Don't Be Afraid, Senior, I'll Protect You

Chapter 31 You Are My Signature

"It tastes bad!"


"I'm really convinced!"

"What a strange smell!"

Longjing hot pot forced Luo Ye to use all his dirty words.

He left the hot pot restaurant with a look of disgust on his face and decided to follow the advice of the waiter yesterday and eat blue porridge ramen.

Speaking of which, the senior sister should have already arrived home at this time, right?

Luo Ye took out his mobile phone and sent a message to Senior Sister Fairy.

Luo Ye: Is senior sister home yet?

Soon, the message alert sounded, almost instantly.

Fairy Senior Sister: Not yet.

Seeing this, Luo Ye thought it was already noon, wouldn't the senior sister still be on the high-speed rail?

Luo Ye: Has senior sister eaten?

Fairy Senior Sister: I didn’t eat.

Luo Ye: So what do you want to eat? Your loyal underclassman gives you some takeout.

Fairy Senior Sister: I don’t want to eat it.

Luo Ye: Senior sister, do you have a bad appetite?

Fairy Senior Sister: I don’t know.

Luo Ye was slightly startled.

Although the senior sister responded to every message with indifference, she responded to every message in seconds.

This is very contradictory. If the senior doesn't want to talk to him, she doesn't have to reply to him at all.

But when the senior sister came back, she was so cold.

Could it be that……

Is the senior sister hinting to herself that she is in a bad mood?

In his mind, he recalled what Gu Mingxuan reminded him before the holiday.

Thinking of this, Luo Ye began to edit the message.

Luo Ye: Senior sister’s home is in Hangzhou, right? Are there any interesting places in Hangzhou?

Fairy Senior Sister: No.

Luo Ye: Senior sister... Is there anyone who left a deep impression on you? When I come to Hangzhou in the future, I don’t even know where to go.

When Su Baizhu saw this news, he really started to think about it seriously.

She sat at the door of the community with a haggard face, but her mind was thinking about what fun places in Hangzhou could be.

Although it was the city where she grew up, when asked about this, she couldn't think of an answer for a while.

At this moment, Luo Ye's message came over again.

Luo Ye: There is actually a planetarium in Hangzhou? !

Luo Ye: Senior sister, do you like watching stars?

Seeing this, Su Baizhu raised his head blankly.

Then she lowered her head again, showing a confused expression.

She must be crazy, it's broad daylight, there are no stars anywhere.

Her thoughts were led by Luo Ye's news. When the other party mentioned the stars, she subconsciously looked up.

Suddenly, Luo Ye sent another message.

Luo Ye: Senior sister! You were deceived by a bad man. There is no planetarium in Hangzhou!

Seeing this news, Su Baizhu couldn't help laughing.

Luo Ye: But there is Lingyin Temple in Hangzhou! Is it the Lingyin Temple in Jigong?

Su Baizhu gave an affirmative answer.


These two words made Luo Ye feel happy.

Because the senior sister is no longer as indifferent as she was at the beginning.

This also means that senior sister's mood has become better?

Luo Ye: Would you like to ask for a visa? Maybe, bad things will go away on their own.

Speaking of asking for a visa, Luo Ye was actually planning to go.

He wants to ask for marriage!

But after all, it is a seven-day holiday, so there may be a lot of people going to Lingyin Temple.

Seeing Luo Ye's news, Su Baizhu's expression became fierce.

Why does the content of the message sent by this young boy seem to be coaxing a child?


Su Baichu tapped Luo Ye's profile picture on the phone screen and whispered: "Knock on your head."

However, she hasn't tried asking for a signature yet. Is that really useful?

She wants her mother to be healthy and happy.

Her mother had just replied, saying that she and her uncle were at their hometown in the countryside, and asked Su Baizhu to go back and visit if she had time.

Time was not urgent. Before going home, Su Baizhu decided to go to Lingyin Temple to ask for a peace charm for his mother.

