Don't call me evil god

Chapter 40 Sect Announcement

Compared to the dirty and messy lower city, the upper city on the north side of the trade market is much better.

The city hall, the Church of the God of Wealth, the branch of the Justice Sect, the branch of the Radiant Sect, the Warrior Guild, the Magic Hermitage and other organizations are all located here;

Carron College, Rustwater Business House, etc. also occupy a place in the upper city;

Well-designed garden suites can be seen everywhere, and any one of them is expensive, with a selling price of hundreds of gold coins.

The upper city of this free port, even the air is filled with a refreshing sweet scent.

This is not an illusion, but the effect caused by the "Famous and Genuine Carron United Business Group" of the earth elf and tycoon Carron Lagan, who specially hired several 4th-level great wizards, using the 4th-level magic [Raining Spell] to regularly mix the lemon mint perfume produced by his workshop with rainwater and spray it to every corner of the upper city.

Carlon also specially arranged for the city hall to introduce a new tax policy called "Sweet Air Tax" for him.

Carlon claimed that he spent a huge amount of money to provide related services in order to allow the residents of Greenport to enjoy the highest quality air.

To this end, a tax of 1 silver coin per month will be levied on the residents of the upper city to subsidize his business group.

Of course, most people who can own households in the upper city do not care about the expenditure of this 1 silver coin. They value the superior geographical location and free trade environment here more.

Although the public security in the lower city of Greenport is chaotic and lacks management, it depends on who you compare it with.

If compared with the border town near the evil god's occupation and monsters, the environment of the lower city is already safe, at least you don't have to worry about being attacked by monsters and bitten off your throat when you sleep at night.

The southern border of the Kingdom of Reyak is only separated by a twilight wasteland to the north of Greenport.

With the Kingdom of Reyak at the forefront, this wasteland has not been seriously affected by the evil gods. The monsters are not high-ranking and limited in number, and have not yet reached the level of a monster wave that will hit the city.

In recent years, the border wars of the Kingdom of Reyak have become increasingly tense, and many nobles of the Kingdom of Reyak who are relatively well-off are considering buying a property in Green Port.

If a monster wave breaks out, they can take the goblin airship to Green Port in time after receiving the news, and avoid the call for war by the kingdom court.

For this reason, the upper city of Green Port has become more and more prosperous in recent years.

However, the prosperity of these upper city areas has basically nothing to do with Pete Chinar, who is sighing.

"God of Knowledge! Are you serious about the exchange conditions for this third-level magic?!"

Pete wailed with a sad face.

The bright information was hanging in his mind.

[Target: Mage 3rd level magic, arcane barrage]

[Requirement: 150 knowledge points]

"150 points?! Can I sacrifice myself to get so many points?"

As the first official believer of the God of Knowledge, he did enjoy a lot of bonuses at the beginning, such as the initial [Hada's Hunger], [True Name Knowing], and the 1st level magic [Arcane Missile].

When Pete learned these magics, Norwen had not yet launched the knowledge point exchange system.

Now that the number of believers has increased, the bonus period has ended.

He wanted to exchange a 3rd level magic to cope with the graduation assessment of Carron College, but when he saw the number of 150 knowledge points required, his eyes went dark and he almost fainted.

Although he has mastered the 3rd level magic [Hada's Hunger], this magic... cannot be used for assessment!

The assessment standard of the Carron College Arcane School is that if you successfully release a 3rd level magic of the arcane system, you will be qualified and given a 3rd level mage certification.

【Hada's Hunger】does not belong to the arcane system, nor even to normal magic.

Pete went to the library of Carron College to check, and 【Hada's Hunger】was recorded in the category of "forbidden magic".

The book describes that the principle of this magic is to communicate with the void through the power of the magic network, and use the void to corrode and devour the creatures affected by it.

According to legend, the evil god was born in the void.

Because of this, almost all magic and items related to the void are now basically banned to prevent the evil god from attracting attention due to excessive use.

At that time, Pete had no choice but to use what he had.

Now he dared not use this third-level magic anymore, and he could only find a way to master a new spell that could pass the assessment.

Returning from Rena's tavern to the student dormitory provided by Carron College, Pete's original comfortable living conditions did return, but the knowledge points that were originally growing rapidly suddenly seemed stretched!

Pete only knew three stable sources of knowledge points.

Meditation once a day can improve your spiritual power while completing the daily task of [Meditation], which can earn you knowledge points ranging from 0.01 points to 1 point.

Praying once a day can earn you 1 knowledge point.

Then you can complete the weekly task [The Truth of the Lord Shines on the Earth]. If you succeed in preaching, you can get 5 knowledge points as a reward!

Pete calculated.

Even if he gets all the rewards for these three tasks, at most, he can get less than 20 knowledge points per week!

Add the 10 knowledge points he has on hand.

It takes more than 7 weeks to save enough points to exchange for a level 3 magic!

"7 weeks! I can't wait that long!"

Pete is in a hurry, very anxious.

It is already late June, and there is less than a month left before the graduation test of Carron Academy.

To be precise, there are only 15 days left.

If he cannot master a suitable 3rd-level spell before the test, he will not be able to get the 3rd-level wizard certificate issued by the academy.

As for the future path of going to the Magic Hermitage to participate in the test, it is even more impossible for Pete.

The reason is very simple.

There is one item in the assessment criteria of the Magic Hermitage:

They only accept those who have mastered the secret of spellcasting through faith in the Goddess of Magic to participate in the assessment!

Legend has it that the Goddess of Magic controls the magic network, but She generously gives the right to use the magic network to other gods.

Therefore, some believers of foreign gods, after obtaining the power of their faith in foreign gods, can also cast spells by communicating with the magic network.

Such people are not recognized by the Magic Hermitage, there is no rating, no matter how strong they are, they are collectively called wild mages.

Only the assessment of Carron Academy can turn a blind eye. No matter what god's believers are, as long as they can cast 3rd-level arcane magic, they can be certified.

The magic knowledge that Pete learned came from the God of Knowledge, Nowen. He no longer prayed to the Goddess of Magic, and did not meet the requirements of the Magic Hermitage at all.

Although Pete has changed his mindset and does not intend to just get a Level 3 certification and go back to inherit his father's noble title to eat and wait for death.

But whether he has the certification of a Level 3 professional will directly affect whether he can legitimately own a fiefdom in the Kingdom of Reyak and recruit private troops in the future!

This is related to his ambition!

Just when Pete was at a loss, a new message appeared in his mind without warning.

[Announcement of the Seeking Knowledge Sect]

[The first limited event is about to begin! ]

[Event: Cleaning up the Blood Fang Gang]


Thanks to Shuhai Youyu for voting for 1 monthly ticket, Xie Xie

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