In the evening, Chen Shaoman hurried back home and jogged to the living room on the first floor.

Looking at the empty living room, Chen Shaoman frowned and immediately shouted: "Luo Ye! Come out and say hello to my aunt!"

The sound reached the second floor, and the door of Luo Ye's room opened. He poked his head out and took a look at his aunt, whom he had not seen for a semester.

His face was full of nervousness, he showed a forced smile and said: "Auntie, you are back."

"Get down here."


Luo Ye ran down from the second floor wearing cotton slippers and stood in front of her aunt.

Chen Shaoman looked at Luo Ye from beginning to end, and finally nodded, saying: "Okay, not bad, there are no missing arms or legs."

Hearing this, Luo Ye's head went dark.

He is going to school, not to war.

Luo Ye's aunt is very beautiful and takes good care of herself. She looks like someone in her thirties.

His parents gave birth to him in their thirties because of their professional relationship, and his aunt gave birth to Gu Mingxuan not long after they got married, so Luo Ye was his cousin.

Most people can't tell at all that my aunt is fifty years old.

At fifty years old, I still look like a little girl every day.

Luo Ye thought so.

Suddenly, my aunt took a step forward, hugged Luo Ye, and said softly: "You brat, I miss you so much."

Since Luo Ye came to their home, he never left them at all.

This time, he was away from home for several months. At the beginning, Chen Shaoman was frightened every day.

Did Luo Ye eat well there, did he make friends, was he bullied...

Gu Mingxuan, that brat, she also thought that her own son could help him more after Luo Ye passed by. As a result, as soon as Luo Ye arrived in Jiangcheng, that brat took a plane to go abroad.

When Gu Mingxuan comes back, she must criticize this guy.

But if Gu Mingxuan knew about it, he would definitely scream injustice.

After all, he felt that although he had done nothing, he had not failed at all in taking care of Luo Ye.

He got all his most proud disciples involved.

"Come, tell me what you went through there."

Chen Shaoman pulled Luo Ye and sat on the sofa.

"I haven't experienced much..." Luo Ye scratched his hair and felt a little embarrassed.

Seeing this, Chen Shaoman showed a suspicious expression.

She glanced at Luo Ye and said with a hint of sourness in her tone: "You have a secret. You told my aunt everything before..."

When the conversation changed, Chen Shaoman showed a sly smile again and said, "Did you meet a girl who is more important than your aunt? So you don't want to share it with your aunt?"

Hearing this, Luo Ye said quickly: "What are you talking about, auntie, to me, you are just like my mother, no one is more important than you."

"What about her?"

" as important as you."

"Oh? It's true."

The smile on Chen Shaoman's face became stronger and stronger, and the curiosity in her heart almost jumped out. She wished that Luo Ye could write a novel and let her see word by word what he experienced in Jiang Dadu. .

"Well, I have a girlfriend." Luo Ye lowered his head and admitted shyly.

"Hahaha, as expected of my nephew, he fell in love right after he entered college."

Chen Shaoman was laughing almost crazy, and the corners of his mouth could not be restrained from rising crazily.

As I get older, I like to watch young people fall in love.

But the recent TV dramas are not interesting, and the nephew's love experience is more interesting.

"Okay, I won't ask anymore. When you bring the girl home later, I will ask her myself. By the way, where are Sister Liu and Aunt Li?"

"They went shopping for groceries."

"Okay, don't you love the pork ribs and braised crucian carp made by Sister Liu the most? I'll cook them both for you today."


Luo Ye responded somewhat unnaturally.

I really want to eat the food cooked by my senior sister.

Not long after, Liu Yan, Li Hui, and Li Hui's daughter Ouyang Mingyue returned home carrying several bags of vegetables and meat.

"Oh, by the way, Xiaoye, Mingyue is Aunt Li's child. Mingxuan is not here, your university is so far away, and Gu Runcheng is busy with work. I am the only one left at home. Plus Aunt Li's family has some special circumstances, so I will let her My daughter is here to stay temporarily, and since this home is so big, she can still stay with me."

"I know, aunt."

After returning home, Luo Ye already understood the general situation.

Aunt Li has a son and a daughter. After she divorced her husband, the daughter was given to her. She had a lot of hardships at first. It was not until Aunt Liu introduced her as an aunt that the situation became better.

Thinking of this, the appearance of the fairy senior sister appeared in Luo Ye's mind again.

Ouyang Mingyue's situation seems to be similar to that of the fairy senior sister.

However, Ouyang Mingyue was a bit introverted and did not say a word to Luo Ye during the whole process.

Luo Ye didn't care either.


My uncle-in-law Gu Rancheng is back.

Seeing Luo Ye, he walked over with a serious expression.

Luo Ye's face also became serious.

The two looked at each other.

After a long time, Luo Ye took the lead in breaking the silence and said, "Hello, uncle."


After saying hello, the two fell silent again.

Chen Shaoman on the side almost cried with laughter.

"You men are so weird. You feel like strangers after not seeing each other for a few months. It makes me laugh to death."

Hearing this, Gu Rancheng and Luo Ye turned red at the same time.

Although Gu Runcheng was in his fifties, his hair was only half white and he was in good spirits. Coupled with an expensive suit, he looked extremely tough.

"It's time to eat."

Liu Yan, Li Hui, and Ouyang Mingyue brought various delicacies out of the kitchen one after another.

It stands to reason that aunties usually don't serve meals. This villa has a nanny's room for aunties to rest.

But if Ouyang Mingyue insists, she is a guest here, not an aunt, and she is only a junior high school student. Considering her self-esteem, Chen Shaoman will specially let her have dinner with her.

At this time, the little girl was sitting next to Luo Ye, looking a little inferior. No one moved her chopsticks, so she didn't dare to move or say anything.


Chen Shaoman acted like the head of the family. She glanced around at the people and said, "Eat."

The food on the table was very rich, but as he was eating, Luo Ye missed his senior sister again.

Today is just his first day home.

How does it feel like he has spent a century?

Luo Ye decided to get married to his senior sister right after graduation, without delaying even a day.

This life without my senior sister is too painful.

Noticing Luo Ye's frowning expression, Chen Shaoman curled his lips and said, "Someone is absent-minded."

Gu Runcheng: "My wife, I'm wronged."

Luo Ye: "Auntie, where can I find it?"

Ouyang Mingyue: "Madam, I'm sorry!"

The three of them said at the same time.

Chen Shaoman:......

Ouyang Mingyue looked at several people in confusion, her beautiful black eyes moving back and forth, observing everyone.

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