Don't call me evil god

Chapter 270 Control the size of the monster's lair?

Following the Deep Blue Team, we got into the spacious "open carriage".

The "carriage" of this carriage was different from the closed or semi-closed carriage structure that Petwin had taken in Ceylon.

The rear half pulled by the horses was a large flat and solid wooden board, with four wheels embedded on both sides by the axles.

There were no comfortable soft seats, not even wooden chairs.

There were no baffles on the edge to prevent falling.

Everyone piled their luggage on it, and then people squatted or sat on the edge of the board.

This was almost the most rudimentary "carriage" Petwin had ever seen.

He even felt that this thing was not a carriage, at most it was just a harness for the horse to pull a spliced ​​cart.

However, considering that this was the Dark Forest, Petwin immediately felt that it made sense.

If it was a closed structure like a carriage, if a monster suddenly appeared, especially one that could spit body fluids or throw things, wouldn't there be no place to hide in the narrow space in the carriage?

Moreover, the sight is limited, and it is not suitable for observing the surrounding situation.

On the contrary, this fully open carriage structure makes it convenient for them to listen to all directions and see all directions.

No matter which direction the monsters try to attack, they can respond immediately.

At present, this kind of carriage is really the most cost-effective and convenient means of transportation.

The carriage itself has no shock absorption treatment, but the newly repaired road outside Xiwei Territory is of high quality, the road surface is flat, and there is almost no bumps.

Petwin had to admit that the captain of the Deep Blue Team was telling the truth.

Because many teams he saw along the way were really driving carriages along the road and heading deeper into the Dark Forest!

According to the plan, they had to first arrive at Qinar Territory, which was deeper into the forest, and rest there for more than ten minutes before continuing to go deeper into the forest.

"Don't worry, sir, the areas where the monsters are eliminated are carefully selected by us, and there are only a few monster nests with precisely controlled scales nearby!"

On the way to the destination, the five members of the Deep Blue Team were not nervous at all, and the middle-aged captain had enough time to introduce the situation to Petwin.

"This route is very safe. Every day, professionals hired by the territory patrol nearby and eliminate low-level monsters that wander around."

"If you feel bored, you can just lie down and take a nap."

"Those monster nests are connected to the dark cave."

"We already know the rules."

When he said this, the middle-aged captain paused and said vaguely:

"...When the conditions in the dark cave are met, when the number of monsters eliminated every day just corresponds, it can be perfectly replenished, and the size of the nest will neither expand nor shrink."

"Our Deep Blue Team will prepare at least 3 level 2 monsters for you every day. If you have spare energy after killing them, we can attract a few more for you!"

"In short, please rest assured, today I guarantee that you will feel that the 2 gold hiring fee is worth it!"

"Remember to look for [Deep Blue], quality and quantity guaranteed, and considerate service!"

"Or recommend it to your friends in need!"

Petwin slowly output a question mark.

He found that these people from the Church of Knowledge began to say things he couldn't understand again.

What is a "monster nest with precisely controlled scale"?

What is "the conditions in the dark cave are met"?

And what is "neither expanding nor shrinking"?

He knows the concept of a monster nest.

Each monster nest is connected to the underground forest, which is large, complex, and interconnected. The deepest part may even point directly to the void pollution area in the core of the dark forest.

Monster nests, especially medium and large ones.

As time goes by, these monster nests are gradually expanding in size. Researchers speculate that new monsters have arrived on the ground from the caves, increasing the number of monsters in the nest.

But this process is not a linear change, and there is no clear and calculable law.

The monsters in the nest will also unconsciously leave the nest and wander further away.

It may remain small or medium for a long time, and then suddenly explode to a larger scale in a short period of time.

In small-scale monster nests, there will also be mercenary groups trying to destroy them for the rare distorted materials that may exist in them.

It is not to reduce the number, but to directly eliminate them.

Because there is a characteristic that has been summarized by people after suffering several losses:

If the "roots" are not directly eliminated, after the number of monsters in the nest is reduced to a certain extent, there is a great possibility of retaliatory growth, and the scale will expand rapidly in a short period of time.

For medium and large-scale monsters, the number of monsters is in the units of hundreds, thousands, or even tens of thousands.

Let alone the mercenary group, the King's Army and the Crusaders have to weigh it.

If it is not cleaned up at once, it will cause the nest to change from large-scale to "super-large-scale", and even cause monster riots, which will be troublesome.

It is better to just walk around honestly, and you can't afford to provoke them.

As a result, these people from the Church of Seeking Knowledge said that they can control the scale of the monster nest?

If you want to increase the number of monsters in it, you can increase it, and if you want to reduce it, you can reduce it?

Will it not trigger retaliatory monster growth?

Pe Twain was surprised: "How is it possible? How did you do it?"

The captain of the Deep Blue Team laughed twice.

"Sorry, this is the 'knowledge' that belongs exclusively to the members of the Church of Knowledge. If you want to know, would you consider converting to the Church of Knowledge, or joining both churches?"

Pe Twain was silent.

This is a church that was labeled as a heresy by the Church of the God of Light. He would never believe it.

He was still hoping to inherit the noble title of Viscount Tostin in the future.

If he became a member of the heretical church, he would not even be able to return to the Kingdom of Reyak.

But he still found it hard to believe.

Can these guys really control the scale of the monster's nest accurately?


The answer is: they really can!

However, this matter dates back to an earlier time.

As early as when the three territories belonging to the Church of Knowledge were just beginning to be established.

While Hugo Xiwei was busy building the territory and attracting adventurers from the kingdom, Pete Qinar, one of the three lords, was also busy.

He was busy leading people to explore the dark cave.

After all, whether it was building a territory or exploring the dark cave, it was a task assigned by the God of Knowledge.

Norwen did not force the believers to do something first, at most he used rewards or failure penalties as a guide.

As for the exploration of the dark cave that every believer had to participate in at least once.

Now it has become much easier.

As long as you pay the destiny points and ask someone to take you in to "experience" it once, it will meet Norwen's task requirements.

Norwen did not stop the believers from taking advantage of this loophole.

Because the number of believers entering the dark cave increased.

Norwen soon discovered:

There are subtle changes in the dark cave!


The fifth one may be later, so Rong Guozi can eat rations.

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