Don't call me evil god

Chapter 106: Sophisticated Scam

The good news is that Pete's speculation was correct. Bishop Sket, who seemed to have no connection with the Bloodfang Gang, successfully established a connection through Cunning Shadow·Small Stone as a medium.

The bad news is that Pete felt that he seemed to have lost a lot of money out of thin air.

After listening to the "Gilded Club"'s preaching, Pete was also very moved, because the meaning of this explanation was simply clear!

Give your 100 gold to Monger for investment. As long as you wait patiently for a quarter, you can get a return of 8 gold coins. You don't have to do anything to get money!

The reason seems reasonable.

The middle-aged man who gave the speech said that Rune Monger was not doing charity for everyone and was willing to help everyone make money for free. Instead, based on Monger's investment and business vision, if he was given 100 gold coins, he could use it to earn 110 gold coins or even more.

But no matter how much he earned in the end, the return to the club members was 8% of the principal.

As for the extra part, it naturally belonged to Monger.

Pete didn't have 100 gold coins on hand, but the more he invested, the more he earned, and the less he invested, the less he earned. If he invested 3 gold coins, he could get 24 silver coins in a quarter, right? Pete thought so.

Unfortunately, their targets this time were Skate and Cunning Shadow Stonecrush.

They had to find the magic-luring rune stone from the former to help Miranda out of trouble;

As for the latter.

This goblin broker owed a lot of wages that should have been paid long ago!

The remuneration from the Brotherhood of Stonemasons has not been collected yet.

And Pete was also very curious about what the goblin profiteer Gungun said at the door of the Gungun Bolt Workshop, "Cunning Shadow Stonecrush once provided key help to Dursley."

In order to do his job, Pete had to reluctantly give up the so-called opportunity to make money while lying down. He stood up calmly and carefully followed Bishop Skate and Cunning Shadow Stonecrush to see where they were going.


"This Gilded Club doesn't look right!" Norwen looked a little strange.

The natives of Green Harbor may not be good at math and cannot see through the tricks, but before crossing over, Norwen was washed by all kinds of modern knowledge and discovered the essence of this thing at a glance.

"Isn't this... what kind of fundraising? Is it a Ponzi scheme?"

It is agreed that the principal will be invested and cannot be withdrawn before maturity, and there will be generous returns in each cycle.

Standard fraud characteristics.

The so-called high returns are actually "taking money from one pocket to pay for another".

Taking part of the participants' principal as "income", before the principal is used up, as long as the participants do not ask for the principal to be withdrawn, this scam can continue.

But Norwen has also learned about the reputation of the big businessman Rune Monger in the Prantis continent through his believers. The other party is indeed a wealthy man who is rich enough to rival a country. He has industries or investments in various industries.

Shouldn't the Ponzi scheme be a routine used by poor scammers who package themselves as rich people to get something for nothing?

With the wealth that Monger has, there is no need to do this kind of operation. If it explodes in the future, it will not greatly damage his reputation.

Norwen thought of a possibility.

Gail also saw something fishy like Norwen.

On the way to follow Skate and Cunning Shadow·Smashing Stone in the manor, Gail explained to Pete in a low voice:

"There must be something wrong with the Gilded Club."

"As for investment, the teachings of the God of Wealth all say that there is no investment in the world that is 100% successful."

"Risk, that is, the possibility of losing money due to investment failure, definitely exists!"

"The potion shop that my father invested in lost dozens of gold coins a few years ago because of the failure to develop new potions!"

"What if this Gilded Club fails to invest with everyone's money and loses money?"

"If the principal is lost, how can it provide everyone with a stable return of 8%?"

"Could it be that Lord Mung paid out of his own pocket and used his own money to subsidize it?"

"What's more..."

"...It's hard to say whether this Gilded Club was really established by Lord Rune Munge!"

Pet said softly: "Didn't I say it when I introduced it? Rune· Monger invested in it himself?"

Gail glanced at him: "Use your brain!"

"Did you see Lord Monger from beginning to end?"

"You told me before, do you remember how this manor came about?"

Of course Pete remembered, and he began to repeat: "The goblin broker found the stonemason brotherhood organized by Reina's father, and in the name of Lord Monger, he wanted to build a luxurious manor in Green Harbor for vacation and summer vacation."

"Yes! That's the key!"

"The so-called Lord Monger has always been claimed by this guy named Cunning Shadow Crushed Stone!"

"He claimed that the luxurious manor was commissioned by Lord Monger to bid for someone to build it in Green Harbor!"

"He claimed that the Gilded Club was established by Lord Monger!"

"What we know is actually just one-sided."

"Are you sure that all this is true? And not a lie made up by the goblin broker?!"

Pet's pupils trembled.

As honest as he is, the dirtiest trick he can devise is to go to the black market with Reina and stuff small notes into people's pockets to play tricks;

Then disguise as passers-by and perform a drama of offering faith to the great god of knowledge.

But he really has something!

The God of Knowledge really exists, and the benefits of believing in it are also real!

If what Gale speculated is true, then the trick played by Cunning Shadow and Stone Crushing is not a question of whether it is dirty or not, but a bold lie!

The fox took advantage of the tiger's power, borrowed the reputation and status of Monger, and spent more than half a year to organize a sophisticated scam.

Pete looked surprised: "No, wait a minute, wait a minute."

"According to you, all this may be a lie woven by Cunning Shadow·Smashed Stone. Lord Munger did not establish any Gilded Club at all. It was actually a scam."

"Then where did he get the money to build this manor?"

Gail said faintly: "He hasn't paid the Stonemason Brotherhood yet."

"When the construction started, the purchase cost of various building materials... was paid by the Stonemason Brotherhood first."

"So in fact, the money to build this manor was not paid by Cunning Shadow·Smashed Stone."

Pet asked: "What about the land? It would cost nearly a thousand gold coins to buy such a large piece of land. This is the upper city of Green Port, and every inch of land is worth a lot of money!"

Gail's eyes were cast on the target they were tracking: "With the status of Cunning Shadow·Smashed Stone, the goblin broker in Green Port, the land problem is indeed not easy to solve."


"With the status of Bishop Skate, the situation is different!"


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