Five hundred meters later.

Shen Qiao and Zheng Xinyue were stunned.

Looking at the two people behind him who were exhausted, Luo Ye turned around and said doubtfully: "Five hundred meters is probably only a little more than a lap of our school playground. If a male star asks you to lie in bed every day, this is not enough." "

Zheng Xinyue had been lying in the hospital bed for so long, so it was understandable that she was not physically strong enough.

This Shen Qiao is pure and innocent.

"How can this be compared? These five hundred meters have been going uphill." Shen Qiao complained,

"Excuses, they're all excuses. There's a water seller nearby. What do you want to drink?"

"I brought hot water." There was a thermos cup in Zheng Xinyue's bag.

"Have a bottle of Coke." Shen Qiao said.


Luo Ye came to the side of the fairy senior and asked: "Senior, what are you drinking?"

"mineral water."

"Okay senior."

Luo Ye went to the small shop nearby to buy a few bottles of water, and then saw that popsicles seemed to be still being sold in the refrigerator.

"Boss, we are still selling this this winter."

"This is Nanyang Mountain's specialty popsicle. It's a specialty. Would you like one?"

"How much does one cost?"


Luo Ye:......

Why don't you go and grab it.

College students just look a little stupid, but they are not really stupid.

Luo Ye gave Shen Qiao a bottle of Coke, and then he and the fairy senior each had a bottle of mineral water.

Several people continued to set off.

Halfway up the mountain, there is a rest area, a coffee shop, a milk tea shop, and some restaurants.

The shops that can be opened here have only one characteristic, and that is they are expensive.

A few people came in the morning and waited in line for a long time. It took them more than 40 minutes to walk to the middle of the mountain. They were indeed hungry.

Walking into a restaurant, four people sat at a table to rest.

Shen Qiao fell down from exhaustion.

He folded his arms in front of the table, rested his head on his arms, and began to relax with his eyes closed.

This guy is good at everything, but he just lacks physical strength.

Scan the QR code to order, and each of the four people orders their own.

Zheng Xinyue held her chin up, stared at the two people in front of her curiously, and asked, "Why don't you look tired?"

"Because I usually exercise."

Luo Ye said.

Although he and his senior sister have not gone for morning runs during this period, their physical strength has not declined so quickly.

After the waiter brought the food, Shen Qiao started to eat.

To be honest, the taste is just so-so.

After eating, Shen Qiao looked not far away. In the rest area, there was an observation car station. His eyes lit up and he said quickly: "I can't do it anymore. I'll take the observation car. I'll wait for you on the mountain." .”

Hearing this, Luo Ye looked at the restaurant not far away, and there was indeed a station.

Shen Qiao couldn't crawl anymore, so there was nothing they could do. They couldn't keep waiting for him.

Shen Qiao looked at Orange Jam and said, "You have just been discharged from the hospital. You need to exercise moderately. You are almost done now. Climbing again may be counterproductive to your body."


Zheng Xinyue nodded, then looked at Luo Ye and Su Baizhu, and asked, "Why don't we all go take a ride together and go down the mountain."

Without waiting for Luo Ye to answer, Shen Qiao smiled and said, "Brother Luo Ye needs to go up the mountain in person to have this inspiration."


Luo Ye said: "If you go by yourself, it will always be different."

He looked at the fairy senior and said: "Senior, if you are tired, you can go to the car with them and wait for me on the mountain."

"I'm not tired." Su Baizhu said expressionlessly.

Having said this, the situation is very clear.

Luoye Su Baizhou continued to walk up the mountain, while Shen Qiao and Zheng Xinyue took a car up the mountain.

The latter two left the restaurant early and were going to the station to wait for the bus.

After leaving the restaurant, Zheng Xinyue suggested: "Shen Qiao, I think it's better for you to exercise more. After all, your physical strength..."

Before he finished speaking, Zheng Xinyue suddenly widened his eyes.

Because Shen Qiao's face showed no sign of fatigue at this time, and he looked very lively, not the same as the dead-end look just now.


Hearing this, Shen Qiao smiled slightly and said, "They need a world for two."

Hearing this, Zheng Xinyue also reacted. She couldn't help but give Shen Qiao a thumbs up and exclaimed: "High, really high."


The observation car came quickly.

In the car, there are two seats on the left and right respectively, so two people can only sit side by side.

It takes two or three hours to walk, and only takes twenty minutes by car.

The scenery along the way can also be seen from the observation car, but compared with walking up the mountain, it lacks the slightest sense of accomplishment.

The two of them looked out the window and looked at the scene outside, wondering what they were thinking.

Zheng Xinyue glanced at the boy next to her, with a hint of distress in her eyes.

Shen Qiao was a celebrity in that hospital, and all the doctors and nurses knew about such a person.

That girl's parents died in a car accident and she became a vegetable. All her relatives were unwilling to take over such a hot potato.

However, a young man who had just graduated from high school took on everything for the one he loved, and now he is still waiting for his beloved to wake up.

"She will wake up." Zheng Xinyue said suddenly.

Shen Qiao was slightly startled and asked in confusion: "What?"

"Ai Xiaoya, she will wake up."

Zheng Xinyue smiled and said: "Such a gorgeous flower should not wither before it blooms. I will give you dazzling blessings, and your soul will bloom with more dazzling brilliance..."

"This is a line from my favorite character. How about it? It suits you and her very well."

This girl has always been like this, ignoring the suffering in the world.

It was obvious that he had just escaped from death.

Looking at this extremely beautiful girl with a smile on her face, Shen Qiao shook her head and said: "There is no god in this world. If blessings are useful..."

Shen Qiao didn't continue. He didn't want to hurt the girl in front of him. Then he changed the subject and said with a smile: "But thank you anyway."

"Blessings are of no use."

Zheng Xinyue said this.

She is not naive. She understands many of the cruel truths of reality better than anyone else.

Looking at Shen Qiao, she smiled and said: "But everything will have an outcome. Even if the outcome is the worst, I am ready to accept everything."

She looked out the window and said in a light tone: "When the first operation failed, I was thinking, if I die, will anyone in this world remember me."

"As long as one person remembers me, I will leave with a smile."

Hearing this, Shen Qiao frowned and asked, "Aren't you afraid of death?"

The word "death" comes out.

Zheng Xinyue seemed to tremble.

After a moment, she whispered: "I'm afraid...if I die, that idiot Wu Yun will never see me again, and those fans who like me will never see me again. My father has worked very hard The meaning of a few years is gone.”

Looking at the girl's appearance, Shen Qiao couldn't help but sigh in her heart.

The reason she was even afraid of death was because she was worried about others.

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