Don't be afraid, I'm not a devil

Chapter 59 The inheritance of being the best in the world

Yu Linglong was almost amused by the viewer.

"He was mine, and then he killed my nominal son and husband-in-law?"

The visitor's face was solemn and his tone was sincere: "Sister, Ji Changsheng did this to help you exterminate your relatives and do justice for heaven. Everything he did was to carry out your instructions. Even if he resorted to excessive means, it was to maintain your image and integrity. reputation."

Yu Linglong said thoughtfully: "Keep talking."

The viewer breathed a sigh of relief and continued: "Senior sister, this is the crime that the Bai family has done without telling you over the years. It is a crime of squandering human lives, harming public wealth, and harming the country and the people."

The visitor presented a large pile of case files.

It filled half of the hall.

The large number made Yu Linglong's expression become uncertain.

"This is a petition from the people of Sheng Kingdom. It has the bloody fingerprints of hundreds of thousands of people in Sheng Kingdom. They all hope that Senior Sister can spare Ji Changsheng. In the hearts of the people of Sheng Kingdom, Ji Changsheng is a hero who kills national traitors on their behalf. Senior Sister , the people’s will cannot be violated.”

Yu Linglong and the viewer looked at each other.

Not a word was said.

The viewer knelt down in front of Yu Linglong with a "pop" sound.

Very conscious and well-behaved.

Without Yu Linglong's interrogation, the viewer took the initiative to confess: "Sister, I was wrong, I am guilty."

Yu Linglong felt like she punched the air.

This guy can always admit his mistakes before she gets angry.

And this guy really didn't hide his thoughts in front of her at all.

Yu Linglong asked helplessly: "Where did you go wrong?"

The viewer said frankly: "I have known about these crimes of the Bai family a few years ago, and I only brought them out now, just to beat up the drowned dog."

Yu Linglong: "..."

This is where she got a little angry just now.

This information was obviously not prepared just today.

If the viewer is really dedicated to serving the public good, he would not wait until now to use these charges against the Bai family.

The viewer continued: "Also, the Shengguo People's Petition was also written by me. It had just been a day since Ji Changsheng killed Bai Shizhi. If I hadn't been behind the plan, there would have been no such thing as this People's Petition. , I used it to deliberately morally kidnap Senior Sister."

The exquisite jade looks up to the sky.

As long as this guy is honest enough, she won't be able to use the reasons that lie to her to deal with the viewer.

After all, the master of the temple is also her direct confidant.

Moreover, he is truly loyal to her.

All the little thoughts are used openly.

"What's going on at Danqing Pavilion and Yingguo? Did you arrange it to create pressure on me?" Yu Linglong asked.

The temple leader immediately shook his head: "That was not my handiwork. I know that senior sister will never bow her head because of external forces. At most, she only makes concessions for her own people, so I only arranged the petition from the disciples of Xuandu Temple."

As soon as the Guanzhu finished speaking, the voice of the law enforcement elder came from outside:

"Master, there are hundreds of disciples gathered outside the main peak. They are kneeling in the square to petition for Ji Changsheng. Please ask Senior Sister Linglong to be accommodating."

Yu Linglong looked at the viewer.

The viewer nodded obediently: "Senior Sister, this is indeed arranged by me, so that it is convenient for Senior Sister to step down. And as long as Senior Sister meets the requirements of the disciples below, you will be able to establish an image of righteousness and annihilation of relatives, and the disciples will respect you even more. One floor.”

Yu Linglong has no temper.

There is only helplessness.

"Let them disperse first."

"Senior sister, I can't do this." The master of the temple told the truth: "My control over Xuandu Temple has not reached the point where I can control it freely. I can incite public opinion and stir up the righteous hearts of the disciples, but forcibly suppressing them will not work. It will make them alienate from their morals, and it will also make them lose their sense of belonging to Xuandu Temple. This kind of behavior is very unwise, please tell me, senior sister."

This time, Yu Linglong was really angry at the viewer: "You know that you have just ascended the throne and have insufficient prestige, yet you still dare to play such a big trick. You are sure that I will give in, right?"

The viewer continued to nod obediently, and then seriously admitted his mistake: "Senior sister Hui Zhilanxin, I really thought so."

Yu Linglong took a deep breath: "Then let them kneel first."

Yu Linglong has no intention of helping the viewer clean up the mess now.

There were still many things she hadn't figured out.

"Are you colluding with Li Huanyan?"

The viewer shook his head and said: "It can't be considered collusion, it can only be considered cooperation. We have a common purpose, and we will naturally cooperate with each other in some actions. But senior sister, I swear to God, I really didn't expect Bai Shizhi to die this time. In Senior sister, before you came out of seclusion, I didn’t even know that Sheng Taiping was a soul-split puppet controlled by Bai Shizhi, let alone take action against him. I do plan to take action against the Bai family, but in my plan at least I have to wait. One year, wait until Senior Sister you ascend before taking action."

