Don't call me evil god

Chapter 32 The Rayak people do not cheat the Rayak people

Brandon watched the young man walk into the center of a magic circle emitting blue fluorescent light under the guidance of the girl, and subconsciously took a few steps back.

If it was really a scam by the Evil God Sect, he should stay away and he would still have a chance to run away.

However, all the subsequent processes look normal:

"The great god of justice Phil..."

The girl recited the prayer seriously, the God of Justice cast his gaze, and the small statue placed at the top of the circle lit up with a bright purple mist.

After a few minutes, the magical ceremony ended.

"Sir, as you can see, the most suitable path for your practice is to become a distinguished mage."

After witnessing the magical ritual with his own eyes, Brandon felt that his world view was somewhat impacted.

Although there are many gods in the continent of Prentice, each god has its own unique authority and power.

But in Brandon's past understanding, the divine magic of the God of Justice should be a power that belongs exclusively to the believers of the God of Justice.

Mortals who believe in other gods should not be able to use this magic.

The magical spell performed by the girl in front of him broke his cognition.

The effects of divine magic cannot be faked.

Is it true, as the girl said, that this god has special functions and can use the power of other gods?

The young man who had personally experienced divine magic no longer looked as determined as when he called out heresy before. After learning that he had the talent to become a mage, his expression was mixed.

Fortunately, he has the opportunity to become a distinguished mage professional;

The worries are:

"Mage... I don't have any money. It takes a lot of money to register for the church training of the Goddess of Magic, and there are also expenses for various magic materials. Even if I know that I have talent, I am not qualified to get started..."

These words immediately resonated in Brandon's heart.

Because his situation is exactly the same as what the other party described!

Even if you can enjoy a professional talent test, what's the use?

Being able to find the career path that best suits you is indeed very helpful to your spiritual practice, which is equivalent to avoiding yourself from taking the wrong path.

But the threshold for entering the profession is there. If you don’t have enough property, you can’t afford the daily practice expenses of a professional!

After listening to the young man's complaint, the girl smiled and said:

"Sir, I think you might consider our sect."

"Your sect?"

"Yes, let me introduce you."

"Leading us forward is a great being whose name is Norven, the God of Knowledge."

"Although the God of Knowledge does not grant blessings to believers like other gods, He is willing to guide every believer. No matter what path you plan to walk, He can give you corresponding help."

"As you can see, I am not a believer in the God of Justice, but I can still get Phil's attention and use the magic that belongs to the God of Justice. This is the unique ability of our Knowledge Seeking Sect."

"If you want to become a mage, you can also pledge your faith to the God of Knowledge, and he will guide you to the appropriate method."

"The most important thing is that you don't need money to join the Knowledge-Seeking Sect and obtain the guidance of Noven, the God of Knowledge-seeking."

"As long as you are willing to offer your faith, the God of knowledge will respond to you."

After hearing these words, the young man began to hesitate.

If given a choice, normal people would definitely choose the magical goddess with a long history and wide reputation.

Who is the god of knowledge?

I’ve never heard of it, who knows if it’s reliable!

The problem is.

The situation before Brandon and the others is:

The other option just doesn't work for them!

As mentioned before, if you want to become a professional, you must go to the church and ask for the gaze and attention of the gods through divine magic. Only then can you be qualified.

What's more, even if many people pay church fees, they still can't get God's approval after trying for a long time, wasting money in vain, and in the end they still can't become professionals.

If you don’t have money, it’s better to give up early and work honestly.

Now there is such an opportunity in front of me. I don't know whether it is true or false.

As long as you devote your faith, you can become a professional.

Come all come.

Might as well give it a try.

After all, they even gave away the magic of the God of Justice for free.

If you go to the Church of Justice to apply for a test, this magical spell will cost you a full 3 gold coins.

Even if this is a liar sect, there isn't much to be gained from these poor people in the lower city, right?

Why use such precious magic on them?

Brandon weighed the pros and cons.

Considering his situation, he was willing to take a chance and give it a try.

The young man seemed to have a connection with Brandon:

"The God of Knowledge, right? If He can make me a mage, as you said, then I am willing to join your sect!"

"What do I do?"

The girl introduced: "It's very simple. Please repeat the prayer with me."

"Place your faith in the God of Knowledge, and He will respond to your requests and guide you in the right direction."

Half an hour later.

"Hey! I'm done!"


"I am a mage now! I am a noble mage!"

The young man excitedly waved the radiant ball of light in his hand, his whole body trembling with excitement.

Brandon was shocked.

"Is it really possible?!"

He even suspected that he might have been under some illusion. Everything tonight was just his illusion.

He watched intently as the young man finished reciting the prayers to the girl. Then he seemed to sense something, knelt down and began to meditate.

After several failures during this period, he finally succeeded in condensing a ball of light in his hand!

Brandon once saw a mage use it. The name of this light ball is [Illumination]. It is condensed from arcane magic and can provide a light source nearby.

The underground wine cellar, which originally relied on candles and moonlight to provide light, suddenly became brighter under the influence of [Lighting Technique]!

The young man could not conceal his excitement and shared with several other people in the wine cellar:

"Everyone, the power of Novan, the God of Knowledge, is real!"

"The Leyak people do not lie to the Leyak people. Believe me, this god is different from those righteous gods. He really told me how to master spells and become a qualified mage!"

"The God of knowledge will answer my prayers directly!"

"O great god of knowledge, please accept the most heartfelt thanks from your believer, Peter Chinar!"

Brandon was stunned.

"He really succeeded?!"

"Rely believe in this god of knowledge?!"

At first he was cautious and skeptical of a sect he had never heard of before.

After all, there are so many different kinds of foreign gods, and there are many small sects of foreign gods that will make great propaganda when recruiting people, saying how powerful this god is, and you can get it as long as you offer your faith. All kinds of benefits and so on.

In fact, the real effect is completely different from what they preach, and it is not as good as described!

If you are unlucky enough to meet the followers of the evil god, they can deceive one after another. If you really join their sect, you might be sacrificed to the evil god on the spot.

But this knowledge-seeking sect has actually provided evidence that faith can provide rewards!

Brandon is really excited this time!

"How about... I also try to offer my faith to this God of Knowledge?"

Please recommend monthly tickets! Crab you!

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