Don't call me evil god

Chapter 294 Let’s study how to defeat the evil god

Noven knew where the core of the power of the Goddess of Illusion was hidden by this group of believers.

For such a thing, he didn't even need to use his priesthood to check.

It was very simple.

When communicating with the Goddess of Illusion, he would know by asking.

"Which believers do you have?"

"What did these guys do when they were causing trouble?"

After a few words of communication, Noven figured it out.

But knowing these is useless.

Because the core of the problem lies with the other party's believers!


Noven can probably use an example to describe the situation of the Goddess of Illusion.

After anchoring the power of the gods, the gods are equivalent to a container that uses divine power to hold pollution.

The stronger the divine power, the more pollution it can hold.

Power comes from the faith of mortals. In other words, the more believers there are and the more devout the faith, the stronger the gods will be.

The current situation of the Goddess of Illusion is bad here.

She now has very few believers, only dozens.

The container is not big enough!

Moreover, the most troublesome thing is that the Goddess of Illusion has not always had only these dozens of believers.

When the Church of Illusion was at its peak, there were thousands of believers.

At that time, the divine power was strong and the container was solid.


The container has shrunk, but the pollution accumulated inside has not shrunk!

This is the most difficult part to deal with.

This is also the reason why the Goddess of Illusion is about to collapse after only being "born" for more than ten years.

The solution that the Goddess of Illusion tried to provide was: He simply stopped being a god.

The route of massacre.

Nowen arranged for the believers to kill the Church of Illusion.

Then before the Goddess of Illusion was completely polluted, the core of the divine power was destroyed, and the priesthood was destroyed.

Goddess Resti claimed that she had a way to avoid being buried with the priesthood when it was destroyed.

But Nowen, out of his own ideas, planned to take another route:

Transfer of divine power!

Transfer the authority of the Goddess of Illusion to the God of Knowledge, that is, himself!

The step of [transfer ceremony] for the core of divine power is not only the business of the two gods, but also involves the mortal believers of the corresponding gods.

The anchoring of priesthood and divine power is a symbolic concept.

The transfer and transformation of power also requires mortals to provide faith in this process, which takes a certain amount of time to complete.

To put it in a simpler way, the believers of Norwen have to find a way to deal with these guys from the Church of the Goddess of Illusion, so that they can accept the disappearance of the power of the Goddess of Illusion. There will be no Illusion Church in the future, and they can no longer continue to use divine arts like they do now.

Even if there are divine arts with the same effect in the future, they will become divine arts for seeking knowledge.

Moreover, in this process, the believers of Norwen cannot make various promises at will.

Recognition obtained by coaxing, threatening, forcing, etc. does not have a symbolic effect.

They must be willing to accept it.

Sepp appeared in the illusion of the Paradise Palace with Pete and Brandon, and soon attracted the attention of the believers of the Church of Illusion who were enjoying various pleasures.

Pete was deeply moved.

The guys he saw in the dilapidated church in the real world looked like living dead, their faces were thin and unrecognizable, and their muscles had atrophied severely due to lying still for a long time.

But in the illusion of the Paradise Palace, there were handsome men and beautiful women.

The male believers had their own characteristics. Some made themselves look mighty and masculine, some had a graceful and bookish temperament, some had the feeling of a mystic scholar, and some had the style of a noble.

The situation of the few female believers was similar.

Either they were young women with proud S-shaped curves, or they were middle-aged women dressed like ladies. Pete even saw a beautiful woman wearing a royal dress.

"Damn it."

"I'm afraid that only in illusions can you wear all kinds of clothes so casually, after all, they are all imagined."

Pete knew how "painful" it was to actually wear such a dress that was only worn on important occasions.

It is extremely complicated to put on, and more than a dozen maids are needed to help. In order to keep the dress beautiful, a steel frame weighing several kilograms must be placed inside to make it look tall and gorgeous.

It is almost not comfortable, and even moving is difficult.

But in the illusion of the Paradise Palace, these people can still dance with others wearing such things.

Pete guessed the reason.

The people of the Illusion Church probably only imagined the appearance of the dress, just like putting on a coat for themselves. It looks beautiful on the outside, but there is nothing inside.

Handsome men and elegant women quickly gathered on Sepp's side.

Their "movement methods" are also unique.

Some people were carried here in a sedan chair;

Some people waved their hands to open a dark blue "portal", stepped into it, and then appeared in another place out of thin air;

Some people simply grew wing-like light wings on their backs, flew up on the spot, and slowly glided all the way here.

The latter two look quite inconsistent.

For example, the structure of the portal is completely different from what Pete had heard at Carron College;

For another example, the effect of the flying guy's wings flapping behind him does not match his gliding trajectory at all.

After all, the existence of illusions relies on the imagination of the constructor, or in other words, on the cognition of the constructor.

People cannot imagine things beyond their own cognition.

They could only make inferences based on what they knew, and that’s why they came up with a bunch of weird things.

These believers of the Church of Illusion gathered next to Sepp, and before Pete could open his mouth to introduce them, one of the young men dressed in "bright colors" spoke first.

The other party was wearing a fancy long shirt, his lower body was bare, his hair was colorful like a dyeing factory, and there were all kinds of painted tattoos on his skin.


"What did you do! Why did an outsider appear in the Paradise Palace!"

"Are you doing this to us and the Goddess of Illusion? The church is in such a critical moment now, and you actually brought an outsider here!"

"Are you crazy!"

Pete's eyes widened.

He never thought that the first sentence the other party said when he opened his mouth was to accuse Sepp!

Soon, Pete knew the reason for the other party's accusation.

"The number of [illusion fragments] is already decreasing, and it is already stretched to the limit to maintain the existence of the Great Illusion."

"Bringing outsiders here will definitely consume more [illusion fragments] in order to influence their cognition!"

Pate took a deep breath.

"Don't be angry...don't be angry...they just don't understand us yet, and don't know that we are here to help the Goddess of Illusion..."

The colorful young man ordered in an overbearing tone:

"Now, immediately, right now, Patriarch Sep! Get them out!"

"Every second they stay here is a waste of our precious [illusion fragments]!"

Pate was a little overwhelmed!

"Brandon, why don't we pray to the God of Knowledge and study how to fight the evil god."

"I now think that it should be easier to destroy the evil god than to help these guys!"


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