Don't call me evil god

Chapter 179 Dual Tracks

Ray Wayne is considering whether to offer his faith to Norwin in prayer.

Novin was thinking about another thing.

Just like when the believers had no money in Green Harbor, it was difficult to distribute the spoils fairly.

Now a similar problem has arisen again, and this time the situation is more complicated.

When Green Harbor was cleaning up the Bloodfang Gang, everyone was doing the same thing, which was to fight the enemies and obtain Noven's rewards.

Building residential buildings is different!

Some people are responsible for collecting raw materials, some are responsible for processing and production, and some are responsible for transportation and construction.

There are also those responsible for using divine magic to complete the construction.

Different jobs will trigger different life career tasks, and you will receive different amounts of knowledge points rewarded by Noven.

But these people who are responsible for building houses are only part of the current believers of Nouwen.

Old Bill, Pete, and Brandon, who knew almost nothing about building houses, were not involved in the construction process at all.

In the past few days, Old Bill has been busy using the magic of harvest to care for the crops he collected, and restored his identity as a farmer in this new home.

Pete, like Brandon, takes people out regularly to eliminate monsters in the dark forest.

With the construction of the territory, social division of labor began to naturally appear among the believers.

You can’t say that because Pet and the others were not involved in house construction, they are not qualified to participate in the distribution, right?

At present, the number of believers in Novin is not that large, and everyone is familiar with them. Many things are shared with each other. There are points rewarded by Novin and things provided by the altar of creation. Life is almost self-sufficient, and there is no use of "currency" to exchange." "labor" concept.

Along with the task of territory construction, believers are creating a better life.

Eating enough is just the basis.

Now the house is built.

The emergence of social division of labor means the emergence of commodity exchange and the need for monetary equivalents.

Although the believers have received rewards from the gods, namely Novan, during their labor, they can use the points they have accumulated as currency.

But Novin cannot let them trade completely freely.

Because the rewards he can provide are not equivalent in different "divisions of labor".

For example, Pet and the others can go to the dark forest to kill monsters to earn knowledge points. As their strength increases, they can earn a dozen or more points a day as rewards.

Old Bill completed a [Farming] task, and the reward was only 2 knowledge points.

Although Bill can also rely on his own efforts to become a professional and go out to destroy monsters.

But individual differences between people exist objectively.

He is older, his reactions are not as fast as those of young people, his brain is not smart enough, and he cannot learn things as quickly.

He's not good at this.

Same house, same "price".

Pate may just need to go out and kill some monsters to get enough points as a reward.

Old Bill had to farm for a long time to obtain the same number of points.

You can get more rewards by fighting monsters, which means that this will become everyone's "first choice" or the optimal solution.

Things such as farming and breeding will become inferior options that cannot satisfy the optimal solution.

If this model continues without any restrictions, the final result will be the same as that of the Realak Kingdom, where professionals can be canonized as nobles and enjoy various superior treatments.

Ordinary people such as farmers and herdsmen can only survive hard and barely survive.

What Nouwen can do now is to provide a "guarantee" for everyone's lives.

Even the most ordinary farmer can rely on his own labor to obtain enough food or the knowledge to change his destiny.

But because of the differences among individual believers, there is still essentially a level of differentiation.

Novin does not intend to eliminate this differentiation, nor is he able to eliminate it.

Because the theoretical method of elimination is to unify everyone's physical qualities, strengths, weaknesses, etc. to the same level, so there will naturally be no gaps.

Absolute average is meaningless.

What each believer gains through hard work is to live a better life than before when comparing himself to himself, not to others.

What Novin wants to do is to provide everyone with more and better "guarantees" so that they can work hard without worries and do the best they can.

Therefore, regarding the issue of how to distribute labor after the division of labor occurs in territory construction, Novin had already prepared a solution when he released the territory construction task.

He deliberately strongly bound the [Population of Territory Citizens] and [Number of Residential Residences] in the territory.

With the construction of the house completed, Norwin sent down his prepared oracle:

[The construction of the first house is completed. It is detected that the current population of believers in the territory is greater than the number of habitable houses. Regulations on residential construction have been issued! 】

[The basic residential unit is based on the standard module specification 4×5×3, which can accommodate up to 5 people. Each person who moves in consumes 10 knowledge points per month]

[During the period when the rules are in effect, it is prohibited to build residential buildings of other specifications]

[After the number of residential buildings can be accommodated by the entire population, construction restrictions and sales and rental restrictions will be lifted]

A series of oracles descended.

The strategy prepared by Novin is simple:

"Low-rent housing" and "commercial housing" run in parallel.

He wants to direct the believers to first build "low-rent housing" that is enough for everyone. This part of the residential houses will not be sold. As long as the believers pay a very small amount of rent, they can live in them for a long time.

If the number of residential houses is not enough to satisfy everyone, then it is forbidden to build other types of houses, and a strict "planned allocation" model is implemented. In the initial stage of the territory, individual differences are forcibly smoothed out by Norwen with oracles.

Anyone who dares to challenge the rules will be directly banned!

The magic and divine arts learned by the believers are learned with the knowledge given by Norwen on the one hand, and the "permission" obtained by Norwen as a springboard on the other hand.

As long as Norwen takes back the permission, everything they have learned will become invalid instantly.

"Basic residential unit" is the "bottom line" measure prepared by Norwen for all believers.

Even new believers who have just arrived in the Misty Valley can have enough places to live.

As for those who are more capable and earn more points, or the believers of construction craftsmen who have the ability to build houses.

When the number of basic residential houses here is enough to accommodate all the believers living here, they can also build the houses they want by entrusting or doing it themselves.

As for the pricing of the entrusted transaction and the number of points paid as currency to repay the other party's labor, that is the behavior of the market economy. Nowen will leave it to the believers to decide and let the "invisible big hand" slowly regulate it.

Of course, for those who dare to use market competition to engage in real estate speculation, monopoly and other operations that disrupt the market order.

Nowen, who suffered greatly in his previous life, has the ability to change this time, and he directly hit hard.

Still the same sentence.

Nowen will use the "visible big hand" to let those who are seeking death taste the feeling of being slapped.


It is really a headache to write this content with a cold. I hope there are no particularly big bugs. If you think there is a problem with the setting, you can complain. If you have better suggestions, Guozi will modify it tomorrow.

There is another update before 0:00! I will definitely finish the daily 10,000!

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