as Xiao Yu doesn't come to provoke me, I won't bother him again. We need to attract external aid and tap internal potential. In any case, the probability of loyalty of our own people is still higher than that of outsiders."

Ji Changsheng nodded and said, "That's the truth. When the gap is not big, of course, we should give priority to cultivating our own people. Xiao Yu will first lend him some Daluo, and when he is promoted to the peak of the True Lord realm, I will help him completely promote to Daluo. If other members of the Ji Party can also reach the peak of the True Lord, I will also help them to promote."

After all, there is still a basic threshold for Daluo.

Although Ji Changsheng can use means to help them reach this basic threshold, if he really plays that way, the gold content of Daluo will be really pulled too low. And if it depends on Ji Changsheng's secret operation to reach the basic threshold of Daluo, such Daluo will not only have low strength, but also no development potential, and can only be used as consumables.

Ji Changsheng doesn't mind using outsiders as consumables.

For his own people, Ji Changsheng still hopes that they will take the right path.

After all, he was born in Ji's party, so he couldn't lose face too much.

"Changsheng, if you want to issue Daluo loans, do you have to become a saint first?"

"Of course, my current strength is not enough to issue Daluo loans, and becoming a saint is almost enough."

"How long will it take for you to become a saint?"

"Half a day, according to the agreement between Hongjun and me, I can officially start to become a saint near dusk this afternoon."

He and Hongjun agreed yesterday that they would officially become a saint in one day.

Now it is the early morning of a new day.

There is still time to prepare for the listing of "Daluo Loan".

Li Huanyan relaxed instantly.

"That's enough time."

Under the influence of Ji Changsheng, people around Ji Changsheng now also begin to pay attention to time management.

Half a day can also play a lot of tricks.

"'Daluo Loan' requires sainthood, what if it is 'Zhenjun Loan'?"

Li Huanyan began to think divergently.

"With your current strength and authority, Changsheng, it should be no problem to issue 'Zhenjun Loan', right?"

"All loans below Daluo are fine for me now." Ji Changsheng said calmly: "Don't forget, I also serve as the Jade Emperor and Changsheng Emperor at the same time."

As the Great Lord of Heaven, the Jade Emperor is the highest leader of the theoretical highest ruling body in the prehistoric fairyland.

And the Southern Changsheng Emperor holds the evolution authority of all creatures below Daluo.

Ji Changsheng's current position can be said to be the first person under the Six Saints.

This position was originally held by Haotian.

Unfortunately, Haotian became a saint.

Although Haotian's strength has become stronger, his authority has decreased, and the power in his hands has also decreased.

Li Huanyan's eyes began to brighten as never before.

"No wonder Pangu wants to discuss cooperation with you, Changsheng, as long as you want, you can make the Pangu universe completely flooded and enter an unprecedented inflation. You can even make everyone cultivate immortality and everyone be like a dragon... Although in this way, the final outcome will definitely be collapse."

The consequence of crazy "printing money" is that money turns into paper.

But the money printers themselves will certainly make a lot of money.

The transport captain gave a vivid interpretation based on his own personal experience.

"If our future is in the Pangu Universe, we really can't do such a self-destructive thing, but our future is not in the Pangu Universe. After we leave, who cares about the flood in the Pangu Universe?"

Li Huanyan's breathing began to become rapid.

"Changsheng, it seems that we can do it."

Ji Changsheng blocked Li Huanyan's red lips with a finger.

"Bao, you are really a Hehuan demon girl, without any moral constraints."

If this is a gentleman, he can't say what he just said.

For example, Ji Changsheng.

"Who do you think I am? Can I do such a thing? I am cultivating merits." Ji Changsheng was righteous.

Li Huanyan blinked: "I will do it."

Ji Changsheng let go of his fingers.

Li Huanyan volunteered: "I am the Hehuan demon girl, I am a bad woman, the beauty who brings disaster to the Changsheng Emperor. The Changsheng Emperor is good, and I am the one who did all the bad things."

Ji Changsheng blinked.

"If you say so... I am not incapable of being a deceived tyrant."

After all, he, Ji Changsheng, is just a human being.

