Luo Ye held Su Baizhu's little hand in one hand and carried two cups of milk tea in the other hand, and walked out of the venue of the reelection meeting.

Then he led the fairy senior sister all the way to the door of this building.

Luo Ye looked at the frosty-faced fairy senior sister next to him, and suddenly his mood became tense. He let go of his hand and took two steps back, feeling a little nervous.

"Senior sister, I think that boy is a little pushy."

"I know, heroes save beauties." Su Baizhu said lightly.

Right, that is it!

Luo Ye agreed in his heart.

However, although the senior sister's expression was a little cold, the little hand she just held was warm, slippery, and soft.

"Senior, I bought milk tea."

Luo Ye handed Su Baizhou a cup of milk tea, and then said: "With this, the work of the student union is over. I heard that you, senior sister, have been admitted to graduate school. Will you be very free in the future?"

Hearing this, Su Baizhu thought for a while and said, "Yeah, but I may be very busy after graduation."

Luo Ye showed a thoughtful expression.

He wanted to chase his senior, but he didn't want to disturb his senior, so he had to work hard before his senior got busy.

Su Baizhou took a sip of milk tea. She looked at the label on it and said, "Half sugar?"


Luo Ye remembered that last time, Fairy Senior even drank sugar-free coffee directly. She probably didn't like sweetness, so she bought half-sugar milk tea.

A little sweet, but not too sweet.

"Next time, don't ask for the taro mud popo. What you drink is drinkable, and what you eat is edible. I don't like what I drink with food in it."

Luo Ye showed a puzzled expression.

Taro mud Bobo milk tea, not taro mud Bobo, just milk tea?

Wait, the point time?

Does he have a next time?

Luo Ye looked happy.

Then, he seemed to have thought of something and said: "Senior sister, the sports meeting is coming soon, and I am going to sign up for the three-thousand-meter long-distance race."

Hearing this, Su Baizhu glanced at him, his eyes full of doubts.

Long distance running? Still three thousand meters?

That's seven laps on the playground. Is it okay for you, a person who can't breathe even after six laps of jogging, to participate in a higher-intensity exercise?

Sometimes, Su Baizhu didn't need to speak. With just one look from her, Luo Ye knew what she was thinking.

After all, there were only a few kinds of expressions on Su Baizhu's face, and Luo Ye had already memorized which expression meant what.

What's even more interesting is that as he became more and more familiar with his senior, Luo Ye found that his senior's expressions became more and more frequent.

Although she is an aloof senior, Luo Ye actually has a wonderful feeling in her heart of exploring unknown areas, like an alternative cultivation system.

"Senior sister, the sports meeting is half a month away. Just watch. I will definitely get the first place...I will definitely not get the last place."

Luo Ye originally wanted to be first, but he really didn't have the confidence.

But even if he doesn't finish last, he still has confidence.

"Really?" Su Baizhu didn't have much reaction.

Speaking of which, she never participated in sports meets even once in three years of college.

If you don’t participate in your junior year, you won’t have time to participate in your senior year.

Su Baizhu was thinking about whether to sign up for a few events in this sports meeting.

Luo Ye next to him said: "Senior sister, if I don't get the last place, what reward will I get?"

Hearing this, Su Baizhu was stunned for a moment, then looked a little hesitant. She looked at Luo Ye and asked softly: "You...where did you search for this?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Luo Ye was stunned.

Damn it, discovered.

He searched online for how to chase girls and found many ways.

One of them is to set goals and reward them.

Very vulgar method.

But for Luo Ye, who has never been in love, this method is simply too good, and it is very avant-garde. I don’t know who invented it.

As a result, the fairy senior sister saw through it all at once.

He was careless and underestimated his senior sister's IQ.

Seeing the entangled look of the young man in front of him, Su Baizhu thought for a moment and murmured: "First from the bottom... If you can get the top three, it's not impossible."

Hearing this, Luo Ye's expression brightened instantly.

Senior! so love!

But the top three are indeed a bit difficult for him.

There are more than three people in each track and field club participating in long-distance running events.

Luo Ye wants to get the top three rankings, which means that he has to reach the level of Jiangnan University's track and field club within half a month.

Although only the president of the track and field club is a national first-class athlete, the rest are, at worst, track and field enthusiasts.

To be able to like that thing, your physical fitness is above average.

As for Luo Ye, a coder who sits in the dormitory every day, it sounds a bit unrealistic to want to reach their level.

However, if it is something that can be obtained easily, why is there any need to reward it?

The more bumpy the process, the more profound the meaning of passing the end.

He wants to prove to his senior sister that he is serious about his feelings.

Luo Ye is already preparing to make an appointment with the coach for special training. Although the latter is a fitness enthusiast, he must also have experience in long-distance running.

Su Baizhu found it very interesting to see that Luo Ye was like a little hamster. If he had too many things on his mind, he would stay where he was and fall into thinking.

This little boy doesn't know how to chase girls.

But...what does it matter whether you will pursue him or not?

Whether two people can be together never depends on one-sided dedication and hard work.

"Are you leaving?" Su Baizhu said.

"Ah? Senior sister, what are you talking about?"

Luo Ye's thoughts returned to his eyes. Looking at the fairy senior sister, he tortured his soul.

Did the senior sister say to leave?

"Where are you going, senior?"

Hearing this, Su Baizhu was silent for a moment and said softly: "You heard it, why do you still ask me what I said?"

She thinks this human behavior is a bit funny. Sometimes, the other person clearly heard what you said, but their first conditioned reflex is "What?" "Ah?" "What?"

Luo Ye touched the back of his head, smiled, and said: "I didn't react, but I heard it when I reacted. By the way, senior sister, where are we going?"

"There's someone who wants to see you."

After saying that, Su Baizhu turned around and walked towards the outside of the school.

Luo Ye followed with some confusion.

Arriving at a nearby coffee shop, Luo Ye saw a familiar figure sitting there.

"Senior Sister Qin?"

Hearing the sound, Qin Yuwen looked at Luo Ye and suddenly showed a surprised expression.

"It's you!"

That young boy who hit her that morning.

"It's me, Senior Sister Qin."

Luo Ye admitted it frankly, but he and Qin Yuwen were not on the same channel at all.

Su Baizhu sat next to Qin Yuwen and said lightly: "Wenwen, this is Professor Gu's younger brother."

"Oh, it's you."

Qin Yuwen crossed her arms and looked at Luo Ye with a trace of scrutiny.

"Sister Qin, I'm really sorry this morning. I've always wanted to ask you to dinner, but I never found the chance."

"Didn't find a chance?"

Qin Yuwen looked at Luo Ye with a half-smile, and said, "I think you are fascinated by some beauty, right?"

Hearing this, Luo Ye's face turned red.

"What's your name? Which major?" Qin Yuwen asked.

"Ah?" Luo Ye showed a confused expression.

Shouldn't Senior Qin know this?

"Cough..." Su Baizhu coughed lightly.

Qin Yuwen reacted instantly.

Yes, I almost forgot, Congee said that he should pretend to be very familiar with it.

"I mean, are you taking the postgraduate entrance examination? Which major do you want to take?"

"I don't know, I'm only a freshman."

"Well, but the postgraduate entrance examination is very important. My suggestion here is..." Qin Yuwen spoke plausibly.

The conversation between the two people was extremely blunt, and Su Baizhou felt awkward.

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