Don't call me evil god

Chapter 236 Why are you still talking and laughing?

The outer wall of Warren Territory looks exactly the same as that of Xiwei Territory, and it gives people a great sense of security just by looking at it from a distance.

The town of Qim where Sam lives does not have a tall wall. It is just that enough people gather together to form a town.

Building walls and daily maintenance are expensive.

Only a serious big city like Ceylon City has the protection of solid walls, and Qim Town does not have that condition.

The most famous people in the whole town are probably a few manor nobles, such as Baron Qinar and several other barons.

Sam is still a little curious.

He heard about it when he was in Xiwei Territory.

The three territories under the jurisdiction of the Church of the God of Knowledge, in addition to Xiwei Territory and Warren Territory in front of him, there is another territory located deeper in the Dark Forest, called Qinar Territory.

According to the fact that the lord of Xiwei Territory is named Hugo Xiwei, doesn’t it mean that the lord of Qinar Territory is named Qinar?

But Baron Qinar of Chim Town has been staying in his manor all the time.

Could it be the sons of the baron?

Sam remembered that Baron Qinar had two sons.

The eldest son's reputation in the town could be described as being hated by everyone.

Strictly speaking, that guy didn't do anything bad back then.

He just liked to organize his peers to participate in the "war games" he designed.

Under his command, the 20th and 30th children in the town were divided into the human camp and the monster camp to carry out the so-called offensive and defensive operations.

At the beginning, the scope of the war was Baron Qinar's manor, but because the children would knock down fruits or trample on something when they were fighting, they were whipped by Baron Qinar several times, and then the venue was moved outside the town.

Sam also participated in the war games organized by the other party at that time.

Because the food was provided.

Baron Qinar's eldest son is quite well-behaved. After leading the children of Qim Town to play, he would often steal some bread baked by the servants from Qinar Manor, and occasionally smoked fish or bacon.

For Sam at that time, it was equivalent to a delicious meal.

Unfortunately, more than three years ago, he heard that Baron Qinar's eldest son went to Green Port to study the way of a mage, and never heard of him in the town again.

Baron Qinar's second son is much more obedient than the eldest son. Sam heard that he was training hard in Qinar Manor during this period, trying to be promoted to a level 2 ranger, and it is impossible for him to appear in the Dark Forest.

"Maybe it's a coincidence that they have the same name? The believers of the Church of Seeking Knowledge don't sound like the locals of Ceylon."

Sam guessed.

He discovered something when he was in Xiwei Territory.

Although the official residents in places like taverns and inns, that is, the believers of the God of Seeking Knowledge, speak the common language of humans, in many aspects of the accent of the wording, it is obviously not the local style of Ceylon Territory.

The people of Ceylon often pronounce the word "kang" in the word "welcome" as "kong", and they also like to pronounce the word "yang" in "young people" as "yong".

The people of Xiwei don't have this habit.

Their common language pronunciation sounds more like the usage of the rich areas in the west and south of the kingdom, and often has a beautiful glissando at the end of the sound.

"There are so many people in the Prentis continent, it shouldn't be surprising to have a few more people with the surname Qinal. Moreover, the lord of Xiwei is a goblin, maybe the lord of Qinal is a dwarf."

While Sam was thinking about it, the team moved forward and soon it was his turn to be inspected.

The uniforms worn by the clerks at the city gate looked similar to those of Xiwei, except that the pattern embroidered on the left chest was a group of radiant brilliance patterns, and the letter in the middle changed from S to W.

"Please show your ID card."

"Hey, hey, okay, here!" Sam hurriedly cooperated.

The speed of checking was very fast. After the other party took the card, he just glanced at him and handed it back to him.

"Welcome to Warren Territory. May the truth of the Lord guide you in the direction of progress."

Sam opened his mouth in surprise.

The existence that can be called "Lord" by the members of the Church of Seeking Knowledge must be the legendary God of Seeking Knowledge.

The problem is.

Other churches have similar blessings. For example, the Church of the God of Radiance says "The Radiance will protect you" and the Church of the Harvest says "May every piece of your land be fruitful." These blessings will show the characteristics of the corresponding gods to some extent.

The blessing of the God of Seeking Knowledge... What characteristics does it embody?

"Truth guides the direction of progress?"

"Could it be a god who can help people find the right way when they are lost?"


With doubtful emotions, Sam stepped into Warren Territory.


Compared with Xiwei Territory, Warren Territory is much worse in popularity and liveliness.

There are not so many prosperous shops here, and there are not many adventurers on the road. Sam feels that this place is more like a church holy place, and the overall atmosphere is more solemn and sacred.

After walking around Warren County for most of the time, Sam is sure of one thing.

He did not find the church of the Church of Knowledge here.

Not to mention the church, there is not even a symbolic sculpture or something like that.

"No church? How strange!"

Sam's curiosity is even stronger.

The notice clearly said that we should come to Warren Territory to receive unified doctrine learning, but isn't this kind of learning conducted in places like the church's preaching room or preaching hall?

The main way for the Glorious God Church to release some information is to preach in churches everywhere.

Based on Sam's cognition, he couldn't realize the deep role of the church, he just felt strange instinctively.

Just when Sam wanted to ask the local people about the so-called doctrine learning, a group of people passing by not far away attracted his attention.

Those people looked similar to adventurers like Sam.

Some carried swords and shields and wore chain mail;

Some carried a Glorious Bible and wore a white cloth robe;

Another person held a crooked wooden staff in his hand, and the tip of the staff seemed to be inlaid with an expensive magic gem.

Sam's focus was:

These people passed by dragging two corpses.

The two corpses were covered in blood and even had incomplete limbs.

Judging from the clothes on the corpses, they were probably the former companions of these people.

Sam's mood became a little heavy.

If nothing unexpected happened, these people might have had an accident while hunting monsters in the Dark Forest, resulting in the unfortunate death of their companions.

The safe environment these days made him relax his vigilance a little, and seeing the corpse reminded him that this was the dangerous Dark Forest.

But when those adventurers passed by Sam.

They didn't seem to be sad or sad at all.

They were even talking and laughing about something.

"How can they still talk and laugh? Obviously, their companions are dead!"

Sam was a little confused!


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