Don't call me evil god

Chapter 260 Equipment Enhancement, Want to Know?

Mullen had considered moving the blacksmith shop from the Misty Valley to Westview Territory.

Xiwei Territory is open to the outside world, and his name will spread sooner or later. Those who were wronged by him with fake weapons may come to him to ask for an explanation if they react.

Mullen’s response:

Based on the several wrongful orders he had received, he spent some time and re-engraved several sets of those weapons one-to-one!

At this moment, Pet Twain came to the door. Mullen returned to the warehouse behind the blacksmith shop and quickly found a weapon that was almost identical to the sword in Pet Twain's hand.

"As you can see, this weapon belongs to you!"

"It's right this time!"

Pet Twain was almost speechless with anger: "Do you think I'm stupid and easy to deceive?"

"Didn't it mean that the weapons I ordered were made by the dwarf forging master himself?"

"What kind of dwarf are you!"

"Can the quality of your weapons be comparable to those produced by dwarves?"

Mullen smiled confidently.

"Yes, of course I can!"

"Not only that, I can guarantee that the quality of my weapons is better than those made by the dwarves!"

Words alone are not enough.

Mullen also prepared a way to prove it:

He squatted down, grinned, and used all his strength to move an extremely heavy piece of carapace the size of a basin from under the counter.

"Here, Mr. Tostin, please look at this."

"The outer shell of a Level 2 monster that protects its body is hard. You should know, right? It's difficult for weapons made by human blacksmiths to break through it, right?"

Pettwain hummed suspiciously.

That's true, that's true.

"Please watch carefully!"

Mullen picked up the gorgeous long sword that he had previously used to fool Pei Twain, and slashed hard at the carapace:


When the sword blade collided with the carapace, it made a sound that sounded like gold and iron.

The result was only a shallow mark left on the shell.

"It is indeed the carapace of a level 2 monster, right?" Mullen asked Pet Twain to step forward to confirm.

Pet Twain frowned and glanced, then nodded hesitantly: "...Yes."

The marks left by the weapon's chopping are enough to explain the problem.

The inability to break through defense means that this thing has very high defensive performance.

"Next, please try attacking it with this new weapon." Mullen signaled.

Petwain blinked, and he doubtfully picked up the long sword that Malenxin gave him, swung it hard, and slashed at the carapace.


The sound is completely different.

The impact of the rebound made Petwain's mouth numb, but the effect of the attack was also quite significant.

An obvious huge crack appeared on the surface of the black carapace!

Although it couldn't be directly split in half, it was at least effective in causing damage after breaking the defense.

And Pet Twain didn't add anger to this attack!

If it is blessed with anger, the attack will be more powerful, and it may be able to split it open directly.

"Is it really as powerful as a dwarf's weapon?!" Pet Twain exclaimed.

Mullen concluded with a smile:

"Look, Mr. Tostin."

"Judging from the results, this weapon perfectly meets your needs."

"Its appearance and shape are exclusively customized according to your requirements, and its power is also of the quality of a dwarf weapon."

"It was just a misunderstanding before. I accidentally gave you the training sample. It's just that after I came to Xiwei Territory, I couldn't deliver the real weapon to you in time!"

"A misunderstanding!"

Pei Twain was a little dizzy. After thinking about the logic, he realized what was wrong:

"Didn't you say that my customized request will be sent to Stone Castle and then made by the dwarf forging master Maren himself?"

"Where is the stone castle? Where are the dwarves?"

"Even if the weapons you made are indeed of good quality, what you promised me was something else!"

Mullen corrected with a serious face:

"Mr. Tostin, I have done everything I promised you!"

"I did write to you and send you the stone castle regarding your customization request. I just sent the letter to my grandmother in the stone castle and asked her to help me with the design plan."

"The weapon is indeed forged by the forging master Maren, who is also myself."

"I am a quarter of a dwarf. Why can't you say I am a dwarf? Are you assuming that my race is that?"

I kept talking to Twain for a long time, but I couldn't say a complete sentence.

He thought carefully about what Mullen meant.

From this perspective... Mullen is right?

"Customization requirements are sent to Stone Castle, dwarf, forging master Maren."

When these three words are combined, it can be understood that there is a blacksmith named Mullen in the stone castle who is responsible for forging according to the requirements;

But it seems that it can be completely separated?

Requesting to be sent to the stone castle does not mean that the weapons must be completed in the stone castle;

He has dwarf blood, so he calls himself a dwarf.

Seeing that the other party was about to be convinced by him, Malen decided to add another straw and introduced:

"In addition, Mr. Tostin, compared with the equipment made by dwarves, the equipment sold by this blacksmith shop now comes with an additional value-added service!"

"Such as this weapon in your hand."

"It can now only produce a relatively obvious defense-breaking effect on the defense of level 2 monsters."

"If you encounter a level 3 monster, you may not be able to do what you want."

"Have you ever thought about using divine magic to bless weapons to make them more powerful!"

Pe Twain's eyes widened: "Do you mean to bless weapons with divine magic like the Crusaders do, causing extra damage to monsters?"

A mysterious smile appeared on Maren's face.

He shook his head slightly.

"No, no, no."

"Mr. Tostin."

"As you can see, Xiwei Territory is a magical territory belonging to the Church of Seeking Knowledge, and many magical things will happen in this land."

"Have you heard of... strengthening?"

"The blessing of the Glorious God Church can only temporarily strengthen the external weapons, and the effect is very limited."

"Our method is to directly use the power of casting magic to strengthen the weapons and armor themselves."

"Because its effect is to change the intrinsic properties of the equipment through magic, it can be preserved forever, and... theoretically, this kind of strengthening has no upper limit!"

"If you are lucky enough, even the most ordinary weapons can eventually be strengthened to the extent that they can break the defense of the 6th level monster!"

"Considering that you have placed a custom order in our store, I can provide you, Mr. Tostin, with 3 opportunities to experience this strengthening for free."

Petuwen Tostin became interested.

The things here in Xiwei Territory seem to be different from what he had seen in Ceylon Territory in the past.

Can the weapons that have been forged continue to be strengthened?

Why has he never heard of it before?

There will be another update later, so let Guozi have a meal. The next plot should be interesting. Inspiration source: dnf

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