Yu Linglong did not doubt the viewer's words.

Not many people know about the relationship between Sheng Taiping and Bai Shizhi.

The viewer doesn’t know whether it’s strange or not. It’s really strange that the Saint of Acacia knows about this.

The viewer guessed: "Senior sister, I suspect that among the people Bai Shizhi has fooled around outside, there are chess pieces arranged by the Holy Lady of Joy, so she can set up such a game."

Yu Linglong nodded.

She thought so too.

"So senior sister, there is no need to be angry at the death of such a romantic man. He deserved his death. With such an immortal like senior sister, he is still fooling around outside. If it were me, I would let him see the King of Hell." The viewer said in a serious tone. .

Yu Linglong asked coldly: "Guanzhu Mu is so murderous, so when you killed Bai Guanlin, were you also filled with such indignation?"

Viewer: "...Senior sister, it was really not me who killed Bai Guanlin, it was Ji Chang's hands that killed him."

Yu Linglong sneered: "Without your help, could Ji Changsheng successfully kill Bai Guanlin? Without your help, Bai Guanlin would not be able to fight back at all, or even have time to call for help? You know, he would die in Xuandu Temple Halfway up the mountain.”

The distance between rescue after an accident in Xuanduguan and rescue after an accident in Shengguo is different.

Bai Shizhi's death was really an accident.

Even the Holy Maiden of Hehuan didn't expect that Yu Linglong was beyond her reach.

But Bai Guanlin's death was not an accident.

The viewer decisively threw the pot away.

"Senior sister, I admit that I chose to watch with cold eyes when Ji Changsheng killed Bai Guanlin, but I was not the one who covered up for Ji Changsheng, and it was not me who prevented others from rescuing him, it was Chang Xi."

The viewer does not know whether Ji Changsheng or Li Changxi killed Bai Guanlin.

After Li Changxi used illusions to deceive the outside world that day, although the viewer noticed it in time, he did not have deep consciousness and did not know what was going on inside.

He only knew that Bai Guanlin was dead.

The murderer cannot escape Ji Changsheng and Li Changxi.

Externally, Bai Guanlin was killed by Jiang Boqing.

But in front of Fairy Linglong, the viewer still chose to tell the truth.

"Ji Changsheng made the first move that day, and then Chang Xi covered up the traces of Ji Changsheng's move. I checked carefully afterwards and found that Bai Guanlin died under Jiang Boqing's 'Zixuan Yin Thunder'. With Ji Changsheng's cultivation, it is difficult to Get Jiang Boxing's 'Zixuan Yin Thunder' into your own hands. So if nothing else happens, Bai Guanlin will eventually die in Chang Xi's hands."

The viewer secretly observed Yu Linglong's face.

He found that, as he expected, Yu Linglong was not really angry.

The suspicion that had been lingering in his mind was 70% confirmed at this moment, but he still took the initiative to ask: "Sister, did you do it on purpose?"

Yu Linglong looked at the viewer.

The master of the temple said: "If you really wanted to protect the Bai family, senior sister, the Bai family would not be in this situation today. If you really cared about the Bai family, you would not choose me to be the master of the Xuandu temple. Senior sister , I have been guessing that you seem to be deliberately allowing us to deal with the Bai family."

"What do you want to say?"

The viewer expressed his truest thoughts: "Senior sister, have you practiced the "Tai Shang Qing Sutra"?"

"Tai Shang Qing Sutra" cuts all the traces of cause and effect, free from worries and concerns, and ascends to the upper world.

If Yu Linglong really practiced the "Tai Shang Qing Sutra", then the death of the Bai family would be a dream for Yu Linglong.

Yu Linglong laughed: "Have you been guessing for many years?"

The temple leader shook his head: "It hasn't been many years. It's only since you, senior sister, chose me to be the temple leader of Xuandu Temple that I gradually became convinced of this idea. Senior sister, you know me. If I take power, the Bai family will die sooner or later." land."

"Since you have already made a guess, why didn't you ask me?"

The viewer told the truth: "I don't dare."

Yu Linglong seemed to be smiling but not smiling: ""The Supreme Sword of Love" seems to be killing love, but it is actually cutting cause and effect. To me, the cause and effect of the Bai family is not as important as yours. You are still alive, so what does the Bai family mean? Besides, If I really practice the "Tai Shang Qing Sutra", it is not enough to just kill the Bai family, I have to kill the entire Xuandu Temple to completely cut off the cause and effect and ascend to the immortal world. Are you worried about this?"

The viewer nodded silently.

This was the thing he was most worried about after having this idea, bar none.

If Yu Linglong starts to think about dealing with Xuandu Guan, then Xuandu Guan will face the biggest crisis since its establishment.

Yu Linglong directly hit the concubine on the head with the hilt of her sword, and said angrily: "What have you been thinking about all day long? Don't you just ask me if you don't understand something? Practicing "Tai Shang Qing Sutra"? It's your fault. You can think of it. Even if I have this idea, do I have the ability to destroy Xuandu Guan?"

