Don't call me evil god

Chapter 241 I don't accept it, I want to see the Countess

The equipment merchants who participated in the business alliance organized by the bearded man are not stupid.

They are all very smart.

The market in the surrounding areas of Ceylon Territory is so small that there are only so many people who can afford it, especially after the leader, the bearded man, took the lead in setting an expensive price.

Under the constraints of the business alliance, no one can lower the price first.

Although a deal can make a lot of money, the transaction volume is low!

The invitation sent by Xiwei Territory is more of a new business model than an acquisition agreement.

"Franchise system."

After they join Xiwei Territory, they will get a "direct franchise" license to identify their identity, and can purchase goods from Xiwei Territory and sell them at the price agreed in advance.

On the surface, they will lose most of their autonomy in future sales, and in a sense, they will become "working for others".

But everyone has their own calculations in their hearts.

Why didn't they dare to leave the business alliance in the past?

On the one hand, everyone joined hands to reap the harvest. Whoever dared to quit would be targeted by others. In the worst case, he would even be threatened by the bearded man with force.

Level 3 stalkers would not talk to them politely about cooperation.

It was not so easy to contact a suitable stalker killer through an intermediary. Among them, only the bearded man had relevant channels.

Now the situation has changed.

The stalker sent to assassinate Xiwei Hugo failed and even disappeared.

The bearded man's biggest "force deterrence" method is gone!

Then why should they stay and sink with the remnants of the old party that is about to be overturned?

The first person to leave was already thinking about it.

It doesn't matter if he is targeted by his peers.

As long as he can find a way to grab the cheap source of Xiwei Territory, he can completely occupy more of the market in Ceylon Territory!

Originally, the entire business alliance joined hands to monopolize and drive up prices together.

What if he can become the one who monopolizes the market in Xiwei Territory in the future?

Everyone can make money by joining forces to monopolize;

If you monopolize alone, you can make more money!

Bearded Man didn’t know about the unrest among his colleagues, but he could guess it with his ass.

Those guys were as greedy as him, but they were not as brave as him, and they were not as ruthless as him.

He said that the “franchise” in the letter sent by Xiwei Territory was “acquisition”, hoping to delay time.

Bearded Man was sure that once the threat of force failed, those guys would definitely have other thoughts in front of interests.

But it was difficult for him to stop it!

He was not afraid that the people of “Xiwei Territory” would compete head-on with the business alliance he organized, because he could do so many small sabotage actions and underhanded tricks.

He had cultivated the land of Ceylon Territory for many years and had a deep foundation.

What he was afraid of was that “his own people” would turn against him and vote directly!

That meant that the gap between his foundation and that of the other party would be directly narrowed.

Writing to the Countess of Ceylon in a hurry was the last way he could go.

The bearded man wanted to legally prevent the other party from entering this market.

He had thought of the reasons.

"Selling expensive weapons and armor at super low prices will disrupt the market order and affect the industry's tax revenue!"

The bearded man thought he knew the nobles very well.

They didn't care how many people in the industry below and how many means they used to snatch the market and customers.

They only cared whether this year's taxes could be collected on time. In addition to paying the part to the royal family and supporting the king's army, whether the rest was enough for them to spend their money on wine and women.

The bearded man planned to take advantage of this to get in, and also to sell a miserable life.

"Please understand, Countess!"

"The evil monster named Xiwei is trying to invade the orderly and harmonious weapons and armor sales market in Ceylon!"

"They are willing to destroy the stable market environment at super low prices, causing local businessmen to suffer huge losses and be unable to continue."

"If this continues, taxes are expected to drop by 50% or even higher in the new year!"

"It must be curbed!"


The content of the long letter filled up three pages of letter paper.

The most proud thing of the bearded man is that he has good handwriting. He is very skilled in writing the complex and beautiful cursive characters that the nobles of the Kingdom of Reyak like to use.

At least when presenting letters to nobles, he can leave a good first impression on people!

Quickly sealing the letter paper into a beautiful and gorgeous envelope with silver patterns, the bearded man rushed to the Earl's Castle in Ceylon City.

The ruler of Ceylon Territory, the top decision-maker, the fifth-level archmage, the famous adventurer, and the Countess of Ceylon, who was once praised by the dwarves as the "Wild Mandala" in the Stone Castle.

Her castle is located in the southeast corner of Ceylon City. The river flowing through Ceylon City forms a moat in front of the gate. The towering figure of the castle is reflected on the water, adding a bit of mystery and solemnity.

The main entrance is a huge iron door. There are several towering towers scattered on the city wall. The tops of the towers are inlaid with huge magic crystals emitting soft light.

According to the description of the spellcasters who have participated in the gathering in the castle, these magic crystals are an important source of energy for the entire castle. They are related to the large number of magic arrays hidden inside the castle to ensure the stable effectiveness of all magic devices and traps.

In times of crisis, the magic crystals can even be temporarily overloaded to activate, forming a huge barrier to protect the entire castle.

In the early days of Ceylon City, when the monster red tide invaded, the Countess of Ceylon once opened the castle gate to take the citizens into the castle and opened the barrier for refuge.

However, as Ceylon City was gradually built, three border defense lines of Ceylon Territory were formed, and in recent years, the monster red tide did not need to temporarily relocate citizens for refuge.

The bearded merchant followed the route he had taken to the castle for a banquet, passing through the beautiful courtyard covered with carefully trimmed lawns and colorful flowers, and was soon stopped by the Countess's guards guarding the inner door of the castle.

"Sir, what are you doing here?"

The bearded man immediately acted in a skillful manner, looking angry and aggrieved, and said anxiously:

"Sir! I don't accept it! I want to see the Countess!"

"I am an honest equipment merchant in Ceylon, and we are facing malicious commercial competition!"

"This will seriously affect the Countess's tax revenue next year!"

The waiter looked at the bearded man calmly and shook his head seriously: "Sorry, sir, the Countess gave an order a few days ago. She is not feeling well recently and will not see guests."

"Please come back another day."

The bearded man decisively changed his words:

"I know the old butler Winnex who serves in the castle!"

"Please help me pass this letter to him! Tell him that this is important information that needs to be reviewed by the Countess in person!"

"That's fine, right!"


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