Don't call me evil god

Chapter 312: One word reveals the truth

Sunday, late at night.

Sam Doug had to admit that he was in a mixed mood at the moment.

Expectation, nervousness, curiosity, and even a little fear.

His efforts paid off.

Before the first Sunday arrived, he worked hard to move bricks and build roads, and his contribution value rushed to 71st on the list.

Although he did not enter the top 50 who could have stable qualifications.

But as long as someone in front of him hesitated and did not participate in this round of initiation ceremony, he would have a chance to be on the waiting list.

Sam felt that he should be a lucky person.

Otherwise, he would not be able to persist in the Dark Forest for two or three years.

In the past, the unlucky guy would encounter dangerous monsters and die soon after entering the Dark Forest.

This time, Sam's luck was as good as ever for the qualification to join the Church of Knowledge.

No. 71.

Sam later learned that 7 of the top 50 were still hesitating and waiting, and the rest of them all chose to apply to believe in the God of Knowledge, Nowen.

For the extra 7 positions, 6 of the 51st to 70th place ahead of him successfully applied for the alternate position.

He happened to be the 7th.

The last of the first batch of admitted believers.

Before deciding to offer his faith to the God of Knowledge, Sam hesitated and struggled for a while.


These two words are like a sharp sword of Damocles, hanging over his head all the time.

Until a few nights ago, he was awakened by other adventurer friends who were also participating in the study of doctrine and had made up their minds to believe in the God of Knowledge.

At that time, Sam was staying in the "Monnie's Tavern" in Warren County, drinking flavored beer that was said to be a local specialty with his friends.

It's true that the beer here tastes really unique. In addition to the rich aroma of beer, bubbles will occasionally come out of the beer. In this September when the heat has not yet left, it is just right for cooling off and quenching thirst.

And it's also very cheap.

You can buy a large cup for only 2 copper coins.

Sam can sit here and drink slowly all night, listen to the gossip stories of adventurers, or watch other people play cards and dice, join in the fun, or even play a few games.

A friend sat next to Sam and pointed at the table to remind him:

"Sam, you just haven't turned your mind around yet, and you haven't figured out the pros and cons!"

"Come on, let me analyze it for you."

"Think about it carefully, what is the worst case after offering faith?"

Sam immediately gave an answer to his friend's question.

"This is a heretical god and church that has been expelled from the kingdom."

"After offering my faith, won't I be able to go home again?"

The friend slapped his head helplessly:

"You sneak back secretly, no one will know!"

Sam still couldn't rest assured: "What if?"

"The truth can't be hidden, what if it's discovered one day?"

The friend rolled his eyes and said unhappily: "If they find out, what does it matter?"

Sam's expression was as shocked as he could be: "How can it not matter? Heretics will be expelled!"

"Then you can just abandon your faith and it's over?"


When Sam heard the word abandon faith, he was confused.

Belief in a certain god is a very important thing.

Once you give up your main faith, it will be more difficult to get the blessing of the gods if you convert to other gods in the future.

It's like asking for the purity of mortals.

The gods seem to only like "first-time" mortals, and the gods don't like those slaves with three or even more surnames.

"How can you just abandon your faith?"

"What if you can't get the blessing of other gods in the future because of this abandonment of faith?"

The friend calmly questioned Sam:

"You are right."

"I didn't realize before that you valued your change of faith so much, Sam. I think you can be called a 'pure'."

"Then let me ask."

"Pure Sam Doug."

"Your main faith now is the God of Light, right?"

"Has the God of Light blessed you?"

"In fact, let's take a step back. I will relax the conditions for you so that you won't be dissatisfied."

"Do you think - before you die, the God of Light will bless you?"

"After death, will you have the opportunity to enter the Kingdom of Light?"

Sam: "..."

He was silenced by his friend's soul questioning.

When he was a child, Sam had also imagined that he would be blessed by the God of Light in the future, possess the God of Light, and become a distinguished monk of the church.

Because every time he had the opportunity to see the monks of the Church of the God of Light in Qim Town, they always looked superior.

The mayor appointed by the Countess of Ceylon had to accompany him enthusiastically.

In short, he looked like a superior person.

After growing up, Sam also recognized the reality.

The God of Light might not look down on him.

Although his main belief was the God of Light, the ceremony of offering faith was the same as that held by the priests of the God of Light. According to their requirements, they performed offerings, cleansed their bodies, enjoyed the Eucharist, baptized with holy water, and finally chanted prayers...

After a few steps, the priests told Sam that they were already the people of the God of Light.


You asked why you still couldn't feel the blessing of the God of Light Naval after believing?

Needless to say?

Of course it's because you are not devout enough, do not meet His standards, and are not qualified.

Go back and pray well, and worship day and night.

When you are qualified, you will naturally be blessed by the Lord.

Then the priests began to ask the servants to clean the Gospel Hall and stopped answering Sam's questions.

This situation is not only seen in the Glowing God Church.

Sam once prayed devoutly to the gods.

But in the end, only he responded.

No god was willing to respond to his faith and give him power.

Therefore, he finally embarked on the path of anger practice and reluctantly became a warrior professional.

After all, this route is known in his cognition, the only way to "change fate" without relying on the gift of God and create unknown possibilities for his future.

Questioning, or ridicule, from friends.

The translation means:

"No god would ever favor you."

"Are you afraid that abandoning your faith will affect the future blessings from the gods?"

"You have believed in the God of Light for so many years. Even if you don't change your faith, do you think He is willing to pay attention to you for this piety?"

Sam was enlightened by this.

Thinking about it carefully, it is really the truth!

For ordinary people like him who have no gods willing to favor.

Why worry about the consequences of abandoning faith?

Now, it doesn't matter whether he offers his faith to the God of Light or not!

Just change your faith boldly!


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