Don't call me evil god

Chapter 263: Peace and Trouble

"It, it, it... it's glowing!"

The long sword emitting a faint white glow, especially the gem inlaid at the end of the sword, is more dazzling against the white light.

The weapon seems to have suddenly changed from a mundane weapon to a divine weapon blessed by the gods.

The first impression given by the appearance is different!

Petunia was surprised.

Not only was he surprised by the change in the weapon;

He was also surprised by the reactions of other guests in the blacksmith shop.

When hearing Petunia's exclamation, the other guests just turned their heads and glanced over here. When they saw the weapon emitting white light, their eyes just fluctuated for a moment and then they looked away.

They didn't have such an obvious reaction like Petunia.

They looked as if they were used to it.

"This, me, you, it, they..."

Petunia was a little speechless.

Maren patiently explained to Petwin with a smile on his face: "Congratulations, Mr. Tostin!"

"Three consecutive enhancements."

"This is the effect of the enhancement of the divine art of [Equipment Enhancement]."

Pointing to the long sword that was emitting white light.

"We generally call its current state +3 enhancement, which means that it has completed three consecutive enhancements, and the emitting white glimmer is its iconic feature."

"Not only the +3 state, if you can continuously enhance the equipment to +6, +9, etc., its light effect will also change accordingly."

"As far as I know, after +6, it will emit a conspicuous light green light."

"As for +9, I'm sorry, I haven't seen anyone successfully enhance a piece of equipment 9 times in a row."

Petwin felt his heartbeat speeding up.

There are also different light effects, isn't this exactly what he needs!

Other people's weapons are unremarkable at first glance, ordinary iron weapons.

His equipment all has light effects, and it is the kind of light effect color that symbolizes multiple consecutive enhancements.

"How much does the fourth enhancement cost?"

Maren smiled and held up three fingers: "Not expensive, 30 silver coins."

"Then what are you waiting for, keep enhancing!" Petwin said without hesitation.

It seems that the cost will be 10 silver coins more for each additional enhancement.

For ordinary adventurers, dozens of silver coins are a huge sum of money.

Petwin is not short of money!

He is already looking forward to what his weapon will become after he successfully enhances 9 times in a row and 12 times!

"It's worth coming to Xiwei Territory!"

"No wonder so many people don't even want to stay in the safe border camps."

Petwin completely understood.

He has thought about it. Even if he doesn't get any results in destroying monsters in this hunting month, if he can bring a weapon with enhancement +12 back home and show it to his father, he will definitely stand out among his brothers and sisters.

It is comparable to the rare enchantment effect, but the cost is only a few silver coins. Even if it is enhanced 12 times, it will only cost less than 10 gold coins in total.

Then he would tell his father about the weapon and the matter.

Doesn't this show his foresight!

Watching Maren raise the forging hammer and smash it down, Petwin was looking forward to it.


The hammer head collided with the sword body, making a loud noise, and a scene that made Petwin feel bad appeared:

No familiar light flashed.

Instead, there was thick gray-black smoke!

And, along with the smoke, dense cracks began to appear on the sword body quickly, until "boom", the whole blade exploded.

Petwin was stunned.

Staring blankly at the "+3 weapon" that turned into fragments on the ground, his mind was blank.

Maren put down the forging hammer and couldn't help but sighed with regret.

"Oh, what a pity."

"Unfortunately, Mr. Tostin, the fourth enhancement failed."

"And, I need to tell you one thing."

"After the weapon completes +3, if the next [Equipment Enhancement] spell is applied to it, once it fails, the destructive force generated by the broken balance will not only completely dissipate the original enhancement effect, but also cause the weapon itself to be damaged."

Pe Twain hesitated for a while: "...So?"

"So I'm sorry, your weapon is gone."

"This is the same as the previous enhancement failure. This is a normal phenomenon caused by the failure of the spell to take effect. It is not a problem of our store, so we can't provide you with a refund."

After apologizing, Maren familiarly promoted: "But please rest assured, considering that you are a big customer of our store's customized equipment, I have specially prepared a backup plan for you!"

"Please wait!"

After speaking, Maren turned around and went into the warehouse behind the blacksmith shop, and quickly found an identical long sword!

The same mahogany hilt, the same sharp sword body, and the same inlaid with clear gems.

"Your order cost 3 gold and 47 silver at the time. This is the same product that meets your requirements."

"Although the previous weapon was unfortunately broken and damaged due to the failure of strengthening, as the old saying goes, broken things are safe, and broken things will definitely bring you extra good luck."

"For this same weapon, I will give you a small discount and charge you 3 gold and 40 silver!"

"Mr. Tostin, what do you think?"

What else can Petwin say.

He still thinks this casting magic is cost-effective, and it only takes a few dozen silver coins to strengthen it once.

It was indeed cheap, but he had never thought that it would break if the reinforcement failed!

The weapon was broken, which meant that the more than 3 gold coins he spent earlier and the money spent on these enhancements were all wasted!

The cost suddenly jumped to nearly 5 gold!

Although his heart was bleeding, Pet Twain could only nodded gloomily and accepted Mullen's proposal.

He took out 3 gold coins from the money bag and handed them to Maren.

Can he say he doesn't want it?

Definitely not!

This time he sneaked out and brought this weapon with him.

This weapon is now gone.

Considering that he had signed an employment commission with the team called "Deep Blue", he had to go with them to hunt monsters in the dark forest the next morning.

If he didn't even have his weapons, how could he destroy the monsters?

Tear it raw with your hands?

After receiving the same brand new gorgeous long sword, Pei Twain became more and more angry as he thought about it.

He just now clearly had a "Guangwu" weapon that could emit a white shimmer, and its power was quite different from the one he was holding now.

This gap was really unbearable for him!

Pettwain thought about it.

The cost of the first three enhancements is not expensive, and according to Mullen, it is only from the fourth enhancement that the weapon may break due to the balance being destroyed.

For the first three times, even if you fail, the strengthening effect will be reset to zero.

Doesn't that mean that he can spend money to strengthen the first three times?

Pet Twain couldn't help it.

He also took out a golden Leyak Kingdom gold dollar from his purse and threw it to Maren.

"Strengthen this weapon for me too!"

"However, don't try +4 for now, just strengthen him to +3 for me!"

There will be 3 more updates later, and it will soon enter the main story of the third volume. Well, I will probably be able to enter it.

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