How can a human not make mistakes?

And he is so infatuated.

Delegating power to his beauty is based on trust in Li Huanyan.

The Changsheng Emperor is busy with all kinds of affairs, and it is impossible for him to supervise Li Huanyan all day long.

So he, Ji Changsheng, doesn't know what Li Huanyan will do.

"Of course, the premise of doing this is to prepare a way out."

Li Huanyan forced himself to calm down.

"If the Mountain and River World cannot be developed and we lose the basic foundation of Pangu Universe, we will really dig our own graves. So my top priority is to develop the Mountain and River World first... The Mountain and River World is too ugly, baby, let's change the name to the Mountain and Sea World."

Ji Changsheng said casually: "You can do whatever you want, the temporary name is not important, anyway, our ultimate goal is Nuwa Universe."

"Then call it "Shan Hai Jing", temporarily not named after the world, so as not to let Hongjun Pangu notice our ambitions, at least to pretend."

Li Huanyan completely entered the state.

She saw a smooth road.

"Bao, what is the upper limit of what the Classic of Mountains and Seas can contain now?"

"Now it is a Daluo, and there is no limit to the powerful Zhenjun realm."

"Not enough, but it is enough for us for the time being."

Li Huanyan's eyes sparkled: "I want to hold a Zhenjun conference in the Wahuang Palace, but I have to send invitations in the name of both of us. If it's just me, they may not come."

Li Huanyan's current status is not low, but her reputation is still too small.

After all, not much time has passed, and Li Huanyan has been serving her mother-in-law more, and she has no time or opportunity to become famous in the outside world.

Ji Changsheng nodded: "You arrange it."

When it comes to doing things, Ji Changsheng has always trusted Li Huanyan.

"Are you going to send them all to work in the Classic of Mountains and Seas?"

"Of course, if you want to get the 'Daluo Loan', you have to help us open up the wasteland first. We use the money of the Pangu Universe to assist the construction of the Classic of Mountains and Seas. These True Lords are all chosen workers. With their strength, the progress of opening up the wasteland will be very fast."

The True Lord is only one step away from Daluo.

Letting them brush up the progress is of course much faster than ordinary people.

The step-by-step development is no longer in line with the current trend.

Li Huanyan can't wait to be the mistress of the Nuwa Universe.

Nuwa is not the mistress, she is the empress dowager.

"I will offer them a price they can't refuse, baby, you let your heart move."

"Settle the account? What's wrong?"

"I need the client list from the account settlement side."

Li Huanyan turns on the demon girl mode.

"There will always be stubborn and unwilling True Lords who are unwilling to cooperate. I want them to cooperate."

Now Li Huanyan is even reluctant to kill the chicken to scare the monkey.

Because every True Lord can be the main force in the land reclamation.

So she has to completely grasp the weaknesses of these True Lords.

"When necessary, I can come forward." Ji Changsheng said: "As long as I come forward, it's basically stable. Now even fools dare not offend me."

Li Huanyan shook her head: "Bao, we must be prepared for both situations. We cannot guarantee that "Classic of Mountains and Seas" will be successful. Hongjun may also win everything."

Ji Changsheng did not deny it.

Hongjun certainly has a chance to win, and this is the highest probability at present, because Hongjun is the best in the world.

You must always respect the winning rate of the first place.

But you can never give up on yourself.

"If we win, I will gain a universe. If Hongjun wins, Changsheng, you will not lose, I will be the scapegoat."

Li Huanyan was very calm: "This is fair, baby, I have ambitions, and I don't want to be just a woman behind you. I will do it myself. If it succeeds, I will gain both fame and fortune, and all the strong men in the future Nuwa universe will obey me. If I lose, the consequences will be borne by me. Since I am at the table, I have this awareness."

Ji Changsheng looked at Li Huanyan deeply.

"Don't worry, even if Hongjun wins, you will not be in trouble."

He can let Li Huanyan take the blame for her reputation, but he will never let her take the blame for her life.

He is not Haotian, and there is still a limit.

Li Huanyan did not discuss this topic in depth with Ji Changsheng.

