Don't call me evil god

Chapter 192 The Unlucky Saint Body

Yaan discovered a long time ago that he seemed to be a guy who was prone to bad luck.

Note, it was bad luck.

He didn't have small bad luck like tripping, falling, and losing things.

But Yaan would encounter some serious bad luck!

The first time he discovered this was when he was just a little old.

At that time, Yaan had just been born. His mother took him to the river to wash clothes. A big fish jumped out of the river, shook its head and tail, and threw Yaan into the river on the spot.

Fortunately, Yaan was lucky. He was washed downstream by the river. He was finally found and rescued when he was dying.

It costs a lot of money to ask the priest of the Glorious God to treat him.

It was a coincidence.

The big fish that jumped out by itself found a valuable magic gem in its stomach. It sold it to the merchant who bought it for some money. Not only did it cover the cost of the priest's treatment, but there was still a lot left.

Later, Yaan tried to offer his faith to the goddess of magic and tried to become a wizard.

Because the life of a mage is comfortable enough.

You don't have to do anything else on weekdays.

You can earn a lot of money by staying at home and copying scrolls.


When he prayed to the goddess of magic for the first time, the magic network in the nearby area... exploded.

To describe it in the professional terms of the magic world, this phenomenon should be called "magic network riot".

I didn't know what happened at that time.

The magic network in the area of ​​more than ten kilometers near Yaan experienced a short and strong violent fluctuation.

The arcane energy disorder caused by the magic network riot not only formed a short-term magic-forbidden area in this area within a few seconds, but also successfully caused all nearby magic locks to fail, magic circles to malfunction, and magic scrolls to expire.

In short, the economic loss is huge!

Yaan was even more unlucky, because he was trying to communicate with the magic network when it rioted, and this impact was seriously injured on the spot!

He had to ask the priest of the Glowing God to treat him for more than half a month.

However, it may be a blessing in disguise. The strong arcane aura emitted when the magic network fluctuated permeated Yaan's body, which made him successfully improve his affinity with the goddess of magic.

Apart from other things, Yaan was quickly blessed by the goddess for the space-based 2nd-level magic [Flash], which is quite difficult for most mages to master.

By copying the scroll of Flash, although the success rate of copying is not high and it takes several months to complete one, but this thing is expensive, Yaan has a source of income, enough to live a good life.

As for why he stepped into the Dark Forest.

The answer is simple.

He was pitted by his unlucky physique again.

When selling the scroll of [Flash], I don’t know what happened, and the scroll that was just completed a few days ago had problems.

The 2nd-level magic [Flash] had the effect of the 6th-level magic [Astral Transfer]!

All the scrolls worth hundreds of gold coins in the magic scroll shop in Ceylon City were packed and sent to the astral world, without a single one left!

Oh, right.

He also gave away the clothes the female clerk was wearing!

Yaan was so desperate at that time.

He was instantly in debt of several hundred gold coins. He didn't know if he could pay it back in his lifetime just by copying scrolls.

What made him even more upset was that no store in Ceylon City dared to accept his [Flash] scroll!

He lost his source of income.

Yaan had only one option left, that is, to change his career and become an adventurer.

Kill monsters to make money to pay off debts.

He followed his companions into the Dark Forest, but... he was in trouble again!

The white sphere, which was of unknown use, directly alarmed a large number of monsters, and all his companions were killed, and Yaan ran for his life.

After finally getting rid of the monsters' pursuit, Yaan thought his bad luck was almost over, but he didn't expect that after opening his eyes, he found out that he had arrived at the territory of the heretical church.

When he thought of the doctrines of those heretical churches!

He might as well die!

Yaan's mentality was a little broken.

If he had known this would happen, he shouldn't have thought about becoming a mage.

Just be an honest farmer like your father, plant crops and have children!

Although life as an ordinary person is poor, there won't be so many dangers!

Looking at the girl in the room who is obviously a priest of the Radiant Light, and another unidentified girl next to him, Yaan has already imagined a series of plots.

These two girls are probably victims who accidentally entered the passage after he discovered that the gray fog opened it, and were caught by the so-called "Church of Seeking Knowledge".

According to the usual heavyweight doctrines of heretics.

The Church of Seeking Knowledge, maybe it uses various methods to explore the mysteries of mortal bodies?

Yaan subconsciously thought of disembowelment and vivisection!


Miranda looked at the man she rescued from outside the Misty Valley, and her expression suddenly became extremely depressed, and she looked like she had lost hope, and was a little confused.

What happened to the other party?

She clearly used the Radiant Light magic to treat the other party.

[The Secret of All Things] The divine art also showed that there were no sequelae. The opponent was just a little weak and had a normal reaction after being overly tired. He just needed to rest for a few days.

Why did he suddenly become autistic?

It was a coincidence.

During this period, as the territory in the Misty Valley gradually developed on the right track, Miranda no longer had to stay in the valley to provide treatment for the injured or sick as before.

With nothing else to do, Miranda discussed with Reina. The two of them took three new believers and began to try to kill some monsters outside the Misty Valley to earn legendary experience.

During this period, Brandon, who was the most active in killing monsters, was almost promoted to level 26, and he looked like he was going straight to level 3 warriors.

Miranda and Reina did not gain much legendary experience. Their levels did not change much from when they were in Green Port. They just consumed knowledge points and learned some new combat skills and magic.

Not long after leaving the Misty Valley, Reina found Yaan who had fainted. The original plan to kill monsters was cancelled, so Yaan was taken back to the valley for treatment first.

After waking up and asking a few questions, the other party suddenly became listless. Miranda thought he was worried about something and was about to comfort him.

Yaan seemed to have made up his mind, and suddenly said seriously:

"You two, my name is Yaan, Yaan Kervia."

"Let's work together to escape from here!"

"Although I always get into bad luck, I have discovered some patterns over the years!"

"As long as I can survive the bad luck, I will have good luck next."

"Although the heretic church is dangerous, if we are lucky enough, maybe we can escape!"

"No matter what, it's better than staying here and being dissected alive by the people of the Seeking Knowledge Church!"

Miranda and Reina blinked in unison:


"What... are you talking about?"


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