Don't call me evil god

Chapter 201 A huge price?

Yaan: Weak, pitiful and helpless.

He was thinking about a serious problem.

The large number of monsters that suddenly appeared outside the Misty Valley were probably attracted by him.

Obviously, he was in big trouble.

The tradition of the Dark Forest has always been "You can die, but don't bleed on me."

If you encounter other adventurers and mercenaries in a difficult battle, you can take the initiative to help if you are able to help.

But the party in trouble is not allowed to take the initiative to ask for help from others!

Especially those who see themselves in danger and try to lead monsters to other people.

Such people are not protected by the laws of the kingdom. Killing them directly when the situation is not good is an emergency avoidance.


Yaan didn't consider the situation of people in the Misty Valley at all. When he fled, he only thought about taking refuge in the gray fog.

These believers of the Church of Knowledge were attacked by monsters, and he was afraid that he would be fully responsible!

What made Yaan sweat even more was that the attack caused serious injuries or even death to some people.

This pot is probably his!

If he hadn't run to the Misty Valley, the monsters wouldn't have been brought here, and the attack wouldn't have happened.

Although the Church of Knowledge has a powerful divine art comparable to the [Great Resurrection Spell].

But Yaan knew with his toes that this method must be a very precious thing!

There are only five top-level 6th-level priests in the Church of the God of Radiance who can release the [Great Resurrection Spell].

They are honored as the Five Saints of Radiance.

And the cost of casting this divine art is extremely high:

It can only be released once a year at most.

The ritual requires divine art materials worth 25,000 gold coins.

Yaan felt dizzy just thinking about so many gold coins.

The total loss of the magic scroll shop that was harmed by his bad luck was less than 500 gold coins!

The Countess of Ceylon probably doesn't have so much property at home!

Although there is also a lower-level 3rd-level Radiance divine art [Resurrection Spell], which also has the effect of resurrecting the dead, the restrictions of [Resurrection Spell] are very harsh.

It can only be released twice a month at most.

It can only be released within 1 minute of the target's death;

The target must be intact;

It consumes 20 gold worth of magic materials;

Even if the recipient is resurrected, he will enter a weak state that lasts for a whole day and cannot take care of himself.

Rather than calling [Resurrection] the resurrection of the dead, it is better to say that the effect of this magic is more like an emergency rescue method. If you miss the opportunity, it is more reliable to use [Glow Comfort] to transcend the soul.

Brandon was so lively when he was just resurrected, which is obviously not the effect that a magic of the level of [Resurrection] can achieve!

It must be some extremely powerful and extremely rare magic ritual.

Yaan's scalp tingled.

He couldn't even afford to compensate the magic scroll shop that he cheated, let alone compensate the other party for the cost of casting this top magic.

He didn't dare not tell the truth.

There is a thing like the truth magic to detect lies. Lying can only deceive for a while, not for a lifetime.

"I brought the monster here, I know... saying sorry is useless, I didn't know you were in the Misty Valley, I just wanted to survive... I made you pay such a huge price for this, but... I'm sorry! I'm willing to do anything to make up for my mistake!"

Yan put his hands together and swore very sincerely!

Pet and Brandon:?

Paid a very huge price?

If the fate points are counted as the price, the 100 points required for the [Resurrection] spell are indeed not small.

But it is definitely not "huge", right?

Pet was the first to understand.

He was preconceived!

After witnessing and experiencing many miracles belonging to the God of Knowledge, the [Resurrection] spell was also very shocking to Pete, but he actually adapted to it quickly.

A great god like the God of Knowledge is a legendary existence that has awakened from the old days. Isn't it normal that it is different from other gods?

Any believer can become a professional, and can get rewards by destroying monsters, and points can be exchanged for food given by the gods out of thin air.

Any of these can be boasted about by other churches and written about in the scriptures.

Consuming 100 life points to resurrect in the Creation Altar is very reasonable, just the basic operation of the God of Knowledge!

But Yaan didn't know this.

This unlucky guy must have thought that they used a terrifying and costly method like [Great Resurrection].

Pete thought about it and had to admit it.

If he was not a believer of the God of Knowledge, he would most likely associate the effect of the [Resurrection] spell with the [Great Resurrection Spell] at first glance.

Only members of the Church of Knowledge know the true cost of this spell.

"I think you're mistaken." Pete thought, "Actually... the price is not as exaggerated as you think."

"This is the unique power of the god we believe in. His power is endless. What you see is just the tip of the iceberg."

Yan: "The tip of the iceberg?!"

So it means that bringing believers back to life is nothing in the Church of Knowledge. Is there anything more outrageous?

Yan feels that since he came to the Misty Valley, he seems to have been contaminated by the evil god. The world suddenly became another look!

Either the people in the Church of Knowledge are all crazy, and the things he encountered after waking up are all illusions and fake things, which are the things that the heretical church uses to deceive people!

Or... Pete, and what Rena and Miranda told him before are all true!

In that case, how can this God of Knowledge be a heretic!

It is clearly a greater existence than the God of Radiance and the Goddess of Magic!

Yaan was torn between heaven and man.

"You brought monsters? Why did the monsters chase you? What did you do?"

Seeing that Yaan didn't speak, Pete continued to ask.

Yaan didn't try to hide it, and told his experience honestly.

He stepped into the cave with his companions and found the white ball. The moment he took it away, he disturbed a large number of monsters in the cave, and then he had a tragic marathon escape.

Pete suddenly realized!

The case was solved.

In order to chase him and take back the white ball, the monsters came all the way to the misty valley.

No wonder Gale and Brandon were suddenly attacked by a level 3 monster.

It turned out that it was this kid Yaan who brought the monster here!

When he heard the word "crypt" from Yaan, Pete focused his attention.

He remembered it very clearly.

When the God of Knowledge cast the spell of [Resurrection], the word "dark crypt" was also mentioned in the oracle!

The dark crypt, Pete knew a little bit.

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