Don't call me evil god

Chapter 209: Dark Crypt Reclamation Team

Pete, Brandon, Gale, Miranda, and Rena.

Two Tier 3 Mages, with legendary levels of 33 and 31 respectively, with Gale being slightly higher;

Tier 2 Peak Warrior, level 29, and the experience will soon meet the requirements for upgrading to level 30;

Tier 2 Radiant Priest, level 27;

Tier 2 Stalker, level 25.

This is the strongest lineup of the Church of Knowledge that most believers accept and recognize.

Although on paper it looks like a mix of Tier 3 and Tier 2, unlike the Crusaders of the Cult of Radiant God, who can pick anyone out to be Tier 3 at the minimum.

However, actual strength cannot be judged by professional rating alone.

For example, Miranda, she used to be a Tier 2 Radiant Priest, but she only mastered the healing blessing of the five major blessing spells that can be rated as Tier 2.

There are many Tier 3 priests in the Crusaders who only master 2 or 3 blessings sporadically.

Now Miranda has all five major blessing spells!

Healing, strength, protection, purification, courage, she knows them all!

There are no obvious shortcomings or weaknesses, or in other words, they are almost all strong points!

The five of them took the lead and explored the dark cave, which was a decision agreed by all the believers.

Although the first person to try it out will definitely get more rewards in terms of exploration rating, it depends on your strength to get this reward!

The situation in the cave is unclear. Now everyone doesn’t even know what the environment and route are like. Once they die in it, there is a high probability that they will not be able to pick up their bodies.

Let the strongest team try to open up the wasteland first, and share some intelligence after mastering it. Other believers will be more confident and safer when they enter to explore.

It has been a long time since we had an adventure together, and we were still with friends who had fought together in Green Harbor. Pete sighed softly with some nostalgia:

“Count the time, we haven’t been together for a long time.”

During this period, each of them had their own things to do, let alone adventure together, and even the opportunity to get together during the break time might not be able to come together.

Often it was either this person was busy or that person was not there.

It was difficult for the five people to be present like when they first arrived at the Misty Valley.

"Because we all have our own goals on weekdays. If everything goes well in this exploration, I should be able to be promoted to a level 3 warrior!"

Brandon laughed.

He was the one who worked the hardest to level up. He was either destroying monsters or on his way to destroy monsters.

After that "die together" with the level 3 monster, Brandon's level in combat seemed to have suddenly become enlightened.

It was not a skill or combat technique, but a kind of intuition.

The intuition of danger.

The originally heavy two-handed sword became as easy as a finger in his hand.

When encountering monster attacks, he no longer needs to dodge with big movements;

but uses weapons to block the opponent's attack path!

Not only can he completely block the attack, but he can also counterattack.

Later, when he destroyed monsters to maintain the [regional stability] outside the Misty Valley, Brandon was rarely injured, let alone died.

When besieging the level 3 monster, as the main attacker in the melee position, he fought without any injuries throughout the battle!

No matter how fast the monsters attack, he can raise his weapon and parry the attack purely by instinct, just like muscle memory!

Hearing Brandon's words, Gale also interrupted the topic and asked:

"I'm actually quite curious. I heard that Pete, when you recently took new believers out to kill monsters, you divided the rewards among five people equally?"

With more and more people taking new believers, the believers have almost formed a default "rule".

When forming a team, the captain takes 60% of the reward or even more. As compensation, the team members only need to wait for the captain to take action from a distance, and they don't need to participate in the battle.

But Pete followed the normal cooperation mode, and the five people divided the reward equally, without taking any more.

Because of this, Pete and Gale are both taking new people, and Gale's level is now more than 2 levels higher than Pete.

Pet is confident: "Of course, my goal is not destiny points and legendary experience, but regional reputation."

"Didn't you notice that taking new people to fight will get rewards for regional reputation."

Both Gale and Brandon nodded in affirmation.

They also noticed that when the team disbanded after training new members, they would be reminded that they had gained a certain amount of regional reputation.

Regional reputation, like regional stability, appears when the Creation Altar is activated, but the former is currently just a simple number, and no effect has been found.

To be precise, it is not just about bringing new believers.

As long as you contribute to the construction of the territory.

For example, when you successfully recruit new believers, build functional buildings that are not available in the territory, or maintain [Regional Stability], you can get different amounts of regional reputation.

Pete was very sure.

"If I understand the Lord's will correctly, this regional reputation must be related to the future Lord election!"

"Think about it, what kind of things give more regional reputation? Is it when promoting the construction of the Misty Valley territory?"

"Wait for the people of Green Port to come and unlock the Lord election, and then you will know if my idea is right."

Pete's goal has not changed.

He is still thinking about the Lord's affairs. Compared with adventure and battle, his talent is more in overall command and strategic deployment.

If the Misty Valley was just a pure church holy land, there would be no need for the God of Knowledge to send down a mission reward of [Unlock Lord Campaign].

Since there is an election for lord, Pett does not intend to miss it.

"Don't worry about those things. After all, it will take some time for our friends from Greenport to immigrate."

"Today our task is to open up the dark crypt," Bate emphasized seriously. "Check, have you brought all the equipment and consumables?"

In addition to basic weapons and equipment, Pett and the others specially brought some consumables to ensure safety this time.

Hugo took the time to refine the [slow-release potion] using the monster materials collected by the believers. It has the effect of reducing pain in a short period of time. He has two bottles in hand for emergency use;

The portable whetstone created by Mullen is mainly used by Brandon and Reina. It can be used to polish weapons after battle to maintain their sharpness;

There are not many scrolls of [Flash Technique] copied by Ya'an, only two.

One for Brandon and one for Miranda.

It is also used to save lives in emergencies.

Although death is no longer the end, even if the body can be brought back, there will still be a certain loss in the transferred legendary experience, and the higher the level, the greater the amount lost.

If death can be avoided, believers will try to avoid it as much as possible.

Consumables check completed.

"Miranda, give me your blessing!"

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