Don't call me evil god

Chapter 148 I will give you a new life!

Old Farmer Bill was the worst of the 25 stand-ins.

He was injured once while scavenging, and the inflammation of the wound almost killed him directly, leaving him with a root of illness, and he even coughed up blood recently.

When Hugo appeared, he signed the contract without hesitation.

He had planned everything.

He and his wife had a total of 5 children in his life. The first 3 died prematurely due to various reasons. When the fifth child was born, his wife died of dystocia and the baby could not be saved.

Only the fourth child grew up with bumps and bruises.

Old Bill named him "Ford", and Ford was also the beneficiary of the contract.

If someone is willing to hire him, he will risk his life to do things.

It's okay to die in the dark forest. It is said that after death, he will go to the underworld of the sleeping death god Jaeger, and there will be no more pain.

As a result, after crossing the border and losing the protection of miracle magic, he found that the impact of the evil god's pollution was much greater than he imagined.

As soon as he passed through [Past Glory], it seemed as if countless dangerous beings were paying attention to him, staring at Old Bill intently as if they wanted to eat him up.

Nausea, abdominal cramps, sore limbs, dizziness, and the most uncomfortable thing was that deep and dark mutterings would constantly ring in his ears.

He concentrated his consciousness to listen, but he couldn't distinguish any specific meaning.

Old Bill had already tried his best to maintain his ability to move. He was even a little worried whether he could still execute the instructions issued by his employer in this state, and whether he would fall here directly.

What he didn't expect was that the first order issued by the employer was to ask them to pray to a god named the God of Knowledge.

"The God of Knowledge will give guidance and help to all believers equally!"

"I hired you to come here, not to let you die, but to spread the gospel of a great existence."

"Recite the prayer and offer your faith to Him!"


If prayer was useful, he wouldn't have come here.

Old Bill had almost no hope.

When he was most desperate, he prayed to the God of Radiance, the God of Harvest, the God of Health, etc., but to no avail.

A long time ago, he did offer his faith in the God of Radiance in the church of the God of Radiance.

But that was only the basic blessing of faith.

To get more blessings from the gods, he needed to go to the church in the town again and pray under the guidance of the monks of the church.

The refugees could not enter the city, and the road was directly blocked.

Occasionally, people from the church would come outside the city to organize alms and prayer ceremonies, and Old Bill also dragged his uncomfortable body to participate.

But I don’t know if it’s because there are too many people participating in the prayer, some people did get the blessing from the gods, but Old Bill was not a lucky one.

He still had to live a hard life, and the situation was even so bad that he was about to die.

Otherwise, he would not have signed a contract with Hugo to become a "stand-in".

But since the employer told them to pray to the gods, he did it honestly.

Even if it was an evil god, it didn't matter. They would all die anyway. It was just a matter of sooner or later, faster or slower.

Deep in his heart, Old Bill only had a last bit of hope.

If, he meant if.

What if there was really a great god who was willing to equally care for every believer with his divine power?

He no longer even expected to receive any miracles favored by the gods. Even if it was just a little blessing, it would be good to make him go less painfully before going to the underworld of the god of death!

"In the endless universe..."

Under the leadership of Pete, Old Bill piously and seriously repeated the prayer word by word.

"...May your truth shine upon the earth!"


It seemed like a long time had passed.

And it seemed like only a moment.


[New believers detected. ]

[Believer's identity has been registered. Welcome, Philmore Bill. ]

[Knowledge Seeking Sect benefits have been issued. ]

[You have obtained 10 knowledge points. ]

[I will give you a new life! 】

The oracle message that suddenly appeared in Old Bill's mind made him tremble uncontrollably.

"Oh God..."

He really got a response from a god! And it was a direct oracle, and his name was even mentioned in the oracle!

Not only that!

At the same time as receiving the oracle, the previous bad conditions that made him unbearable were also disappearing quickly!

The malicious gaze left him hurriedly as if he was fleeing, the murmur in his ears disappeared, his mind became clear, and his physical condition was also much better!

Although the surrounding environment still made him feel a little dirty and depressed, it was completely different from the desperate and suffocating feeling a few minutes ago!

Old Bill knelt down devoutly.

A god!

He finally got the favor of a god!

As Pete said when he was preaching, the God of Knowledge really provided him with shelter and helped him resist the malice and threats of the evil gods!

Excited, Old Bill looked up and was about to express his gratitude to Pete, but was surprised to find that the reactions of the others around him were exactly the same as his.

The same excitement, the same excitement!

Old Bill asked in disbelief:

"Me? You? All of us?"

"Yes! I also got a response from the great God of Knowledge!"

"He really responded to all of us!"

"He even mentioned my name in the oracle! Great Lord!"

"God of knowledge! Thank you for your mercy!"


It’s exactly what Pat said in his sermon.

The great being named "Novan, the God of Knowledge" responded equally to everyone's prayers, sent down oracles, and granted blessings.

This is not a rhetoric used by other gods’ churches for propaganda purposes, but a real miracle!

Old Bill and others' belief in Novan skipped the gradual process of becoming a shallow believer and became extremely firm at this moment.

As a guide, Pat patiently introduced them:

"The Lord is a unique ancient god. His existence is older than the God of Radiance. He will guide believers to gain strength and change their destiny."

"The points of knowledge are the guidance He sends to us."

"With enough knowledge points, you can get help from the Lord."

"The way to become a professional, the ability to use divine magic... All the Lord's help requires is your efforts!"

"Please remember that the Lord wants to see our efforts. As long as we follow His guidance, we will definitely be rewarded accordingly!"

"As described in the oracle you received."

"The goal of our trip is the Altar of Creation in the main mission!"

“This is His call to all of us.”

"The opportunity to change your destiny and gain a new life has been placed in your hands."

People who became new believers responded immediately with action!

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