Don't call me evil god

Chapter 290 The Great Illusion

Soon, the candidates who would follow Sepp to the Illusion Church were announced.

Considering that this operation might involve a "battle" component, several candidates with high military power were brought along.

For example, Brandon.

Of course, there were also diplomatic candidates.

For example, Pete.

As for Hugo, after receiving the oracle of the God of Knowledge, he looked at Pete, and the man and the goblin quickly communicated secretly using the [Instant Messenger].

[Pet Qinar: The Lord's oracle guides us to obtain the artifact of the Illusion Church. ]

[Hugo Xiwei: If we ask them directly, it will be considered blasphemy! ]

[Pet Qinar: First find a way to bring them here, and then consider how to gain their trust and obtain the artifact. ]

[Hugo Xiwei: Reasonable! ]

Therefore, Hugo did not go to the Illusion Church with Sepp, but stayed in Xiwei Territory.

He had to make some advance preparations to welcome the arrival of the Illusion Church believers.


For the first half of the journey, we had to arrive at Qinar Territory first, and then go to the Illusion Church.

Pet directly found someone to drive the flatbed carriage that was unique to Siwei Territory to save time.

There were three people in total on this trip.

Pet, Brandon, and Sepp.

On the way, Sepp spoke with a heavy voice and reminded:

"Um, you two."

"There is something I may need to tell you in advance."

"The remaining believers of the Illusion Church now, their personalities and lifestyles may be a little... uh, extreme."

Pet was puzzled: "Extreme?"

Sep sighed.

"You will understand if you imagine it."

"In reality, you live frugally, and any enjoyment has nothing to do with you."

"But as long as you have the power of the goddess, in the false illusion, you can even become a powerful legendary strongman, the king of the supreme kingdom, or even... a great god."

"Compared with the painful and terrible reality, illusions will undoubtedly make people indulge in them and unable to extricate themselves."

"This is why the output of [Illusion Fragments] has decreased, and I have to find a way to ask you for help."

"If the goddess's magic is really lost, the believers in the church may no longer be able to face the real reality."

At this point, Sepp sighed.

Took out two rice-sized [Illusion Fragments] from the wooden box and gave them to Pete and Brandon respectively.

"You can activate it by guiding it with your spirit. You can see the truth under the illusion before it is exhausted."

"You can also turn off the activation state by guiding it again, and let yourself be affected by the cognition of the illusion."

"When you want to see the real church territory, activate it."

"I not only hope to lead them to find a safe place to live, but also hope to find a way to change the status quo."


The so-called Illusion Church's station, from the outside, can't find any flaws at all.

It's completely a forest that is no different from the surrounding environment.

Dense and thick trees and vines firmly occupy the area, and the sunlight can't penetrate the thick leaves to penetrate here, almost to the point where it is difficult to move.

"If there is no way to protect your cognition, there is no way to find this place." Sepp stretched out his hand and gestured: "Please try."

Pet tried to touch the giant tree in front of him.

The rough bark felt.

Brandon's action was a little rougher.

He directly pulled out a knife and cut it horizontally on the trunk.

A knife mark was left on the bark, revealing the bast inside, and even a little translucent juice slowly flowed out.

Just like the illusion that Sepp had shown before, it was indistinguishable from the real tree.

Brandon gritted his teeth, simply drew his greatsword, and chopped at the vines between the trees.

The solid thick vines were still not enough in front of the +3 fine iron greatsword, and were easily chopped and chopped by Brandon, and then fell to the ground, piled with rotten leaves and dead branches.

Brandon was convinced.

If it weren't for the magic of [Revelation of All Things], he couldn't see how this place looked like an illusion.

It was exactly the same as the real Dark Forest.


Pete smacked his lips.

No wonder the Church of Illusion could hide in the Dark Forest for more than ten years without being discovered.

The place they occupied was not large. According to Sepp's description, it was actually only the size of a church, and there was only a dilapidated building inside.

If you don't know, if you want to find this place accurately in the vast dark forest, you have to cast a divine spell or magic to protect your cognition in advance.

This condition is too harsh.

The spirit guided the [illusion fragments], and a sense of clarity surged into my mind, and the scene in front of me changed dramatically.

The dense forest disappeared in an instant.

A half-collapsed ancient stone church appeared in front of me.

It covers an area of ​​about hundreds of square meters.

It has two floors, and including the top of the church, Pete estimated that it is more than six meters high.

Part of the roof of this church has collapsed, and many walls have collapsed;

The gaps between the stones at the bottom are covered with moss.

The main door of the church has also collapsed in half, leaving only the other half of the almost rotten wooden door.

Pete was a little unbelievable.

"You have been living here... for more than ten years?"

To put it bluntly, Pete felt that this condition might be at the same level as the refugee slums outside Ceylon!

The roof and walls have collapsed, meaning the place has no protection from wind and rain.

There are also bad weather conditions such as heavy rain or strong winds in the dark forest.

How much suffering will the people of the Church of Illusion have to suffer by then?

"Why don't you do some repairs, at least put some boards on it, or build a straw shed?"

Sepp let out a long sigh.

"If you go in and take a look, you'll understand why."

Stepping through the wooden door that exuded a dull, old smell, and walking into the abandoned church building where the Church of Illusion resides, the first thing that caught Pat's eyes was a group of people who could be described as "skinny and emaciated."

They just lay on the ground in a huddle, motionless.

The clothes on his body were even worse.

There was not even a complete piece of fabric to be found. Either a piece was torn here or a piece was missing there.

The most "simple" one is simply naked!

There were some broken bowls scattered around, with some batter left in them that had a rancid smell.

If he hadn't occasionally seen these people's chests and abdomens rising and falling, Peter would have thought they were dead!

"This, this, this?" Brandon exclaimed, "What happened to them?"

Sepp said solemnly: "As you two can see, this is the current situation of the Church of Illusion."

"Remove the protection of [Illusion Debris] on cognition, and you will be able to see...our big illusion."

There is one more update, it must be finished before 0 o'clock!

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