Don't call me evil god

Chapter 221 Lord's Authority

Noven made plans.

Directly announce the existence of the "Church of Knowledge" to adventurers who enter the dark forest. They are easily frightened by the name of the heretical church.

But if there is a buffer area with freedom of belief and only the lord is responsible for management, many things will become much easier to operate.

To put it another way.

Hide the existence of the Seeking Church from the outside.

On the surface, these territories appear to have been established by a group of pioneers.

Only the believers of the Seeking Church can know the true core situation!

When Old Moni and other believers from Greenport arrived in the Misty Valley and were officially judged to be transformed into territorial citizens, the initial stage of the [territory construction series tasks] was completed.

[The number of citizens has been reached! 】

[Basic residential buildings in the territory have been achieved! 】

[Territory infrastructure has been achieved! 】

[The lord election system has been opened, the current number of open lords: 3]

The oracle announcement came down.

The "Lord" and "Territory" modes provided by Novin to believers release a lot of authority.

[Regional Reputation] Believers who meet the requirements, that is, believers who are usually keen to help the construction of the territory or support new believers, can apply to Noven to obtain ownership of a "territory".

The specific location of the territory was demarcated in advance by Noven.

With the Misty Valley as the center, there are three territories in total.

One area is close to the direction of Reyak Kingdom;

An entrance near Area 4 on the surface of the Dark Crypt;

The last piece is adjacent to the entrance to the Misty Valley.

After a believer becomes a lord, he will have lord authority over this area.

The most important one among the permissions is: the lord will have a certain number of recommendation rights!

The function of this recommendation right is that when Novin unlocks more of the maximum number of believers, those recommended by the lord will have higher priority.

Novin plans to directly transfer the contribution value system of new believers to the upcoming lords.

He now has a limit on the number of believers. For those mortals who try to offer their faith, Novan cannot directly use the oracle to give guidance. He just uses believers as a springboard to let believers take his place and "give guidance" indirectly.

Recommended by the lord, it is equivalent to an additional contribution value certification.

In other words, the weight of becoming a formal believer will be higher.

In addition, depending on the size and prosperity of the territory, the lord can obtain the construction quota issued by Noven for free within a certain period of time, which is destiny points and legendary experience!

Lords have the authority to set their own "tasks" and "rewards"!

This is where the construction quota is used.

If the lord manages the business properly, the territory is prosperous, and meets the requirements set by Noven, and after meeting the conditions, the territory can be promoted, thus expanding the scope of the territory and obtaining more construction quotas.

in short.

Novin subcontracted the task of guiding the believers directly from him to the hands of the "Lord" believers.

The interior of the Misty Valley is the core area of ​​the Church of Knowledge. There is no lord in this area, and Noven is directly responsible for controlling it.

As for the areas outside the valley, authority is given to believers for them to play freely!

In the misty valley.

After checking the information and requirements related to the "Lord Campaign" that he had been thinking about, Pet was overjoyed.

“Praise the God of knowledge!”

The situation was better than he expected!

Pet originally only hoped that he would be satisfied with the status of a nominal lord. Unexpectedly, the God of Knowledge guided them to a lord with real power.

Just the construction quota.

As long as he is elected as the lord of a certain area, he can get a total of 10,000 destiny points every month!

This amount is enough for him to issue various tasks to other believers, mobilize their strength, and help build the territory!

Beyond that, after reading the section on running the territory, Pate noticed a key piece of information.

"After acquiring the status of lord, the believer's [Regional Reputation] template will automatically be upgraded to the [Territorial Reputation] template."

The difference between the two is:

There are many ways to gain regional fame, such as building facilities that have never appeared in the territory; recruiting new believers; or destroying powerful monsters in nearby areas. In short, doing good things that are beneficial to the territory.

There are many fewer ways to gain territory reputation.

The most important one is:

Territory visibility.

The more people know about it, come to it, and even settle in this territory, the higher the reputation of the territory will be.

A higher territory reputation corresponds to greater lord authority, more places can be recommended, and a higher amount of construction quota can be obtained.

"I understand!"

Peter understood instantly and was very happy.

“The time has come, the Lord is guiding us, it’s time to spread the gospel of the church that seeks knowledge!”

"Moreover, the Lord's will is clear. We should find believers for the church who are truly devout, not..."

At this point, Peter's voice paused.

Because Miranda was beside him, he was a little hesitant to say the second half of the sentence.

Miranda looked calm and calmly completed Peter's hesitant words:

"...It's not like the Glow God Religion is now."

After what she saw and heard in Green Harbor and Ceylon Territory, Miranda now understood one thing:

The God of Radiance and the God of Knowledge are not the same.

This difference refers to:

The God of knowledge is always watching His followers.

When believers do something worthy of encouragement, He will reward them;

When believers are about to do something bad, He will warn them;

As for those who are stubborn and dare to go all the way after receiving warnings, there are no such players among the current believers, and everyone firmly believes in the God of Knowledge.

But Miranda estimates that if there really is such a guy, he will definitely be punished by the God of Knowledge when he is dying.

The God of Radiance is different.

Miranda has always tried to set an example and follow the doctrine.

Because the church said it well when it preached.

Those with firm faith will be blessed, and those who violate the doctrine will be abandoned by the gods.

But during this period of time, Miranda witnessed the actions of the Radiance priests in other places, and gradually found that:

This is not the case at all!

"Those with firm faith may not be rewarded!"

"Those who violate the doctrine will not be punished!"

Because of this, the Radiance Cult is very different from what Miranda imagined.

A large number of church monks, knights, deacons, and bishops who enjoy the blessings of the God of Glory are neither firm nor devout in their faith!

They keep saying that they believe in the doctrine of Glory and praise the God of Glory, but it is just words.

What they do and what they say are two completely different things!

Miranda couldn't understand why these blatant acts of blasphemy were so unscrupulous and not punished.

She wanted to change the status quo, but it was definitely impossible to rely on the self-purification of the Glory Church.

There are problems in the Glory Church from top to bottom.

The only way is to find a way to exert pressure from the outside.

Miranda can't do it alone.

The existence of the Church of Knowledge gave Miranda hope.

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