Don't call me evil god

Chapter 233 Is this the heretic territory? !

Ya'an answered Sam's question in a concise and concise way.

"In the Notice Square in Xiwei Territory, go and look at the territorial notice board there and you will know."

Sam didn't buy the scroll in the end, mainly because the balance in his ID card was not enough and he couldn't afford a good scroll.

He curiously went to the territorial square that Ya'an said.

The Territory Square in Westview is easy to find because it is very conspicuous.

The carefully carved circular square area is paved with smooth stone bricks and surrounded by a circle of four-season green trees and colorful flowers, making the entire square environment very beautiful.

The public notice board stands on one side of the square. It is made of durable wood and blends harmoniously with the surrounding environment. The height and angle of the notice board are the result of Ray Wayne's personal design, ensuring that no matter where you enter, People in the square can easily see the information posted above.

When Sam arrived, many adventurers had gathered around the bulletin board, and it sounded like they were having a heated discussion.

He could vaguely hear words like "impossible" and "outrageous".

Sam leaned closer.

Sam was a little worried about the content on the bulletin board. He didn't know many words and might not be able to read it.

The moment his eyes moved to the notice board, Sam let out an exclamation.


Although he didn't know the words, he understood what was on the bulletin board without a teacher.

Level 2 magic [Letter Comprehension], when released on an item, can automatically convert the text content on it into information that other readers can understand. The prerequisite is that the caster must know what is written on it.

In other words, the content read by the spellcaster is indirectly "informed" to others, saving reading time.

This magic is not that versatile, because the amount of information it can transform is limited, and it cannot directly instill an entire encyclopedia into others.

However, it works just fine when used on a bulletin board.

Various divine churches like to hire a mage to perform this magic when issuing announcements, which saves them the labor of leaving people to repeat it over and over again under the bulletin board.

There are an extremely large number of mages in Xiwei Territory, and the citizens seem to have one mage per capita. No matter how bad they are, they can still throw a few tricks. It is very reasonable to save manpower in this way.

After Sam was surprised, he turned his attention to the information on the bulletin board.

"Recruiting citizens!"

"Every 7 days, Xiwei Territory, Chinar Territory and Warren Territory will select the best ones to grant official territorial citizen status based on the personal contribution of friends who have settled in the territories!"

"Becoming an official territorial citizen can enjoy more territory benefits, unlock destiny points, learn magic to become a spell caster, and receive blessings from gods..."

"Except for evil gods, the territory does not restrict outsiders' belief types. Followers of many gods can enter the territory after applying for identity certificates."

"Formal religious requirements for the people of the territory: God of seeking knowledge."

"Allow your trust, but don't break your trust!"

"If you break your promise, you will automatically lose your official status as a citizen!"

"Sylvie Hugo, signed on August 25, 997, New Calendar, this recruitment announcement takes effect immediately and will be valid forever!"

Sam understood why the adventurers gathered under the bulletin board were having heated discussions.

He was also shocked by a message in the recruitment announcement.

"The people of Xiwei Territory believe in the God of Knowledge?!"

"No way!"

He also learned about the heretic expulsion order recently issued by the Glow God Religion in Ceylon Territory.

A church that can be labeled as a heretic by the Glow God Religion probably has some serious illness.

For example, I like to hold silver parties, or I like to be a biochemical mother.

The problem is that Sam didn't find any serious disease in the new territory of this dark forest!

Not only are the residents very polite, but almost everyone is a spell caster, and the convenience of magic has even penetrated into all aspects of life.

Not to mention anything else, this territory square alone can be as bright as day in the dark night, relying on the two magics of [Lighting Technique] and [Aura Light Technique].

The energy sphere with uniform light can emit bright and non-dazzling white light in any environment.

[Aura Technique] is attached to the bulletin board, making it emit bright aura, making it more conspicuous and providing a certain lighting effect.

Such a magical and superior town, Sam had an idea before:

If Xiwei Territory can reach the monster red tide that will live in the late winter next year and really gain a foothold in the dark forest, he will move here and settle down!

With so many spellcasters in the territory, Sam felt that they could really hold back the red tide of monsters.

As a result, the message on the bulletin board gave him a blow.

"Are all the people in West Wei Territory members of the heretical church?"

"What kind of heretical church can build such an excellent territory? It's outrageous!"

Sam instinctively felt disbelief.

But the bulletin board was watched by so many people, and it was already the fourth day since the issuance date of the 25th.

No one has corrected the above content for such a long time, which means that what is said above is probably true.

Sam hesitated for a moment.

Should he believe the announcement from the Glow God Cult, or should he believe the facts he saw with his own eyes?

Everything clearly looks normal here, even better than in the Kingdom of Reyak in many places.

If this can be considered the territory of a heretic church, the people in the territory are all heretical believers;

Then shouldn’t the Ceylon Territory governed by the Countess of Ceylon be labeled as a heretic?

There are refugees, thefts and robberies in Ceylon Territory. Farmers work day and night but can't even fill their stomachs. Nobles have fun every night. Even some noble descendants who have never seen monsters treat hunting monsters as a joke. They often shout that they can easily kill a few high-level monsters.

Only ordinary adventurers like Sam who have really fought monsters in close combat and crawled in the dark forest know how dangerous monsters and their pollution are.

In comparison, it is a miracle to find a safe and comfortable civilized territory in the dark forest. No, it is a miracle!

After thinking for a long time, Sam's herd mentality finally prevailed.

"So many people are still here!"

"If there is really a problem in Xiwei Territory, everyone must have run away long ago. Who dares to stay here overnight, eat, and buy things!"

"I'm not afraid either. I want to stay!"

Sam made a decision.

The Glorious God Cult issued a heretic expulsion order, which only prohibited the followers of the God of Knowledge from entering the territory of the Kingdom of Reyak.

But they opened up a territory in the Dark Forest!

This place is not within the kingdom, and the Glorious God Cult has no control over it.

As long as Sam does not really become a formal citizen and believe in the God of Knowledge, there will be no problem for him to stay here for a short or long time. He can leave the West Wei Territory and return to the Kingdom of Reyak at any time.

Moreover, Sam had to admit that there was actually a message on the notice board that was quite attractive to him.

There is a small BUG in Chapter 230, which has been fixed. There will be 2 more chapters later, which are expected to be released together before midnight. Guozi has a cold and dizziness, sorry.

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