Don't call me evil god

Chapter 276 You have quite a lot of exclusive knowledge

A Level 2 monster that looked a bit like a toad, but was nearly half a meter tall, had sharp white bone spurs on its head, was ugly and full of abscesses on its back, and exuded a foul smell, was quickly knocked down by the skilled cooperation of the Deep Blue Team.

Petwin watched the battle from a few hundred meters away and was a bit nervous at first.

Although he was not fighting, he was also afraid of something going wrong.

So far, the most "dangerous" battle Petwin had experienced was when he was practicing with the teacher who trained him in sword skills, and the sword he used was not sharpened.

If you don't count the accidental injuries and scratches, Petwin has never seen blood in his combat experience.

The entire battle process of the Deep Blue Team was smooth.

There were no dangerous accidents during the period.

Petwin also vaguely saw some tricks.

This monster that looked a bit like a toad actually has three main attack methods:

Use the hard head to hit, and the sharp bone spurs on it will make a bloody hole.

It opened its mouth and spit out a long tongue covered with barbs, trying to wrap around and pull.

In addition, once the yellow-green abscesses on its back are attacked and broken, the pus that spurts out should be harmful.

Petwin noticed that the captain who had been holding up the shield to block the attack was so skilled that he seemed to have foreseen the abscess when it burst. He stepped sideways with his shield and did not take the direct attack.

After the monster was knocked down, the two magicians in the team immediately chanted [Mage's Hand], and two light blue arcane energy palms lifted the monster.

Starting from the 2nd level, the skin and body fluids of many monsters begin to pollute, and mortals are best to avoid direct contact with them.

Adventurers will use pre-prepared traps and special containers to temporarily capture them, and then burn these things with fire.

The believers of the Church of Seeking Knowledge must be more extravagant.

Solve the problem directly with [Mage's Hand]

Quickly returning to Petwin, one of the older-looking wizards reminded him:

"Just right! There is only 2% of health left, Lord Tostin, please act quickly, or it will die if you delay any longer."

Petwin looked at the Level 2 monster that was thrown to the ground and did not move at all, and exclaimed "Ah" in surprise.

He did not know how the 2% health value was determined, but he could roughly understand that it was probably the judgment of these people on the monster's injury.

Petwin hurriedly raised his sword and stabbed the monster's stomach fiercely, while he was surprised and said: "How can you be sure that you will not kill the monster directly?"

In the past, the descendants of the nobles who participated in the hunting month would also hire mercenaries to capture monsters for them.

But the mercenaries would never beat the monster to such a dying level.

The mercenaries had to enter the dark forest to find their targets, while the descendants of the nobles stayed at the border of the kingdom. The trip back and forth would take a lot of time.

If the force is not controlled well, the monster will be too seriously injured and die before being sent back, which is equivalent to a waste of effort.

Most of the time, we try to injure the parts that affect the monster's ability to move, such as the legs.

The captured monsters still pose a lot of threats, and the mercenaries need to process them again to make them more seriously injured before handing them over to the descendants of the nobles.

At that time, they did not dare to hit them too hard, for fear of killing them directly.

In short, the descendants of the nobles can still see a monster with attack and movement capabilities.

But the one handed over to Petwin seemed to be hanging on to its last breath, as if it would die at any time!

The mage team member of the Deep Blue Team smiled when he heard this:

"This is also the "knowledge" that belongs exclusively to the Church of Seeking Knowledge. Sorry, I can't tell you."

Petwin was choked.

You have a lot of exclusive knowledge in the Church of Seeking Knowledge!


The first level 2 monster was killed.

The members of the Deep Blue Team did the same thing, returned to the depths of the hunting ground, and lured out another monster of exactly the same type, with only a difference in size.

A skilled process.

The ranger seduced, the warrior engaged, and the mage focused fire.

Because no companions were injured, the priests in the team had nothing to do. Under the witness of Petwin, they watched the other party stuff the canon in his hand back into the package, and then pulled out an oak short staff!

Then a skillful [Arcane Missile] flew out, whistling and smashing at the monster.

Petwin's pupils shook.

"Blessed by two gods?!"

"What the hell is this chosen person!"

It's already amazing that the other party can get the power given by the God of Radiance to become a priest.

Now tell him that this person can also use the magic given by the Goddess of Magic? !

Although it was just the most common 1st-level attack magic, it was also a real battle mage!

Some counterfeit mages, even if they can learn some 2nd-level magic for daily use, still have no idea about combat magic, and no matter how they pray and serve, they cannot win the favor of the goddess.

Being able to master 1st-level attack magic, at least in terms of combat ability, has surpassed those counterfeit mages.

Petwin suddenly felt... his noble bloodline didn't seem so noble!

The current upper limit of the Tostin family's bloodline is the 4th-level warrior, which is the viscount himself.

But their entire family has basically no affinity with mages and priests.

What about the members of the Church of Knowledge?

The other party clearly did not regard the God of Radiance and the Goddess of Magic as their main beliefs, but these two powerful gods still generously bestowed blessings and power.

And this is not a rare case.

The entire Deep Blue Team he entrusted, as well as the Starlight Team and the Clover Team, all stated that they were members of the Church of Knowledge without exception.

Declaring to the outside world that you are a member of a certain church is equivalent to informing your main belief.

In other words, the gods who gave them divine arts and magic did not even have the qualifications of the main belief, but could only get a position of concurrent belief.

Petwin thought it was outrageous.

In the churches of other gods, members have to serve the gods and offer their faith hard, and the status of the main belief must not be shaken. If you do this, it is not certain whether you can get more blessings.

Are the believers of the Church of Knowledge all people of destiny who are loved by the gods and focused on by the world?

Without their dedication to serve, they can also be chosen by the gods and get the power given by the gods?

Pe Twain had no idea about the so-called God of Knowledge and its teachings, so he raised such a question.

Another person who had the same doubt before - Sam Doug.

But now he has a different feeling.

Sam has received a study on the teachings of knowledge in Warren County.

The part that impressed him the most was the part about the blessing of God.

The fifth update is here. Thank you for your monthly tickets and recommendation tickets. Thank you very much!

PS: There are only 8 monthly tickets left. Can anyone save the child?

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