After leaving Li Ping's house, Luo Ye had to rush to his afternoon class again.

There is a math class in the afternoon, starting at 3:30 p.m.

Moreover, after class, there will be a class meeting, but Luo Ye already knows the content of the class meeting in advance.

This is the benefit of being a roommate. You have the right to know everything in advance. Of course, this right is useless.

This weekend, their class is going camping.

Go voluntarily and camp at your own expense.

Best of all, you can bring your boyfriend or girlfriend with you.

Luo Ye looked at the fairy senior next to him and said, "Senior, are you free on the weekend?"


"Our class is going camping..."


Before Luo Ye asked, Su Baizhu had already agreed.

There was still plenty of time. Luo Ye sent the fairy senior sister back to the dormitory before going to class.

Wang Dachui has already brought his textbook to the class.

I have to say, Brother Sledgehammer is really the little security guard of love.

Mathematics class in college is still a boring course.

Wang Dachui was already sleeping next to him.

It is worth mentioning that Tang Enqi was late for this class.

Looking at her, she seemed a little sad.

After class, no one left. Li Haoyang walked up to the podium and talked about going camping on the weekend.

There are about forty people in the class, and the camping trip is in a forest near the outskirts of Jiangcheng. It is not expensive to pay for it at your own expense. You will be driven by the school bus, and you only need to pay for the tent and food.

Maybe in high school and junior high school, everyone is eager to go to this kind of activity, but in college, not many people are willing to go.

Of the forty people, it was beyond Li Haoyang's expectation that ten of them could go.

The entire dormitory of 515 had to go, Shen Qiao went to record life, and Luo Ye went to experience life in order to provide inspiration for the novel.

Wang Dachui originally wanted to sleep in the dormitory, but seeing that everyone else had gone, he had no choice but to go.

In addition to them, Xu Xiaojia also went. The relationship in their dormitory was very complicated.

She and Tang Enqi disliked each other, and they were both ostracized by Liu Bingxin and another roommate.

Of course, I don’t know if it was too boring, so Tang Enqi also signed up.

Along with Tang Enqi's registration, Gao Yuming also went. Although he was not in this major, if there were not many people going, it would not be impossible to ask students from other majors to fill up.

By evening, Li Haoyang had received registration information from eight people.

He sighed and said, "The counselor said that if there are less than twelve people, the event will be cancelled."


Wang Dachui thought for a while and said, "Call Wang Kai and Liu Guangfu from the next door dormitory. If you add Yu Qiuyu, there will be eleven people."

"Su Baizhu is going too." Luo Ye suddenly said.

So there are twelve people.

Li Haoyang looked happy and immediately submitted the list.

At that time, counselor Chen Xiongjian will personally lead the team and they can go camping.

Seeing Li Haoyang's excited look, Shen Qiao said lightly: "If you are so interested in such a troublesome thing, you are not planning something, right?"

Hearing this, Luo Ye and Wang Dachui looked at Li Haoyang.

The latter was silent for a moment and said seriously: "I have decided to take this opportunity to express my love."


The other three people exclaimed.

The coach finally made up his mind, and everyone felt relieved.

"Well, since Yewazi fell in love, this family seems to have broken up. If the coach also falls in love, will this family still look like a family?"

Wang Dachui suddenly sighed.

Hearing this, Shen Qiao also nodded and said: "This is inevitable. When the child grows up, he will definitely spread his wings and fly. As a father, I can't stop it."

Unknowingly, everyone was taken advantage of by Shen Qiao again.

"Playing games."


The day before camping, Luo Ye borrowed a fish head with chopped pepper from his fairy senior sister.

At this time, he drove Li Haoyang and his senior's fish head with chopped pepper to the mall to buy ingredients for tomorrow's camping trip.

The pink fish head with chopped pepper made Li Haoyang's heart flutter. He touched the front of the car and couldn't help but ask: "Brother Luo Ye, how much does this car cost?"

"I don't know. Senior's car looks cute."

"Cute, I want to buy it."

Li Haoyang couldn't put it down. He was obviously a macho man, but he liked some little pink things.

Although this car is not expensive, the down payment may only cost a little over 10,000 yuan.

But for college students, ten thousand yuan is already a huge sum of money.

Besides, Li Haoyang doesn't have a driver's license yet.

Luo Ye patted the coach on the shoulder and said, "If you want to drive, you should sign up for a driving school first."

"I understand. I will go to the driving school registration point opposite the school to register next semester."

He had already imagined the future in his mind, where he drove Xu Xiaojia out to play in a minced pepper fish head.

The more he thought about it, the more he thought he should buy a car and drive it.

But if he wants to save 10,000 yuan, he doesn’t know if his relatives will give him any money during the Chinese New Year this year.

After all, he is already so old.

Walking into the mall, two people each pushed a shopping cart.

Since we are camping, the staple food is of course barbecue.

The two of them had no idea how much food they should buy for more than a dozen people.

After all, it is the money that everyone contributes together. If you buy too much, it will be a waste. If you buy too little, you will not be able to enjoy the food.

At this time, someone who often cooks is needed to help out.

But both of them are students, and it is impossible to cook in the dormitory. I don’t know who can cook and who can’t.

The two got into a dilemma, and in the end, Luo Ye called Senior Fairy's number.

This was an activity for their class. He originally thought that he would be self-sufficient and just let the fairy senior sister come over to play.

Unexpectedly, he would have to rely on the fairy senior sister before he even started.

After the call was connected, Su Baizhu's light voice came from the other side.

"Which one?"

Even though she knew it was him who hit her, Fairy Senior Sister still wanted to ask who it was.

Senior sister is so naughty.

"It's me, senior sister." Luo Ye's tone became extremely gentle, completely different from when talking to Li Haoyang.

"What's up?"

"Is such that."

Luo Ye told the fairy senior sister about the problems he encountered.

After listening, Su Baizhu said softly: "You borrowed my car, but you also want to borrow my people?"

"Senior, please."


After a brief silence, three words came from the other end of the phone:

"Come pick me up."


Luo Ye said to Li Haoyang: "Coach, please wait here while I pick up my senior."

The shopping mall is not far from the school, a total of two or three kilometers away. Luo Ye can get back quickly by driving back and forth.

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