Don't call me evil god

Chapter 278: Fair Promotion Path

There is a huge notice board in the Path of Quest Hall in Warren County, and the information on it will be updated by a dedicated person three times a day.

Once in the morning, once in the afternoon, and once at night.

The specific content of the information is the "contribution value" ranking of those who come from inside and outside the territory of the Church of Knowledge.

This contribution value system is implemented by Norwen with the help of his believers.

The notice board will list the top 200 in the form of "name + value".

At this stage, the number of new believers absorbed by the Church of Knowledge every week is 50.

Starting from the first place in the ranking list, the first 50 newcomers who "register to join the Church of Knowledge" will be given priority.

If you offer your faith and become a member of the Church of Knowledge, your contribution value will be reset to zero, and you will automatically be removed from the list and no longer participate in the ranking.

If you have entered the top 50, but have not yet considered whether to believe in the God of Knowledge, Norwen also gives such people the opportunity to think and decide.

If the top 50 do not register, their contribution value will be retained, and the quota will be postponed.

For example.

If the outsider ranked first does not sign up, then the 51st applicant will be eligible to join the church.

And so on, until the quota of 50 people is reached.

Norwen also added an additional "anti-dominance" rule:

"After entering the top 50, if you have not become a believer of the God of Knowledge for two consecutive weeks, your contribution value will be reset to zero."

The significance of this rule is that for those who have obtained enough contribution points through various means but "reluctant to leave", it is obvious that they are not Norwen's target believers!

The great God of Knowledge has given you 14 days to consider whether to become His believer.

You have been thinking about it for so long and have not made up your mind, then reset your contribution value, get off the list and try again.

It just so happens that in the process of re-working hard, you can also think carefully about whether you want to offer your faith.

The purpose of the contribution ranking is to attract believers who work hard enough, rather than letting people slowly accumulate contribution points on it and accumulate an astronomical number.

Only by automatically excluding those who do not intend to become believers can the contribution value ranking have an intuitive and accurate effect.


Sam had never seen any church that set a "ranking" condition for becoming a believer.

The method of other churches is very simple:

Just give money.

In the regular initiation ceremony, if you give enough money to "offer" to the gods, a priest will come to preside over the divine ceremony, allowing them to offer their faith to the gods.

Offering faith is one thing.

Whether you can be blessed after becoming a believer is another.

Most mortals are not "qualified" to receive the power of his blessing even if they become believers of the corresponding gods.

The Church of Knowledge is just the opposite.

To become a believer, you need to meet the conditions of the contribution ranking and learn and master the doctrine;

If you are not ranked in the top 50, even Monger, the richest businessman in Reyak, cannot become a believer of the God of Knowledge.

However, as long as you can become a believer, you will definitely have the blessing of the great God of Knowledge.


The two seem to be just reversed in order, but in fact there is a huge difference!

Because the conditions for offering faith in the Church of Knowledge are transparent.

The conditions for receiving blessings after offering faith in other gods' churches are not transparent!

Even the priests of those churches themselves cannot explain what conditions must be met to receive blessings.

Reasons such as piety, mentality, will, and body are not clearly marked at all.

The contribution value ranking of the Church of Seeking Knowledge is different.

Anyone can clearly calculate their "progress of joining the church".

Sam can roughly estimate that if he moves bricks for a while, his contribution value will be able to squeeze into the top 50 of the ranking list.

If the people ahead of him will automatically drop out of the list because of joining the church, the process may be faster.

And Sam can be sure that:

Even if he is not a level 1 warrior, but just an ordinary person, he can also get contribution points by building roads and finally squeeze into the top of the ranking list.

The difference is nothing more than the length of time.

A mechanism that is truly fair to everyone and will be rewarded as long as you work hard!

It is completely in line with the doctrine of the Church of Seeking Knowledge.

As for what the believers of Seeking Knowledge preach, everyone can get the blessing of the great God of Seeking Knowledge after joining the church.

Sam had no doubts about this.

Because the iron-clad facts hit him in the face, and there was no room for rebuttal.

In the territories of several churches of knowledge, as long as you are a believer in knowledge, you are guaranteed to be a first-level magician!

It is not uncommon to be blessed by two or three gods!

Sam saw several farmers working near Warren Territory. He watched them chant the divine spell of the God of Harvest, bless the land, and summon the [Mage's Hand] to control the farm tools.

These people have become "noble" spellcasters and are still doing farmers' work. There is only one possibility, that is, the identity of a mage cannot bring them preferential treatment here.

Spellcasters are almost becoming the identity symbol of believers of knowledge.

One or two spellcasters may be of noble blood, favored by the goddess of magic, and can become a mage while believing in the God of Knowledge. This is a coincidence and cannot be replicated.

If everyone is a spellcaster, then they will definitely have something in common that can be replicated.

What is the biggest commonality?

"They are all believers in the God of Knowledge."

Needless to say.

The fairest promotion mechanism Sam has ever seen is here.

As long as the contribution value conditions are met, you can obtain the status of a believer and get the power bestowed by the God of Knowledge.

There are even... miracles that seem to be resurrected from the dead happening in this mysterious church.

All Sam can do is to find a way to earn enough contributions as soon as possible and get into the top 50 as soon as possible.

As for the issue of the heretic expulsion order?

"Heresy is heresy!"

"What is the Glowing God Church? Don't get close to me. I was the most devout believer of the God of Knowledge when I was just born. Now is the time for me to work hard to prove my piety!"

Sam has a plan:

After becoming a believer of the God of Knowledge, even if he sneaks back to the Kingdom of Reyak, as long as he is not reported as a believer of knowledge and does not bump into the face of the Glowing God Church, he is just an ordinary adventurer who is harmless to people and animals!

This is not a dangerous belief in some evil god, and the identity that has been contaminated by the evil god will be directly detected by divine arts.

In addition to using the magic of justice to judge the faith of mortals, it is impossible to kill heresy by superficial actions in daily life.

Sam's idea is very optimistic.

Because he doesn't know about the old gods.

He doesn't know that the magic of the Radiant God Cult [Detect Evil] will flash red when used on the believers of the God of Knowledge.


This "flaw" that has existed for a long time.

As another group of heretics arrived in Xiwei Territory.

There was a turning point.


The Church of Illusion is about to join the battlefield. This plot is a bit difficult to deal with. Guozi's writing is a bit stuck.

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