Don't call me evil god

Chapter 115 The Fire of Ambition

After Brandon finished retelling, he didn't notice that Dursley's expression was flustered for a moment.

However, the next moment, Dursley adjusted himself and restored his respectful smile:

"Understood, I will ask them to make corresponding preparations to ensure that they meet the requirements."

Brandon: Copy and paste.

[Pet Chinal: Appropriately praise the other party's contribution, then say goodbye and leave. Note that the tone can be a little arrogant, and you are free to grasp the specific details. ]

Brandon: "Appropriate praise... Oh, no! I mean, it's well done!"

"Nothing else for you, goodbye!"

Dursley stood up and greeted: "Dreyer, send this gentleman away."

Until he walked out of the Blood Roulette Underground Casino, Brandon was still confused. The previous series of conversations and actions were almost completely completed by Pete as an external brain and remote control.

Brandon couldn't figure out what kind of magic Pete used to make Dursley of the Bloodfang Gang greet him with a respectful smile.

[Brandon Robert: Mr. Pete, how did you do it? ! ]

[Pet Chinar: A few words won't explain it. Come to the Money Brothers Tavern and get ready. We will completely wipe out the cancer of the Bloodfang Gang tomorrow! ]

Brandon was refreshed!

His weakness was his brain, but he was not weak at all when it came to his hands!

Although he didn't know what happened, there should be a battle soon that would allow him to kill again!

Deep in the Blood Roulette underground casino, after sending Brandon away, Dursley's face immediately became ugly.


"Damn Skate! Damn the God of Light!"

Dreyer, who returned to the VIP room, was also in a bad mood: "My Lord, what should we do now?"

"Huh... Huh..." Dursley took a few deep breaths and managed to calm down: "Fuck Skate's family, the sacrifice ceremony will definitely not be completed in time!"

"Fortunately, I asked the two envoys of the sect in advance."

"They told me that there is another way."

"There is a set of rituals called Advent. If it works, it will eventually be completed. Sacrifice."

Dreyer showed admiration: "As expected of Lord Dursley, you have made thorough preparations!"

Dursley hummed and said ruthlessly: "For the Advent Ceremony, we can only sacrifice the Bloodfang Gang... Anyway, they were going to die anyway."

"The result is the same whether they die at the hands of the Crusaders or in the Advent Ceremony."

"Dreyer, help me notify the two messengers to start the preparatory process for the Advent Ceremony!"

"Start early tomorrow morning!"

After arranging Dryer's tasks, Dursley couldn't help but curse Fuck again.

The sudden change in the process caused twists and turns in his original plan.


At the beginning, Dursley was just a gangster who had just touched the threshold of the 1st level warrior profession. He was thinking about being a superior person and being as glorious as those big shots in the upper city.

One day, a goblin broker named Cunning Shadow Stonecrush found him and proposed a so-called "cooperation plan" given by the big shots in the upper city.

Dursley later learned that this big shot was the bishop of the Glowing God Church in Green Harbor, Skate.

The content of the cooperation plan was very simple.

Skate would provide Dursley with various kinds of help:

A bottle of Heart of Wrath potion allowed him to cross the threshold of the warrior profession that had been stuck for a long time, and barely became a level 1 warrior.

An assassination that left no trace, two gray-robed men took only one night to make the former Bloodfang Gang leader and his confidants meet the god of death, making Dursley the new Bloodfang Gang leader.

Later, it was time for Dursley to repay the other party.

Bishop Skate commissioned Cunning Shadow Stonecrush to send him two "messengers".

Through the "blessing secrets" performed by these two messengers, the members of the Bloodfang Gang can quickly gain powerful strength.

Bishop Skate's requirements were very simple.

Those who have received the blessing secrets will be contaminated by the power of the evil god.

He asked Dursley to send these "merits" to the right place at the right time.

At that time, the Crusaders will catch them all in one fell swoop.

At first, Dursley was still obeying Bishop Skett's orders, until one day, he vaguely felt the "calling".

The existence that gave power to the members of the Bloodfang Gang called Dursley.

As long as he became his agent in the world and spread chaos and disaster for him, he could gain powerful power and endless rewards.

Dursley felt the flame of ambition begin to burn in his heart.

If he continued to obey Bishop Skett's orders, he would always be a servant at the will of the other party.

Without power, he would never have the opportunity to become a real master in this life.

The great existence promised him:

As long as he accepted his blessing, he would have the opportunity to have the most powerful power in the world;

Inferior mortals would lose their reason and transform into monsters because they could not bear the blessing.

He is special!

Not only can he embrace this unique and powerful power, but he can also keep enough reason to become his pioneer and dominate everything in this world!

Dursley was moved.


The first time he received the blessing, he immediately possessed a powerful strength comparable to that of a Level 2, and the so-called evil god's pollution seemed to have no effect on him!

After receiving the blessing for the second time, his power surged to the level of level 3. He still did not feel polluted, was clear-headed, and even more rational than before!

When he wanted to receive the blessing for the third time, the great being told Dursley:

If you want to gain more powerful power, you need to offer the purest believers of the Radiance to Him as a sacrifice.

Dursley thought of the plan that Skat had told him.

"Wait until the right time, send the Bloodfang Gang to the agreed location, and they will be captured by the Crusaders as a credit."

Aren't the Crusaders the purest believers of the Radiance?

Dursley asked the two "messengers" and got a positive answer.

A dark plan was born.

Prepare the sacrificial ritual array at the right place, and use the effect of the ritual to call for the attention of the great being.

When the Crusaders arrive, sacrifice them all in exchange for your own supreme power!

In order not to arouse the suspicion of Bishop Skate, when he learned that a member of the Bloodfang Gang was attacked in the lower city, Dursley thought that the Crusaders had begun to reap the "credit" and sent out 3 more leaders, saying that they should stop the Crusaders at all costs, but in fact, they were selling them to death.

But now "Bishop Skate"'s final plan has changed temporarily, and the time is brought forward by a full 7 days.

The preparatory process of the sacrifice ceremony is not ready in time!

Dursley can only take another approach:

Use enough "sacrifices" to complete the advent ceremony and forcefully call on the great being to come.

When He looks at himself, he can offer the Crusaders as a sacrifice!

The fifth update is here. Thank you for your monthly tickets and recommendation votes. Thank you!

Thank you Qian An Yuebei for the support of 1130 starting coins. I wish you rich every day and immortality!

All the truths of the first volume have been revealed~ All the holes that should be filled have been filled. There should be no holes that have not been filled, right?

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