Don't Be Afraid, Senior, I'll Protect You

Chapter 47 Daily Standard Subai Porridge

In dormitory 515, Wang Dachui and Shen Qiao joined the team. Only Li Haoyang was in a bad mood and was still sad alone under the quilt.

Luo Ye and Su Baizhu both flew away and killed each other indiscriminately.

Early the next morning, there were no classes.

Luo Ye got up and washed up as quickly as possible.

He looked at Li Haoyang's window and found that this guy was still smothering himself in the quilt.

The coach who used to be the first to get up every morning for a morning jog actually fell into disgrace today.

Luo Ye didn't speak, but walked towards the playground.

After arriving at the playground, Luo Ye looked around and found no trace of the fairy senior sister.

Strange, isn’t the fairy senior sister here today?

At this time, Su Baizhu's voice came from behind.

"What are you doing?"

Luo Ye turned around and saw the figure of the fairy senior sister.

He was still wearing black loose clothes as always, wearing a black peaked cap, and tied his ponytail behind the hat.

It turns out that it’s not that the senior sister didn’t come, but that the senior sister hasn’t arrived yet.

"Senior sister, what a coincidence, are you here for a morning jog too?" Luo Ye said with a pure face.

"Well, it's quite a coincidence."

Su Baizhu came to Luo Ye's side and said lightly: "Why don't you start yet? I won't let you do it this time."

"Need not."

Luo Ye waved his hand and said very cheerfully: "Senior, just follow your usual rhythm."

During the first morning run, Su Baizhu only ran three laps with Luo Ye.

But this time, Luo Ye decided to impress his senior sister.

The two started running side by side in the playground.

"Don't you have any classes?" Su Baizhu asked softly as he ran.

"There is one section in the morning and one section in the afternoon. Where is senior sister?"

"I only have six classes a week."

Hearing this, Luo Ye showed an envious expression.

It’s great to be in junior year, with so few classes.

"By the way, senior, is the student union's reelection over?" Luo Ye suddenly asked.

"not yet."

Su Baizhu said expressionlessly.

She didn't like chatting while running, but she didn't want to keep silent when the little boy next to her asked her something.

As they chatted, she discovered that it wasn't that she didn't like chatting while running, it was just that there was no one to run with her.

Especially when this person is Luo Ye, she also likes to chat while running.

Soon, the two of them had run three laps.

The first time he came for a morning jog, Luo Ye was out of breath when he reached this point. He was so tired that he almost stuck out his tongue.

After about half a month, he was only slightly out of breath.

But before, it wasn't that he couldn't run, it was just that he hadn't exercised for too long, and he was a little uncomfortable running so much when he first started running.

After six laps, Luo Ye sat on the lawn of the playground, sweating profusely.

Autumn is coming soon, and the weather is getting cooler, not to mention it’s early morning.

A ray of cool wind blew towards Luo Ye, making him shiver.

Seeing this, Su Baizhou took out a towel from his bag and handed it to Luo Ye.

"Thank you, senior sister."

Luo Ye took the towel and began to wipe away the sweat.

There was a scent unique to Su Bai porridge on the towel. Luo Ye had also smelled this scent in the bathroom of the family building.

So, this is the towel that senior sister often uses?

"It's a gift for you. Remember to take it with you next time you run in the morning, otherwise you will catch a cold easily."

"What about senior sister?"

"I'm going to buy new ones."

After saying that, Su Baizhou turned around and prepared to leave.

Seeing Luo Ye still sitting blankly on the playground, she turned around and asked softly: "Aren't you going to eat, junior?"

"Eat, eat, eat."

After eating three in a row, Luo Ye jumped up.

As a result, he got up violently, his vision went dark, and he almost fell down.

You know it all, but the moment you suddenly stand up while sitting on the ground after exercising, it’s almost dizzying.

However, Luo Ye quickly stabilized his body, coughed slightly, and said calmly: "Senior, let's go."

Seeing the silly boy's funny look just now, Su Baichu smiled slightly in his heart, and then continued to walk.

The two walked side by side on the roadside of the school.

Such a scene was something Luo Ye couldn't even imagine a while ago.

Su Baizhu never thought that one day he would go to the cafeteria side by side with a boy in school.

The time now is ten past eight, and the first class is at half past eight.

There were already many students rushing to class on the road, and there were also many people eating breakfast in the cafeteria.

This time Su Baizhou went to the third dining hall, which was right next to the women's dormitory.

The moment he walked into the cafeteria, Luo Ye slowed down and followed his senior sister at a distance.

He was afraid that others would misunderstand his relationship with his senior sister.

Su Baizhu walked in front. Few people knew that she had the habit of morning jogging, and few people could recognize her.

After all, she was wearing black loose clothes, her figure could not be seen, and she was also wearing a peaked cap.

Unless you look directly at faces... But people who can eat breakfast every day in college are basically very self-disciplined. Who would have nothing to do in the morning and stare at other people's faces.

To put it bluntly, Su Baizhu didn't care about being recognized at all.

She looked back and found Luo Ye following her four or five meters away.

"What?" she asked softly.

"Senior, there are so many people, I'm afraid..." Luo Ye touched his head naively.

"Are you afraid of society?"

Su Baizhu showed an expression of disbelief. She found an empty seat, then held her chin up and stared at Luo Ye.

Luo Ye stood in front of the table, confused for a moment, and then quickly came to his senses.

I understand, senior sister wants him to buy breakfast.

Luo Ye recalled in his mind that when he was in the family building, Senior Sister Fairy bought breakfast. It should be the standard breakfast for Senior Sister every morning.

Details, really details.

Luo Ye felt that he was so smart, he was such a clever little guy.

He ran to the window, bought two eggs, two fried dough sticks, and two hand cakes, and came to the table.

Looking at the things on the table, Su Baizhou frowned.

Are you sure that what you bought is the same as when you were in the family building?

But seeing Luo Ye's expression begging for praise, Su Baizhu couldn't bear to expose him and just said: "Okay, we will follow this standard from now on."

From now on, what Su Bai porridge eats every morning has changed.

She only ate those kinds of things before.

It’s not a special reason, it’s just that she has difficulty choosing and doesn’t know what to eat every morning, so she decides on something fixed and buys it directly every morning.

But now, her breakfast has changed.

It became that she would eat whatever Luo Ye bought.

Is this what it feels like to not have to think?

Su Baizhu somewhat understood why so many people were in love.

There is someone to take care of you, so you don’t have to think about it. When you encounter a problem, you don’t have to solve it yourself. You can confidently ask your other half to help.

Looking at the young man in front of him, Su Baizhu suddenly felt his heartbeat speed up.

From the beginning, when she faced this young man, she could still look like she faced other people, with a cold face and an aura of keeping strangers away.

But now, Luo Ye is like a little sun, making her unable to feel cold and unable to bear to show her cold expression.

After eating, Su Baizhou was going back to his dormitory to visit the lonely old man Qin Yuwen.

And Luo Ye also went back to prepare to go back to his dormitory. Although there was no class in the first period today, the second class started at 10:20, less than two hours later.

He also wanted to go back and catch up on his sleep.

Luo Ye sent Su Baizhu into the women's dormitory.

He stood on the steps at the door of the women's dormitory, watching the figure of the fairy senior sister disappear little by little.

Suddenly, a voice came from the side.

"Luo Ye!"

Luo Ye turned around and looked, but saw no one.

"I'm here!"

A small girl stood at the foot of the steps. She jumped up and waved her hands, trying to make Luo Ye see her.

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