Don't call me evil god

Chapter 335 Baron Franklin's Manor

Raven Town.

Everlasting night.

The gloomy and dark sky seemed like a maw of an abyss that opened its mouth to swallow all things. Just looking at it gave people a heavy pressure.

Most of the buildings in the town have their doors closed, and there is no light on inside. It is dark and lifeless.

From time to time, you can hear a few whimpering efforts to suppress, or a nervous low scream.

Because there are a lot of level 0 monster facehuggers crawling and wandering around on the street.

Although the facehugger monster does not have eyes, it relies on hearing to find its target.

But in desperation, the townspeople who hid in their homes in panic still did not dare to light a candle.

On the one hand, they are unaware of the habits of monsters wandering outside;

On the other hand, even if they know, they will still worry that if a new monster appears and no one else lights up, and only their own house lights up, isn't that a ready target?

All these ordinary people can do now is pray to the God of Radiance or other gods of their respective beliefs over and over again.

Pray that the Glow God Religion can quickly send the Crusaders to save them.

Even if there are no Crusaders, a few adventurers and mercenaries who can destroy monsters would be great!

Compared with these townspeople who are in a bad situation.

The townspeople who were gathered at Baron Franklin's manor under Gale's call were much luckier.

Perhaps there is Gale, a powerful professional who masters both magic and radiance magic, sitting here;

Perhaps it was the prestige of Baron Franklin buttressed;

Perhaps as the number of people increases, everyone inexplicably feels more confident.

In short, no serious mass panic or chaos occurred.

After Gale showed off his "heretic" status, the townspeople made simple choices:

"Regardless of whether he is a heretic or not, in front of monsters, we are the same kind!"

Baron Franklin's estate was relatively safe.

Food is plentiful.

Gale’s grandma likes to eat beans, and she keeps a variety of beans at home all year round.

Fried beans, stewed beans, boiled beans, baked beans, bean cakes, bean buns...

She could cook beans in different styles for more than a week without making the same beans.

Don't worry about food.

The manor's foundation for resisting monsters is also very solid.

The walls are solid and there are plenty of materials that can be repaired at any time.

It's a coincidence.

With the arrival of eternal night, even though it is September, the temperature begins to drop rapidly.

Originally, there were not many fabrics and clothing to keep out the cold in Franklin Manor.

But these days they happened to be keeping a wake for Gale's "corpse".

The curtains and curtains in the hall can be pulled down and wrapped around the body to temporarily provide some warmth.

There is no shortage of food and clothing for the time being;

Safety pressure is also guaranteed.

In fact, the manor noble canonization bill promulgated by King Reyak that year rewarded neither gold coins nor farmland, but the "manor". The original expectation was that when the disaster of evil gods and monsters broke out, they could It was temporarily used as a stronghold to protect civilians.

Every year when the monster red tide occurs, old Franklin responds to the king's call, fulfills his noble duties, and goes to the border defense line to participate in the defense;

The Baron Franklin Manor in Raven Town will also gather local townspeople, asking them to bring their luggage and dry food and wait in the manor for a few days until the red sun sets during the red tide.

After taking in these townspeople rescued by Gale.

The specific placement method is also very simple.

Remove the "mourning hall" previously arranged in the main hall of the manor, take out some old blankets and spread them on the ground, which can be regarded as a place for these townspeople to rest overnight.

In normal times, just arrange for people to make more food to supply them.

Gale's "resurrection from the dead" brought a huge impact to Baron Franklin and the rest of his family.

"Child, you...what happened to you?"

After more than three years away from home in Greenport, Gale came back. Not only did he become a third-level mage and a glow priest, he also completed the miracle of resurrection from the dead.

This was outrageous for the Franklin family.

If the real living person Gale hadn't been right in front of them, they wouldn't have believed it if they had heard similar rumors.

"Grandpa, father."

"The effect of divine magic, as you can see, is the great existence that I believe in now. He has given me the channel to control power and the method to change my destiny."

Gale did not say anything clearly about the [Rebirth] magic.

He did not tell his family directly that he believed in Novan, the god of knowledge, and that after becoming his believer, he could return to life after death.

Not to mention how much it will cost.

He just made the obvious hint.

Gayle's family got it.

No wonder his own child inexplicably developed a [comfort potion], the kind that can be used directly to commit suicide.

If you can come back to the world after death.

Allowing oneself to die painlessly is indeed a need.

Not only did they understand, they were also moved!

The temptation to rise from the dead lies ahead.

Unless the object of belief is an evil god, one day you will be resurrected as a monster instead of your original self.

In other cases, even if it is a heresy, they will believe it!

"However, the current situation is more troublesome."

Speaking of this, Gale glanced at the sky with some worry.

The dark night remained unchanged.

The feeling of depression became heavier and heavier.

"We can't leave Ceylon for a while now. The impact of the disaster has trapped all of us in a huge illusion and we can't get out of it."

"You have to hold on until the disaster is completely resolved."

Hearing this, old Baron Franklin nodded with relief:

"Don't worry, kid!"

"Just stay with us during this time and stay in the manor honestly."

"Wait for the Crusaders of the Glorious God to come to support us, and then we will pack up and leave."

"There is nothing valuable in the manor, most of the valuable things are in the potion shop."

"As long as the potion shop can continue, it doesn't matter if you are a baron or a noble."

The old Franklin family, starting from Gale's grandfather, has been a strange flower.

He was first a level 3 warrior professional and was canonized as a baron.

As a result, after a few years, he was suddenly blessed by the voodoo god Sethe and possessed the divine art of refining potions.

He started the potion business.

Although the status of potion merchants is not as good as that of nobles, the point is-they make a lot of money!

With only one manor, like Baron Chinal, the income of Chinal family would be almost drained for Pete to go to Green Harbor to study.

The Gale family is much more generous.

With money, they can even repair the manor.

The outer walls are specially reinforced, and the granary inside has also been expanded and reinforced.

This makes old Franklin very confident to stay in the manor for refuge.

He plans to hold on and protect the townspeople gathered by Gale.

This can also be regarded as the mission of protecting ordinary people in the disaster outbreak in the honor of the nobles.

As for the townspeople in distress outside?

The laws of the kingdom do not require the nobles to go to the extent of risking their lives.

Different levels of nobility correspond to different quantity requirements for protecting civilians.

As long as the corresponding quantity requirements are met, the mission is completed and there will be no punishment afterwards.

This batch is enough for now!

But Gale has a completely different view on his grandfather's plan!

"Grandpa, it's not right!"


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