Don't call me evil god

Chapter 298 A Delicate Balance

It's all connected!

It's all connected!

Nowen had guessed about the situation in this world before, but there was no evidence before.

Now with the goddess of illusion, who has lived for who knows how long, as a witness, many things make sense.

To put it bluntly, what the gods of the last era did was a game.

The pollution of the void to the gods was packed and thrown into the world where mortals were, and then the mortals used the power of magic to "fight poison with poison".

Nowen felt that there was no more vivid word than fighting poison with poison.

When mortals use magic, the corresponding gods will be polluted, and the number of polluted gods may be 10.

What if - mortals use magic to kill 100 evil monsters?

In terms of total amount, isn't it equivalent to helping the gods eliminate the pollution?

However, judging from the end of the old days, it is obvious that the gods of the last era finally collapsed.

The actual situation is likely that mortals can only kill 5 evil monsters after obtaining magic.

Therefore, the more they use divine arts, the more polluted the gods will be, and then they will have to pack and throw more divine monsters into the mortal world, and then mortals will have to rely more on divine arts.

Dead cycle.

It's still a vicious cycle.

In this case, the pollution has not disappeared, but just changed its location.

One of the gods and mortals must explode first.

Or both of them must explode together.

Combined with the complex underground system under the Dark Forest, Norwen is now 80% sure that the so-called Dark Crypt is the "garbage dump" where the gods threw pollution in the last era.

After all, pollution is like hazardous waste. Throwing it anywhere will definitely cause toxic substances to spread everywhere.

You have to find a fixed place, take corresponding purification measures, and then throw it in accurately.

The various layered designs in the Dark Crypt are all vaguely in line with this logic!

Think more deeply.

"The red tide of monsters that comes stably once a year with obvious periodicity, could it be that the gods of the new Huili era... are throwing away their toxic garbage!"

"The so-called monsters of this era are probably the aberrations of the gods of the previous era!"

"The gods may select mortals to be qualified to use divine arts, and select those individuals who have the potential to grow up and fight against monsters."

"When mortals are allowed to use divine arts, they must give priority to those mortals who can make back their "pollution costs"!"

"From this perspective, the pope of the Glorious God Church and the archbishops who jointly performed the divine art miracle of [Past Glory] are equivalent to the God of Glorious Light drawing a batch of SS R-level rarity deck? "

"A divine spell has been effective for nearly 500 years. Although it failed to directly destroy the monsters, the indirect blocking effect is enough to give mortals a chance to buffer and recuperate, so as not to be directly overwhelmed by the monsters."

"No wonder the crusaders of the Glorious God Church only stayed within the range of [Past Glory] to defend."

"To fight against monsters, the crusaders only need to follow the orders issued by the bishops and fight bravely. The God of Glorious God who gives the bishops oracles has more to consider."

"Every time the crusaders use divine spells, it means that the pollution is aggravated."

"If they are sent to the Dark Forest to destroy monsters, but the cost is not earned back, then the gain will be worth the loss."

Everything is right, and it all makes sense.


Finally, I know why my believers can get other gods to respond to divine spells.

Nowen also realized one thing:

His current position seems to be in a delicate "balance" state.

First of all, his body is already in the shape of an evil god, with very pure ingredients and high concentration.

Even if Norwen can emphasize verbally and in action that he is not an evil god, and is not the same as those void lunatics.

But his nature cannot be changed!

Once the true identity behind the vest of "God of Knowledge" is exposed.

At the level of mortals, what they have to worry about is not the "heretic expulsion", but whether they will wake up one day and the God of Knowledge will go crazy and fill him with chaotic divine power, and directly fall into evil.

As long as you offer your faith, there is such a risk.

The initiative is completely in Norwen's hands, and mortals cannot interfere.

Of course, Norwen is also sure that in the face of the temptation of power, there will still be a lot of mortals willing to take a gamble.

The key is the level of gods.

Norwen put himself in the perspective of the gods of the New Huili era.

It would be fine if they didn't know that their original bodies were evil gods.

But judging from the "Heretics Expulsion Order" issued by the Glorious God Cult, Norwen now suspects that the gods of the New Huili may actually know his identity.

Knowing that Norwen is an evil god.

But at least for now, they can "ignore" this.

Because the believers of the God of Knowledge are eliminating cultists and monsters!

This is helping them reduce the pressure caused by pollution accumulation.

And they don't have to pay any costs except for divine power!

It's a business with no capital, and it's pure profit no matter how much is eliminated!

But - the gods may not be willing to let the number of Norwen's believers expand indefinitely.

They want to see Norwen's believers rush to the front line to fight monsters, but they don't want to see too many mortals believe in Norwen.

Because every believer of the "God of Knowledge" is actually a potential monster.

Nowen is both their savior and a huge bomb that may explode at any time.

The faith that mortals offer to gods can only be unilaterally lifted by gods.

If the size of the Church of Seeking Knowledge is allowed to increase.

Even if one day in the future, the gods take back the authority they share with Nowen believers.

At that time, Nowen can also directly "everyone stop playing".

The table is overturned.

Monsters are rampant.

Drag everyone to death together.

The best situation is to maintain the number of Nowen's believers in a delicate balance.

It can help them eliminate enough monsters to relieve pressure, but it will not let Nowen take over.

When Nowen thought of the series of warnings, purification, and suppression processes in the Kingdom of God when the number of believers reached 1,000, he was even more shocked.

"Maybe... they have prepared corresponding restrictions."

Thinking of this, Nowen also understood what to do.

At least at this stage, as long as his "scale" does not expand rapidly, the gods of the New Huili will not completely break off with him even if they know his evil nature.

They need Norwen's existence.

By maintaining this delicate balance, Norwen's operational space will be much larger!

Moreover, Norwen learned about the existence of the transfer ceremony from the goddess of illusion!

The transfer and handover of divine power!

What needs to be done now is to continue to accumulate strength, collect more resources, maintain the balance on the surface, and slowly develop more believers.

When the time is right and the conditions are right...

Norwen has already thought of his lines for that time.

"Please, God of Radiance, take your hands off my Radiance Divine Art, okay?"


Note from Guozi, this is only a part of the world view at present, and does not represent the whole picture.

But most of the information about the old days is accurate.

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