Although she knew that this was just metaphysics, what was more important was her heart.

Thinking of this, Su Baizhou stood up.

Unconsciously, she no longer felt sad, as if she had forgotten the scene just now, except that the slap mark on her face was still there, but she no longer felt the pain.

She was just about to leave when she saw an acquaintance.

A plain-looking girl was walking towards this community with a suitcase.

She was Su Baizhu's childhood friend. They were classmates until high school, and they would have been very good friends.

Until she graduated from high school and rumors were spread about Su Baizhu, she thought her friends would believe her.

However, she underestimated human nature and never truly understood her childhood.

Seeing Su Baizhu, the girl was obviously stunned.

Afterwards, the two of them missed each other like strangers.

Su Baizhu glanced back and did not continue to think about this matter.

It doesn't matter whether she believes in herself or not, because they grew up together, she knows herself well, and she also knows that she is being lied to.

Even so, she chose to slander.

This city where Su Baizhou grew up is extremely strange, as if everything is gray.

She took her luggage and prepared to go to Lingyin Temple to ask for a visa.

On the other side, Luo Ye has arrived at Lingyin Temple.

He took a photo and sent it to the dormitory group to ask his sons what signatures they needed.

Wang Dachui: Damn it, did you go to Hangzhou? Niubi.

Li Haoyang: I, the Buddha, am compassionate.

Shen Qiao: I laughed to death, coach, Amitabha.

The three roommates are like living treasures. Either no one talks to each other in the dormitory group, and when they talk, it is like throwing firecrackers into the fire and they explode immediately.

Lingyin Temple is located in a scenic area. There are several tea mountains near this scenic area, which looks very vast.

Luo Ye took a few photos to prove that he had been there.

There were crowds of people nearby, and even before we got to Lingyin Temple, it was already crowded.

Although it is afternoon now, looking at it this way, I am afraid that I will have to queue up until the evening to get a visa.

At this time, Luo Ye received a private message from Shen Qiao.

Shen Qiao wanted him to help get a peace charm.

Luo Ye agreed readily.

Although I don’t know why the male star wants this, since it is his son’s request, then as a father, he must have a duty.

After queuing for three hours, Luo Ye was finally able to worship Buddha and burn incense.

In addition to asking for things for Shen Qiao, he also made three wishes here.

First, I hope that my parents will be reincarnated as adults and live a happy life.

Second, world peace.

Third, the fairy senior sister can become the happiest girl in the world.

Originally he wanted to seek a marriage, but after thinking about it carefully, he gave up.

You should not seek Buddha for marriage.

But ask himself.

When he left Lingyin Temple, it was already six o'clock in the evening. Lingyin Temple was closed and now he could only go out but not enter.

It is worthy of being an important place of Buddhism, and the work and rest time are the rules.

Luo Ye stepped out of the gate and prepared to leave.

Suddenly, he saw a familiar figure out of the corner of his eye.

Not far away, an extremely beautiful girl was sitting quietly on the doorstep with a suitcase, her face a little confused.

Su Bai porridge came late.

She also waited in line for a long time, but when she arrived, the place was no longer accepting customers.

So what's the point of waiting in line for so long...

Is it destiny that she can't get this lottery?

think carefully……

Isn’t it also a result of not being able to ask for something?

Su Baizhu stared at the ground silently, as if he had lost his mind.

At this time, she didn't have the aura of a cold goddess, but more of a fragile girl.

Suddenly, a figure stood in front of her.


A somewhat familiar voice came into her ears. Su Baizhu raised her head and saw a handsome sunny boy. He put his hands together and said to her with a smile: "What troubles the donor, can you tell me to the poor monk?" ?”

Seeing this face, an oncoming emotion surged into his heart. Su Baizhu didn't know how to describe this feeling.

She only felt her nose was sore. If she hadn't held it back, tears would have flowed out just now.

Although many doubts arose in her mind, the most important thing was...

She has not gained anything in this line of work today.

She got the best lottery in the world.

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