Of course, they will all work hard for success.

"I'll make a list first, and then you can check who's missing for me. If there's anyone who's not suitable, remind me in time."


Li Huanyan listed all the potential recipients of the first batch of "Daluo Loan":

Yu Bihai;

Taibai Xingjun;


Li Tianwang;

Princess Longji;

Four Sea Dragon Kings;

Ten Hell Kings...

"Cross out the Ten Hell Kings."

Ji Changsheng saw the name of "Ten Hell Kings" and suddenly said: "Pangu is now in the underworld of reincarnation. If he has too much contact with the Ten Hell Kings, it will easily arouse Pangu's vigilance."

Li Huanyan reacted: "That makes sense. Our interests are now in conflict with Pangu's."

She crossed out the name of the Ten Hell Kings and added "Nine Heavens Mysterious Woman".

Ji Changsheng was very emotional: "Baby, you only thought of Nine Heavens Mysterious Woman now. It's really a deep sisterly love."

Li Huanyan blushed.

She glared at Ji Changsheng.

Trying to defend herself, she said, "There is no order of ranking."

"Understood, continue."

Li Huanyan wrote down the name "Ying Hongye" again.

"Did you see the magnanimity of my wife?"

Ji Changsheng coughed lightly, "Hongye will not go to open up wasteland."

Opening up wasteland is first dangerous, second difficult, and third not very rewarding.

Ji Changsheng arranged for Ying Hongye to first improve her strength under "Luo Hou", and then wait for the death of the Tang Emperor to take over the foundation of the Tang Dynasty.

This matter has been discussed with Guanyin Bodhisattva, of course, Ying Hongye will not be allowed to work for Li Huanyan.

Ji Changsheng quickly changed the subject: "Add Yang Chan's name."

Li Huanyan's heart moved: "I really forgot about this love brain, I really have to support her."

Controlling Yang Chan is equivalent to controlling Yang Jian.

"Include the two generals under Zhenwu. Mom promised Haotian to let Xuanwu return to his position. It is impossible for the two generals to temporarily lead the gods. Let's make up for them."

"Do you want to include the disciples of Yuanshi Tianwang?"

"Count it. I have an agreement with the Saint Taiqing to help them train 100 Daluo. By the way, leave Guangchengzi aside."

Speaking of which, Ji Changsheng doesn't even know that Guangchengzi is dead...

The Saint Taiqing didn't tell Ji Changsheng.

Ji Changsheng didn't have time to pay attention.

If Guangchengzi knew about it, he might be angry to death again.

Ignoring is the greatest humiliation.

During the discussion between Ji Changsheng and Li Huanyan, the recipients of the first batch of "Daluo Loans" were officially announced.

Looking at the smiling Li Huanyan, Ji Changsheng's heart moved.

"Bao, do you remember the poem I wrote for you?"

"I wish I had thousands of mansions to shelter the poor people in the world and make them happy, and I am as stable as a mountain in the wind and rain." Li Huanyan reacted instantly and complained: "This is written by Du Fu, you just copied it."

She also studied in the "Changsheng Library" and naturally had mastered these basic knowledge.

I was really moved in vain back then.

Ji Changsheng took Li Huanyan's hand and put it on his chest.

"Bao, the "Huanyan Blessing" back then was indeed a lie to you, but now it's all real."

"There is no Daluo loan, no Zhenjun loan, these are all the foundations I give you."

"No interest, only sincerity and future."

Li Huanyan pursed her red lips, her heart was full of emotion.

If she is a normal person, it is impossible not to be moved.

But she uttered five words that disappointed Ji Changsheng: "Do you want to sleep with me?"

Ji Changsheng: "..."

This witch doesn't play by the rules.

Don't wait for him to complain.

Li Huanyan took the initiative to kiss him.

"I want to sleep with you."


Master bedroom.

Nuwa had just digested the knowledge seeds when she heard the voices of Ji Changsheng and Li Huanyan.

Her brain was a little out of control.

Double cultivation is double cultivation.

She was not a homegirl who had never seen a romantic action movie, so she would not make a fuss.

What the hell is "call daddy"?

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