Don't call me evil god

Chapter 287 Don’t call me a remnant of the old days

The amount of information was so huge that even Norven could not hold it back.

Mortals in the New Huili calendar understand and recognize the evil gods as those crazy beings born from the void are the cancer of the world, the source of all evil, and represent the malice and negativity of the entire world.

Therefore, mortals must take refuge in the gods and use positive power and faith to fight against the evil god of the void.

As for where the evil god came from?

No mortal can tell exactly one, two, three, four, five.

Even churches like the Glow God Religion have a very vague description of the origin of the evil god, using many symbolic expressions without a clear direction.

But according to the illusion goddess, Noven seemed to have found a way for an evil god to be born!

Normally existing gods were contaminated by the void and became evil gods.

The reason for the fall—actually because mortal believers used his divine magic?

"Wait, wait, tell me in detail, why does the use of illusion magic by mortals affect you?!"

Novin couldn't understand this at all.

Because he didn’t feel it at all!

The believers of the Church of Seeking Knowledge also use various knowledge-seeking magics with great intensity every day, such as revealing the secrets of all things and instantaneous messengers.

Novenko always felt that his mental state was normal.

There is absolutely no tendency to lose one's mind and fall.

Of course, it could also be because he was already an evil god and could not become more depraved.

The response from the Illusion Goddess came quickly:

"You still need to ask me?"

"Are you mocking me?!"

"You can be so sober, you must be better than me at avoiding corruption!"

Nuowen was silenced by these words.

"He" may indeed have existed for a long time, but that is obviously the predecessor he inherited!

At this time, Noven was having a headache.

When others travel through time, they directly inherit the other person's memories and so on, and can seamlessly integrate into the new world in an instant.

Where's Novan?

When he crossed over, it was like he was in prison. The gray mist in the Kingdom of God squeezed him so much that there was only a place as big as a hand to fit in. His eyes were completely black and he didn't know anything.

Although he later discovered his almost omniscient divine power.

But Novin soon noticed the problem.

This omniscience is limited to knowledge and information that already exists in the world and is clearly accessible.

The most his authority can do is to make deductions based on this information.

As for the chaotic information related to the void, the authority can check it, but the returned information is all garbled and cannot be read.

Moreover, listening to the reply from the Illusion Goddess, Noven had an outrageous but reasonable idea.

"Could it be predecessor actually degenerated into an evil god and lost his mind?"

"But I'm not depraved, I'm rational."

"I have reason, so after inheriting my predecessor, I will become a sober and rational evil god?"


As soon as this idea came up, Nuowen suddenly felt as if a lot of things could be explained!

"So, why on earth would a normally normal god lose his mind and fall because of mortals using his magic?"

Novin still couldn't figure out the connection between the two.

Look at the colleagues next door, those gods of radiance, wilderness, shadows, etc. The oldest one has been around for almost 1,000 years, and has not seen any of them fall?

Noven calculated based on the time.

The Church of Illusion appeared in the Ceylon Territory about 15 years ago. A small group of people appeared, claiming that they believed in a great goddess who controlled the power of phantoms.

As long as you offer your faith to this goddess, you can receive her blessing and have the power to use [Illusion Divine Art].

In just over a year, the Church of Illusion has expanded rapidly. From a small church organization with only 2 or 3 people preaching, the number of believers has skyrocketed to thousands.

Because a large number of ordinary people in the Ceylon Territory have joined the Church of Illusion, claiming that they regard Resti, the goddess of illusion, as their main faith.

In that year, the number of newborns in Ceylon reached its lowest level in the past 50 years, even halving the number.

Not only that, some believers from the Church of Illusion even petitioned the Countess of Ceylon.

They tried to get the Countess of Ceylon to issue a regional decree recognizing the legality of marriage to a "phantom".

When things got to this point, the Glow God Sect came forward.

The Glow Divine Cult directly expressed its denial and issued an announcement that the doctrine of the Church of Illusion is a heresy and its long-term belief is extremely harmful to the order of the Kingdom of Reyak.

As soon as the heretical expulsion order was issued, the Church of Illusion began to decline.

It has been declining until today, just over 15 years ago.

Novin didn’t understand.

The Glow God Religion has existed for nearly a thousand years, and the God of Glow has nothing to do with it. Tens of thousands of priests and crusaders are constantly using the magic he bestowed upon them.

[Past Glory] Miracle is still standing at the border of the kingdom, and there is no sign of evil degenerating into an evil god.

Why did this illusory goddess look like she was about to die in such a short period of time from her appearance to now, as if she would lose her mind and fall in the next moment.

However, what is extremely troublesome for Noven is:

The other party seemed to acquiesce that he was a god who had existed for a long time, and regarded these things that Noven had no way of knowing as common sense that all gods knew.

But Novin doesn’t know the so-called “common sense”!

He couldn't ask the other party directly!

Nuowen thought about it for a long time and decided to change the angle.

Send the new message to the Illusion Goddess who has established contact:

"Why force your believers to abandon their faith?"

"Wouldn't it be enough to directly reject their request to use divine arts?"

"Isn't the divine power in your own hands?"

This time, the interval between the Illusion Goddess' replies was much longer than before.

After a long while, a new response was sent:

"...The gods of the old days all know this, do you still need to ask?"

Nowen's pupils trembled again.

He saw a familiar word.

"Old days!"

The other party's words meant that He was obviously not a god of the New Huili era!

The gods of the old days disappeared in the New Huili era, but obviously did not disappear or fall completely!

This Illusion Goddess is the evidence.

So, Nowen said nonsense without changing his expression or heartbeat, with a strong sense of reason:

"Of course I need to ask."

"Because I am not a remnant of the old times!"

"Now is the era of the new Huili! Of course we have to follow the rules of this era!"

"The power of the gods belongs to the great gods, why can mortals use it at will!"

In front of the gods of the new Huili, Nowen is a remnant of the old times;

When communicating with the gods of the old times, Nowen dared to call himself a god of the new Huili.

He made up an identity by himself, believe it or not.

And what Nowen said is the truth, at least, part of it is the truth.

So far.

Among the gods of the new Huili era, Nowen has never seen any god's magic that can be used by mortals without restrictions even without permission.


There are 4 more chapters in the evening, if I don't push myself, I will be stuck!

If I can't finish the four chapters before 0 o'clock, I will chop it off live, I will do what I say!

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