Don't call me evil god

Chapter 256: Build the road directly to the border

"Fair play? That's for sure!"

Bishop Henry agreed without hesitation.

Because he is sure that even without resorting to evil methods, the equipment replaced by the Crusaders can directly flatten the equipment market in Ceylon!

The so-called equipment replaced by the Crusaders was actually a cover created by Bishop Henry.

What I really want to sell is the equipment created by human blacksmiths!

In the process of forging, human and dwarf blacksmiths start from the same point.

They all rely on various minerals, and with the blessing of casting magic, they are smelted, forged, and hammered into various weapons and armors.

The difference is.

Dwarves are more favored by the God of Forging. They can receive more powerful divine blessings, which can make the equipment they create have better quality.

For example, making armor lighter while making it stronger;

For example, making weapons sharper, more durable, etc.;

Because the Crusaders are fighting against the descendants of evil gods, monsters and cultists, their equipment enhancement route is to use the glow magic to complete the blessing.

Whether it is the product of a dwarf or a human blacksmith, after being blessed with glow magic, it will have better damage effects when fighting monsters, and it will be more difficult to be contaminated when resisting attacks...

The point is that the number of human blacksmiths, relying on their huge population base, actually far exceeds the number of stone castle dwarves!

Give an example.

The armor made by human blacksmiths is limited by the effect of casting magic, and the upper limit is to block the attack of level 1 monsters;

The ordinary armor produced by the dwarf blacksmith has a chance to block the damage of level 2 monsters and has a higher starting point;

After blessing the dwarf's ordinary armor with the blessing of glow magic.

There is a chance to resist attacks from level 3 monsters.

Bless the human blacksmith's armor with glow magic.

Because the starting point is low, the upper limit is to block attacks from level 2 monsters.

Although from the perspective of "upper limit", there is no doubt that the equipment of the dwarves is better.

But the equipment sold by human blacksmiths has greater output and lower prices!

The same piece of armor produced by dwarves often costs 5 or 6 gold coins, but products produced by human blacksmiths can still be earned for 2 gold coins!

The Crusaders of the Glow God Religion, especially those Paladins who directly fight monsters, need to be equipped with the best equipment, and they still have to use the sophisticated products of the dwarves.

What can be sold to adventurers, mercenaries, and kingdom nobles does not actually need to be of such high quality!

The price is affordable, the effect is slightly reduced, and it is definitely a huge temptation for people who cannot afford dwarf products.

The more important point is.

The blessing and blessing of the glow magic will expire.

The duration of a blessing is probably more than a year.

Buying such equipment means that these people will be more closely bound to the Glow God Religion.

Want to maintain the effectiveness of your equipment?

Then you have to come to the responsible priests of Glow God Religion regularly to give blessings!

This was the real goal of Bishop Henry Trump in trying to sell "replacement equipment" to the market in Ceylon.

With the help of the equipment market, occupy more voice among the professional group!

Pettwain followed Kony and passed more than thirty signposts pointing the way. The first thing he saw was not the city wall of Xiwei Territory.

It's a bunch of workers who are busy building roads!

When she saw this scene, Pet Twain was so shocked that her jaw almost dropped to the ground.

"Building roads in the dark forest?!"

This was not the kind of muddy country lane, or the dirt road for horse-drawn carriages between towns in Ceylon.

It is a spacious avenue that is carefully paved with stone slabs and sandstones and is more than 6 meters long!

It is more than enough to allow four carriages to pass side by side.

Pettwain was shocked.

There are only a few important main roads of this quality in Ceylon that meet the requirements. There are still various alleys and dirt roads in the city.

The conditions in various surrounding small towns are even worse. After people walk, horses and vehicles, the compacted dirt becomes the so-called road.

Is this kind of road built carelessly outside the territory and in the dark forest?

The territory of this heretical church is even more powerful than that of the Glow God Cult!

Establishing a territory in the Dark Forest is quite an achievement.

The Crusaders of the Glow God Religion have been clinging to the Kingdom of Leyak under the protection of [Past Glory] and have no intention of entering the Dark Forest.

As a result, it was not enough for them to have their own territory. They also planned to carry out such infrastructure projects that were difficult to defend and maintain?

That’s a bit outrageous!

Listen to the discussion of the road builders.

In addition to Xiwei Territory, there are two other territories that are also building roads at the same time. Three roads and six construction sites have started at the same time and are expected to be completed at the same time.

When the connecting roads are completed, horse-drawn carriages or other vehicles can be used to travel between the three territories, which can greatly reduce the time of traveling back and forth.

Pettwain swallowed a mouthful of food.

"You've already done such extravagant road construction. Just build the road right to the border!"

In that case, the carriage he hired from Ceylon City would not have to take him to the border defense camp.

If Xiwei Territory could build a road of this scale and quality directly to the border of the kingdom, wouldn't the carriages from Ceylon City be able to leave in the morning and arrive at Xiwei Territory at night?

Arriving at the gate of Xiwei Territory, Connie's "leading the way" commission was also completed. When Petwin gave the final payment of 8 silver coins, he regretted it so much.

"Hehe, thank you silly... sorry, I mean, thank you sir!"

When Connie took the coins, there was an irrepressible smile in his voice.

His rough voice and small body formed an extremely contrasting contrast.

He sounded like a sturdy man;

He looked like a small one.

Petwin didn't care about the money.

There were more than a dozen gold coins in the purse he stole from the vault at home. 10 silver coins were just a drop in the bucket for him, nothing.

The main thing was that the money was not worth spending!

Don't know the way?

There are road signs along the way, and they will correct his direction every 500 meters. As long as he follows the trail left by his predecessors, he will basically not go wrong.

Is it dangerous?

Petwin now wants to pull the brother who told him how dangerous the Dark Forest was, so that he can see it with his own eyes!

"Where is the danger!"

He didn't encounter any monster attacks along the way!

He heard it from the road builders.

If you want to hunt monsters, you must go deeper into the dark forest or enter the forest from other border defense checkpoints.

There are people in the wild every day to clear the monsters wandering nearby in the area near Xiwei Territory. It is now almost as safe as the interior of the Kingdom of Reyak!

He got his own identity certificate in front of the city gate, which surprised Petwin again.

The territory of this heretical church is more magical than he expected.

There are new things that he didn't see in Ceylon City!

No wonder it can attract the king's army.

After entering Xiwei Territory, he didn't have time to look at the situation inside.

Petwin was directly attracted by all kinds of "recruiting voices" that came to him.


Fifth update completed!

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