Don't Be Afraid, Senior, I'll Protect You

Chapter 37 Look At Your Performance

Jiangcheng, Jiangcheng University, Unit 4, Building 5, Family Building 614.

Su Baizhu opened the door and walked in with Luo Ye.

Su Baizhu pointed to the empty room and said, "You can live there, but only for today, tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow."

Hearing this, Luo Ye asked curiously: "What about the end of the vacation?"

"Then it depends on your performance in the past three days."

Su Baizhu turned around and smiled softly.

This smile made Luo Ye slightly stunned, and he felt a sense of intimacy in his heart.

He found that after saying those words to the fairy senior sister in the car, the senior sister was really not that cold towards him.

But when the senior sister said it was about performance, Luo Ye's expression became serious and he became serious.

He has to behave like a perfect man in these three days, otherwise he will be kicked out of the house by his senior sister.

Seeing his serious look, Su Baizhu only felt a little funny.

Just like a naughty child, trying to pretend to be well-behaved in order to get the little red flower rewarded by the teacher.

"Go buy ingredients for today's dinner." Su Baizhou suddenly said.

"I'll buy?"

Luo Ye was a little confused.

"Well, you buy it. Just buy whatever you want to eat. I'll make it after you buy it."

Hearing this, Luo Ye understood.

He made an OK gesture, then left the living room and walked out.

Seeing Luo Ye closing the door gently, Su Baizhu sat on the sofa and propped up his chin.

Then, she turned on the TV and watched a random program, but her eyes showed a thoughtful expression.

Are they... living together?

No, no, no, this can only be regarded as shared housing.

Then... should we make a three-chapter agreement like the novel?

No, he can only stay for three days. He will go back at the end of the vacation. It would be rude to stay any longer.

But this is his cousin's house, and he only rented a room. Do he really want him to go back?

Su Baizhou's expression was extremely complicated.

At this moment, her cell phone rang.

Su Baizhu picked it up and connected the phone. A girl's voice came from inside.

"Porridge, why didn't you contact me during the holiday? Do you want to come and play at my place these two days?"


Su Baizhu refused: "I have something to do these two days."

"What's wrong with you? What's more important than me in Jiang University?" A questioning voice came from the girl on the phone.

She is Su Baizhu's best friend, her name is Li Xia. She is currently an intern at Jiangcheng Medical University. She is also Su Baizhu's high school and junior high school classmate, and even the same deskmate in elementary school. The two have had a good relationship since childhood.

"Of course you are the most important thing now, but tomorrow... I have something to do tomorrow, so I'll see you the day after tomorrow."

Su Baizhu's heart suddenly trembled, and he almost spilled the beans.

Tomorrow, October 6th, is Luo Ye's birthday, and she remembers it clearly.

On the phone, Li Xia said suspiciously: "What do you mean I am the most important now? I won't be the most important in the future... Congee, I feel that you have suddenly changed."

"I haven't changed."

Su Baizhu's tone was still so cold, a look familiar to Li Xia.

But the latter just felt something was wrong.

All unknown changes can lead to a conclusion.

Li Xia's eyes narrowed and she said in a serious voice on the phone: "Churri, if a person you are very familiar with suddenly seems to have changed, do you know why?"

"I don't know, and I don't want to know." Su Baizhu said lightly.

"There is only one truth... What can make people change quickly is love."


As soon as the word love came out, Su Baizhu hung up the phone.


How could she fall in love?

She was just helping Professor Gu take care of her younger brother.

Hmm...take care Ye?

Why do you think of Luo Ye at this moment when you think of love?

As he thought about it, Su Baizhu found that all he could think about now was the face of a young man.

She may indeed have a crush on Luo Ye, but having a crush on her doesn't mean she likes him. Even if she really likes him, it doesn't mean they must be together.

Yes, that's it.

On the TV, a cartoon was playing, in which a young man used a skill and shouted at the same time: "You have a way to die."

Su Baizhou frowned and switched to the next channel.

In the second program, a character on the TV pointed at the screen and shouted, "A dead duck has a tough mouth."

Hearing this, Su Baizhu stood up, stared at the characters on the TV, and said solemnly: "I don't."

"You said you didn't, but you are clearly in love with him!"

The character on the TV said with certainty.

Su Baizhou shook his head and switched to the third channel.

But after watching it, she felt that the TV series being filmed now were all boring, so she turned off the TV.

After sitting on the sofa and being stunned for a while, Su Baizhu frowned and said, "Why haven't you come back yet?"

She looked at the time and found that only ten minutes had passed since Luo Ye left the house.

Why does time pass so slowly?

On the other side, Luo Ye came to the vegetable market.

Today, the senior is cooking again, so he has to carefully choose the ingredients for dinner.

"King crab is on special price, 588 per pound, special price."

Hearing this, Luo Ye came to the stall of the seafood proprietress and said, "Bring me a king crab."

"Okay, okay, the young man has a future. He can afford king crab at a young age. Do you have a girlfriend?"


Luo Ye answered confidently, then lowered his head and whispered: "But, I have someone I like."

"What a pity. I also said I would introduce my son to you."

The seafood proprietress shook her head, showing a look of regret.

"Hahaha, the boss lady really knows how to joke."

Luo Ye touched his head, but there was a drop of cold sweat on his forehead.

What son... He must have heard wrong.

Soon, a king crab was cut into pieces and put in a box, and Luo Ye held it in his hands.

Then... do you want to buy some chicken?

Buy another leg of lamb.

Beef is delicious, buy some beef.

Two more big lobsters, one for him and his senior sister.

What else should I buy...

Family building.

Su Baizhu looked at the large and small bags of things covering the entire table. Although his face was expressionless, it clearly made Luo Ye feel uneasy.

She said calmly: "It seems that not only do you know nothing about cooking, you also have no idea about the ingredients."

"Senior..." Luo Ye lowered his head, like a child who made a mistake.

"However, this much should be enough to make a lot of things."

The corners of Su Baizhou's mouth curled up slightly, then he walked into the kitchen and put on an apron.

Luo Ye thought he was going to be scolded by his senior, but he didn't expect it to happen just like that.

But suddenly.

Su Baizhou walked out of the kitchen, holding a kitchen knife in his hand, staring at Luo Ye with a fierce look, and said calmly: "Next time, don't buy such expensive things, I can do well with cheap ingredients." eat."

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