Don't call me evil god

Chapter 151 Win-Win-Win

The first person to discover the secret of this team-building incentive numerical system was Gale.

After experiencing several attacks by border rats, scientifically known as ossified monsters, Gale summarized the mechanism.

"The total reward for a five-person team is exactly twice the reward for a single person!"

"Ah? Why don't I understand?"

Brandon still didn't understand the value of this system.

Gale sighed in worry and advised earnestly: "Brandon, you must remember this."

"Don't be a businessman in your life."

"Otherwise I'm afraid you will lose all your underwear."

"So, if we can find the monster's nest, I'll show you and you'll understand."

Monsters are not always in a state of frenzy and restlessness.

They also have times when they are exhausted and need to rest.

Therefore, it means that there must be a border rat's nest nearby, and a group of monsters will be entrenched and resting in it.

The monsters that attacked the team basically wandered aimlessly outside after resting and resting. When they were close enough and sensed the team's breath, they came to attack.

"Pet, look at the map. Are there any places marked with monster nests or gathering areas near us?" Gale reminded.

"Let me see... it seems there are none!"

"That's good!"

The information marked on the map belongs to medium-to-large-scale monster-dense areas. The number is tens of thousands at any time, and the density is frightening. Moreover, if one of them is discovered, it is possible to directly attract the attention of all monsters.

Once that happens, it is good luck to escape back to the border of [Past Glory];

The greater probability is that you will be overwhelmed and killed by monsters on the spot.

There is no marked information, which means that the nests occupied by these border rats should have just appeared not long ago, and the scale is not large, so it can be dealt with!

As the team marched along, they were attacked several times again. A small clearing appeared in the forest on the side of the route. There was a sudden mound of earth in the middle. Dozens of border rats with sharp bone spurs on their bodies were resting with their eyes closed.

After being polluted and deformed into monsters, their original habits also changed.

No longer struggling to dig holes to make nests, but just staying on the ground so blatantly, they would wander around and attack and destroy wantonly after recovering their energy.

Gale picked out 4 of the team who were more courageous in fighting monsters before.

"You just need to be responsible for blocking in front, and leave the rest to me."

After arranging the tasks, Gale picked up a stone from the ground and threw it hard in the direction of the monster group!

"Squeak! Squeak! Squeak!!!"

The first rat was hit by the stone, and the cry it made when it woke up instantly caused a chain reaction.

The monsters found Gale, and their eyes were filled with blood-thirsty and crazy blood-red light, and they rushed towards everyone regardless of everything.

Although the four people picked out by Gale were a little scared, they still mustered up their courage and did not retreat.

"Arcane Barrage!"

(Arcane Barrage!)

The loud chanting of the spell sounded in the dangerous forest clearing. Gale raised his right hand, and his robe was agitated by the abundant arcane energy. The endless purple barrage blasted towards the "border rats" rushing towards him!

"Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The power of the third-level attack magic was amazing. Most of the 0-level skeletal monsters could not even withstand the first blow. They were killed on the spot when the barrage hit them!

Those who were lucky enough to dodge or barely hold their breath were quickly overwhelmed by the subsequent attacks in front of the endless magic barrage!

[Arcane Barrage] is a guided magic. As long as the caster can maintain the stability of the spell model, the bombing state can be maintained.

Gale bombarded the monster group for half a minute with high intensity. When the spell was finished, his face was a little pale due to the consumption of mental energy.

The results were remarkable.

This kind of weakest monster had no brains or reason, and would only attack the enemy all at once. Gale used the third-level magic to kill them all.

None of the dozens of ossified monsters survived, and some even did not leave a complete corpse under the impact of the arcane barrage, and were directly beaten to pieces.

[Eliminate 32 0-level ossified monsters, knowledge points +25, legendary experience +167]

Sharing the content of the reward, Gale explained to Brandon:

"If you fight alone, you should only get 19.2 knowledge points and 128 legendary experience if you eliminate all these monsters, right?"

Brandon scratched his head, his brain itched a little, and he seemed to have a brain.

"I brought four teammates with me to destroy the monsters this time. The Lord gave us more rewards because I made more contributions in the battle and got most of the rewards."

"As long as your contribution in the team is large enough, the amount of this reward can be more than if you act alone!"

Gail's more rewards will actually lead to less rewards for other members of the team, but the four people who were selected earlier did not have any dissatisfaction. On the contrary, they were ecstatic.

"Thank you, sir!"

"Master Mage, please allow me to express my most sincere gratitude to you!"

"Long live Mr. Franklin!"

Gail's full name is Gail Franklin.

If it weren't for their age, hugging the thighs of young people would look a bit weird, they would have wanted to hug the thighs of Gale, the mage, and not let go!

It's very simple.

Although the rewards they received have become less, it depends on who they are compared with!

It's definitely not comparable to Gale.

But it's different when compared with their past selves.

After destroying 32 monsters in this small-scale border rat nest, each of them got more than 3 knowledge points and more than 22 legendary experience points.

In the previous attacks, a group of them mustered up the courage to risk getting injured, and it took a lot of effort to kill 1 bone monster, and the reward in the end was just that little.


They don't have to do anything!

As long as they muster up the courage to stand in front, there is no danger, no monster can really attack them, and they are bombarded by [Arcane Barrage] on the way.

They can easily get the reward equivalent to killing more than a dozen monsters by themselves.

What's more, when they fight by themselves, they can only pick up lone monsters to deal with, how dare they destroy a small-scale nest directly like Gale did.

When they fight monsters by themselves, even if they are injured, Miranda can provide treatment, but the pain of the wound is real.

How can it be as comfortable as picking up rewards almost for free?

The biggest difficulty they are facing now is the lack of knowledge points and legendary experience. It takes a certain amount of time and effort to accumulate and learn the desired divine arts or other abilities.

Gale takes them to act, which is equivalent to greatly shortening the accumulation process!

Gale can get more rewards, he is happy;

The newcomers are led by strong people, which is much more efficient than they act by themselves, and they are also happy;

The believers are eager to eliminate monsters and help Norman plunder divine power. Norman can also intercept a part of it for himself, which makes him even more happy.


Everyone is winning!

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