Don't call me evil god

Chapter 34 The First Batch of Seeds

Brandon followed the method taught by Lena and consumed 3 knowledge points.

A large amount of knowledge about how to inspire, control, and control anger quickly poured into his mind.

[Perceive the source of anger in the body, and stay rational and calm during this period]

[Breathe deeply, be in a stable state, and let Qi penetrate the whole body, traveling in the chest and abdomen, guiding the internal Qi of different strengths to the corresponding parts, and gradually transforming it into anger that can be mobilized and controlled]

[Adjust the intensity according to specific meridian channels, so that anger can be attached to combat skills at any time]


The relevant training points one by one are detailed to the goals of each step and each stage.

It’s just that I don’t have any hands to help him practice!

Never had Brandon seen such comprehensive and detailed knowledge before!

He went to the Warriors Guild to eavesdrop, but the teaching there mainly focused on using great force to achieve miracles. There was no specific method at all. He only said that he should find a way to be in a state of anger, and then when can the anger not dissipate and be used. It increases the power of one's combat skills and becomes an entry-level fighter.

As for how to keep it from dissipating?

How to use anger to increase the power of martial arts?

Sorry, even people who have become warrior professionals can't explain it.

They can only describe it as a feeling, saying that once you feel it, it will become an instinct.

In the warrior guild, you can often see the kind of guy who holds his breath until his face turns red and he looks like he is constipated.

Without him, they are all fighting with their own anger.

With this kind of general approach, most people will fail before they find that "feeling" and won't be able to cross the threshold.

But Brandon discovered that the method given to him by the God of Knowledge accurately told him how to find "feeling" and control anger!

With a practical method, Brandon suddenly burst out with endless motivation!

The first attempt, 1% progress, failed, unable to stimulate a stable source of anger;

The second attempt, progressed 2%, failed, failing to stimulate a stable source of anger;

The third attempt, progress 6%, failed. This time I found the anger in my body, but my mood fluctuated slightly and the anger dissipated;

The seventeenth attempt, progress 31%, failed. When directing the anger to the chest, he failed to control the speed and the anger dissipated.

Although every effort ended in failure due to various reasons, Brandon became more and more energetic!

It's not that he didn't work hard in the past, he just couldn't find the direction to work hard!

He has spent a lot of time and energy but cannot see the results of his efforts, so he will naturally feel discouraged.

This time is different!

He can actually see that every one of his efforts is fruitful!

Even the simplest step of arousing anger fails at first;

Now he has been able to maintain his anger for a period of time, and he can clearly feel that there is a fire burning in his body.

That vigorous anger is about to come out, wanting to exert its powerful destructive power.

A few hours of hard work was worth his exploration for the past ten years!

How could he not be excited about this.

The sky is slowly getting brighter and the sunrise is coming.

If not for the fact that his physical strength was almost exhausted due to practice, Brandon could not wait to push his practice progress to 100% in one breath!

Because this means that he will be able to realize his dream of becoming a professional warrior.

Although physically exhausted, Brandon's spirit was extremely excited.

“Thank you, God of Knowledge!”

"I have never seen such a great existence as you. Please accept the most sincere thanks from your followers!"

Brandon can’t wait to kowtow to the God of Knowledge!

At this time, when he looked at the environment around the underground wine cellar and Reina, who guided him to believe in the God of Knowledge, his perception suddenly changed.

The wine cellar, which was originally dark and mysterious, now became extremely sacred.

What kind of secret gathering place is this? It is clearly a holy place that allows him to realize his dream and regain his new life!

How could there be some unidentified girl or unknown strange sect!

These are all his half-brothers and sisters!

Having tasted the sweetness, Brandon has now become the staunchest advocate of the God of Knowledge.

Seeing that the sky was getting brighter, Lena reminded everyone according to the "lines" prepared by Pete for her:

"Everyone, the God of Knowledge is a special and great being. He has just awakened from his long sleep. We are His first believers in this era, and we should spread His truth."

"At midnight every Fire Sunday, we will hold a communication gathering here and welcome more travelers to join us."

"The God of Knowledge has given us precious knowledge, please make good use of it."

“The Lord is watching.”

The number of believers increased from 2 to 6, and Noven was very satisfied.

The success rate of Peter and Lena's mission this time is as high as 100%.

Anyone who was tempted to come to Money Brothers Tavern to find out what was going on because of the note, under the "guidance" of Pat, finally chose to believe in Novel.

Among the four newcomers, Brandon chose the warrior profession.

The other three people, regardless of their affinity with the main gods of each profession, all chose the mage profession in the end.

For this reason, Noven spent some divine power and used his authority to obtain relevant starting practice knowledge.

In this way, Nowin has a primer on three career paths.

In the future, if there are new believers who want to become warriors, stealth fighters or mages, Nowen will no longer need to consume divine power, and only need to copy and paste a copy of his existing knowledge to the other party.

As for why the three new believers all chose mages?

The reason is very simple.

Mages are currently the most popular profession on the continent.

Even if they do not participate in the conscription to eliminate various monsters polluted by evil gods, or become adventurer mercenaries to accept commissions;

As long as they have the certification of a third-level mage, they can become magic consultants for many nobles and have a stable income;

At the very least, they can be magic migrant workers and copy magic scrolls every day to make a lot of money.

Therefore, when the opportunity to choose is presented in front of them, the first reaction of these ordinary people is to become a mage.

Of course, Nowen knows one thing very well.

He cannot make every believer a legendary warrior or a great mage.

Although giving the knowledge obtained through authority to believers can allow them to choose the path they want to walk freely without being restricted by faith.

But people have different talents.

For example, Lena and Brandon.

Rena has a very high affinity with the God of Shadow.

According to Norman's understanding, this means that the shadow power controlled by the God of Shadow Murphy favors her more.

Therefore, in the entry of the stealth, Rena only spent more than one night, and less than 10 attempts to fully master the [Stealth] combat skills.

Brandon's talent is much worse.

After trying more than a dozen times, the progress of controlling anger has not reached one-third.

Norman estimated that it would take at least 2 or 3 days for Brandon to successfully control anger and complete the warrior entry.

The difficulty of career advancement in the future will be higher, it will take more time, and the gap will be greater.

What Norman can do is to tell each of his believers how to work hard and - how far away from success.

Now with this group of believers as "seeds", Norman believes that they will soon take root and sprout in the lower city of Green Harbor, and then...



Thanks: Mu Zhaocao, a dog, cast a monthly ticket. Thank you to all readers who cast recommendation votes, crabs.

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