After a pause, Yu Linglong seemed to feel that these words were not convincing enough, and added: "Even if I have the ability to destroy Xuandu Guan, would I dare? Have you forgotten that our Xuandu Guan is the heel in the fairy world? Take the first three There are saints in the ruler, so even if I go crazy, I will not seek death."

The viewer murmured in a low voice: "I have always thought that Senior Sister, when you are crazy, you dare to do anything without caring about the consequences."

Yu Linglong gave him the hilt of the sword again.

"That's in this world. The Taoism that our Xuandu observes in the upper world is the direct descendant of Taiqing Saint. The ancestor he worships is Taiqing Saint's only direct disciple. Lend me your courage, and I will do the same. I don’t dare to provoke the Patriarch, let alone the saint behind the Patriarch.”

The viewer was very embarrassed.

It seems that I really guessed wrong.

"Senior sister, since you haven't practiced the "Tai Shang Qing Sutra", why do you care so little about the Bai family?"

The viewer has been testing Fairy Linglong’s attitude towards the Bai family.

In fact, ever since Li Changxi killed her husband, the viewer has begun to suspect that the relationship between the senior sister and the Bai family is not as close as he thought.

After so many years, his suspicions became more and more confirmed, but he didn't dare to gamble.

Ji Changsheng helped him verify his idea.

Until now, Ji Changsheng has only been temporarily detained in the Discipline Hall.

No lynching at all.

If the viewer couldn't see Fairy Linglong's unrestrained attitude, he would have lived for so many years in vain.

Ji Changsheng framed Yu Linglong's son, directly assassinated him, and personally killed Yu Linglong's husband, but now he is unscathed.

Nothing about this thing looks right.

That's why the viewer guessed whether Fairy Linglong had practiced the "Tai Shang Qing Jing".

But this possibility was rejected by Fairy Linglong.

The viewer was confused.

Yu Linglong said to herself: "It seems that you can't see it. No one has seen it for so many years. How did Ji Changsheng see it?"

This is something she hasn't figured out yet.

Is this a gift?

Or is it the gold content of the descendant of Daluo?

"Senior sister, what did Ji Changsheng see?"

Yu Linglong was embarrassed to say that Ji Changsheng saw that she was still a young girl, so she said it another way: "He saw that I was not pregnant."


The viewer squirted.

"What? Then Senior Sister, where did your child come from?"

"Bai Shizhi was born with a woman outside. I haven't asked who he was born with, and I don't care."

When Yu Linglong said this, she glanced at the viewer, shook her head and said, "So Bai Shizhi is looking for a woman outside and it has nothing to do with me. It is unreasonable to kill Bai Shizhi for this reason."

The viewer was dumbfounded.

"Senior sister, you and Bai Shizhi are doing your own thing?"

After saying this, the viewer slapped himself.

"I was wrong, senior sister. When the Bai family married into our Xuanduguan family, we were just asking for shelter. In fact, you didn't even like Bai Shizhi at all, right?"

Yu Linglong resisted the urge to hit the viewer and nodded.

The viewer giggled: "I knew, senior sister, how could you fall in love with a trash like Bai Shizhi."

Yu Linglong: "...Junior brother, there is something wrong with you."

The viewer coughed lightly and explained: "Senior sister, you know me, and I have always regarded you as my guide on the road. So I am naturally happy to know that you are still the pure white goddess. Since Senior sister, if you don’t like that good-for-nothing Bai Shizhi, then you only agreed to marry into the Bai family in order to protect the Bai family?”

"Of course not. Why am I protecting the Bai family for no reason?"

The viewer was thoughtful: "Is there someone behind the Bai family? That person can make you, senior sister, accept the Bai family's marriage against your will. That person must be extraordinary. Senior sister, you are the best person in the world. Who can make you bow your head? Wait. Wait, I remembered one thing. Senior sister, you became friends with Emperor Huangquan after you married Bai Shizhi. And senior sister, your former strongest man in the world was the corpse demon, the founder of Huangquan Sect, and he has succeeded. Ascended to the upper world. The Corpse Demon is also known as the Lady of the Bones, and it is said that her bloodline was passed down to the world during her lifetime. Senior sister, you have received the inheritance of the Lady of the Bones. Is protecting the Bai family repaying the karma of the Lady of the Bones?"

A flash of admiration flashed in Yu Linglong's eyes, and she nodded gently: "Mrs. White Bones has successfully established a foothold in Baihu Ridge, the prehistoric fairyland, and is protected by the White Tiger God, one of the four spirits. Although I am not afraid, I still have to give you face."

At the beginning of Chapter 48, the protagonist told Chang Sheng that Fairy Linglong was on good terms with Emperor Huangquan, and there were hints and foreshadowing before and after, so everyone should be able to understand. As for Mrs. Bones, there should be no need to say more.

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