Don't call me evil god

Chapter 157 The reason why we must protect

"I, I just approached here, and then it told me..."

Brandon stuttered, pointing at the table in front of him and explained:

"It told me, said, whether to consume knowledge points to exchange for the specified creation."

"I looked at it, and the creation provided was in the shape of a bread, and it said that as long as I provide the raw materials, the exchange will cost 0.1 points."

"If there are no raw materials, the exchange will cost 0.5 points."

"I... I tried it."

"It, it it it it appeared!"

Pate took a deep breath and tried to suppress his excitement.

Walking to another table, as the light on the table lit up, he also saw the same content as Brandon:

[Toast Bread]

[Recipe: 300g flour, 30g dairy products, 50g poultry and egg products...]

[Material production: 0.1 knowledge points]

[Material production without materials: 0.5 knowledge points]

[Number of times remaining today: 3 times]

Gently touch the material-free production option on the table.

The same brilliant light flashed.

A square toast bread exactly the same as the one on Brandon's table appeared.

"No wonder the Lord sent down an oracle and asked us to find the Creation Altar. This is the place where His creation miracles are!"

Pete pointed to the neatly arranged round tables in the building hall.

"These - should be the Creation Altar pointed out by the oracle."

Pete already understood.

He was a little worried. The initial stage of territory development was the most difficult, because they only had people now, but no resources.

Especially the most important food!

This is outside the border of the kingdom. It is impossible to buy food in the market like in the kingdom, not to mention ready-made bread, bacon, jam and other things.

The problem of food will be the biggest difficulty in establishing the church territory.

But now, this difficulty no longer exists.

As long as they can get enough knowledge points, any believer of the God of Knowledge can directly exchange bread as food in the Creation Altar!

It's not bad black bread!

But it's fragrant, soft, sweet and fragrant white bread!

To be more precise:

This is the existence that can be called "Queen's Bread" after carefully fermenting with ingredients such as eggs, milk, and honey.

It is a top enjoyment that only the great nobles in the kingdom can experience!

Not only does the difficulty of food source no longer exist, but even this bread miracle will become the most powerful "attraction" source of the Church of Knowledge!

Pate's face was solemn, and he said firmly: "There is no doubt that we now have a reason to defend this place!"


After Brandon and Pete tried it, others also walked to the round table with excitement and piety, trying to contribute their knowledge points and obtain the creation of miracles.

Old farmer Bill looked at the bread that he carefully held in his hands. It weighed nearly 1 pound, was square, and exuded a rich aroma. If you smelled it carefully, you could even taste some honey sweetness. He felt that life in the past few days was simply a dreamlike unreality.

Tear off a small piece with gratitude and put it in your mouth, waiting for the sweet breath to burst out on your taste buds.

Bill burst into tears and even cried out loudly.

"God of knowledge!"

"Thank you for your blessing! I... I am willing to give you everything!

What did he see?

This is a miracle that a god gave him!

When Bill used to farm in the village, bread was an extremely luxurious enjoyment for him!

Before his wife died, Old Bill spent a lot of money to take care of her health, and he owed a foreign debt for this. He also had to support himself and his children.

The wheat grown in the farmland is the raw material for making bread, but it has nothing to do with Old Bill's family, and he can't afford it at all.

Not to mention the various white breads in the town.

Even the long stick-shaped black bread with wheat flour mixed with a lot of bran, even sawdust, gravel, and sand, which is sour, hard, and astringent, and hurts the teeth and throat, is difficult for Old Bill to afford.

Most of the time, the daily food for him and his children is to add some hot water to the wheat flour and stir it into wheat paste to fill their stomachs.

It looks like vomit, and the taste is even more indescribable.

If Occasionally, you can find wild vegetables and add them to the food, which is a good treat.

Black bread can only be bought occasionally on festive occasions such as the Harvest Festival and the Triumphal Day to commemorate the occasion.

Old Bill didn't even have the courage to look at the soft and delicate white bread from across the bakery.

It would be a crime to look at it for a second.

He was afraid of tainting the noble food.

Not to mention the legendary "Queen's Bread".

He had only seen Queen's Bread at the annual harvest ceremony of the Church of the God of Harvest. It was said to be a sacred offering to the God of Harvest.

After the ceremony, all believers could get a small bite as a gift from the God of Harvest.

Old Bill only tasted the Queen's Bread the size of a knuckle at that time, and because the ceremony lasted for a long time, the bread was shriveled.

Even so, the sweet taste of the Queen's Bread can still become the best moment in Old Bill's memory. After each harvest festival, he would hope that the next year's harvest festival would come soon.

Now, standing in front of the Creation Altar in the Misty Valley, Old Bill even suspected that his experience these days was a dream.

He was prepared to die in the dark forest.

A great god who was said to have awakened from the old days blessed him.

On the way forward, Old Bill felt that he was not very smart, otherwise how could he have been a poor farmer who could not even support himself and his children.

He was afraid that he could not learn any magic or divine arts, so he honestly chose the warrior route.

Although the practice of mastering anger was bumpy, he finally succeeded and really stimulated a ray of anger from his body. Even if it was weak, it meant that Old Bill could barely be considered a level 1 warrior.

The guidance of the gods gave him strength.

At that time, Old Bill had already planned to firmly follow every oracle given to him by the God of Knowledge.

Since the gods asked them to find the Creation Altar, he would do it even if he risked his life.

After coming to the Misty Valley and witnessing the "miracle" brought by the Creation Altar, Old Bill's faith became more devout, and became extremely firm and unshakable!

The Dark Forest is dangerous, yes!

But in order to defend the Creation Altar, Old Bill no longer cares about whether the Dark Forest is dangerous or not!

He already has a reason to defend the Creation Altar!

Not for anything else, just for this miracle brought down by the God of Knowledge for them!

He has regarded this place as his new home!

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