Don't call me evil god

Chapter 76 Forget it, as long as it works

Nowen's original idea was very good.

The divine carrier he prepared was equivalent to an automatic response device with his divine power.

It has two functions:

One is [Eye of God], which can observe the target's situation and obtain various information with the help of the believers' perspective;

The other is to convey the oracle and send the obtained information to the corresponding believers.

With these two functions of the creation carrier, Nowen can be liberated.

When the believers use divine arts, the request is conveyed to the carrier, and the latter automatically responds.

As for the consumption of divine power.

Based on the experience that Nowen has gained from responding to believers with oracles during this period, he has discovered the mechanism.

Although he has to spend a certain amount of divine power every time he sends an oracle to believers.

But the specific use of this part of divine power is actually mostly spent on "opening up channels".

A more vivid description is:

If Nowen wants to pass a message to a believer, he needs to consume a certain amount of divine power first to open a "channel" that accurately connects the two parties.

Then he can pack the information, throw it into the channel, and complete the delivery of the information.

The divine power consumed when sending information is negligible, which can be ignored.

The key point is that when this delivery is over, the channel will be closed!

The next time Norman wants to convey information to this believer, he will have to open a new channel and consume divine power again.

In other words.

If the channel can be kept open for a long time, Norman can convey the oracle to the believers many times at a very low cost.

However, Norman's own energy cannot be used here all the time.

Once he starts to pay attention to other things, the previously maintained channel will be closed.

However, the creature carrying Norman's divine power has no ability to think and will only operate according to the mechanism set by Norman.

In theory, it can be achieved with a very small divine power cost to maintain the channel with believers for a long time.

Therefore, as long as Norman injects enough divine power into the creature to maintain its work, this carrier can be used to respond to the [Mystery of All Things] magic used by all believers!

At the beginning, when the carrier was shaped by Norman with divine power, it looked very reliable.

As a result, this carrier turned into a bloody ball that looked creepy in front of Norman!

At that time, Nowen thought that there was something wrong with his conception, and his ability could not be carried by the creature.

However, after carefully checking the status of this "meat ball", Nowen was speechless.

His needs:

The carrier can use the Eye of God to obtain information;

It can maintain the communication channel with believers;

It can convey information through the oracle.

This "meat ball" has done all of these.

After repeated inspections by Nowen, he can confirm that although this thing looks very evil, it is full of chaotic and dangerous atmosphere like his divine power.

But after its internal operation, the oracle finally delivered to the believers is still a pure text message.

It will not allow mortals to be affected by Nowen's divine power and be transformed in this process.

The effect is the same as the oracle personally sent by the original god Nowen.

Even because the "meat ball" itself does not think, it can only obtain information and respond to believers according to the preset rules, which is faster than Nowen in speed and efficiency.

After the oracle was given, as Pete first tried to use the magic of [Revealing the Secrets of Everything], the flesh ball showed corresponding changes:

A new eyeball squeezed out from the gap of the flesh and blood tenaciously, and kept rotating and looking around.

Every time a new believer opened [Revealing the Secrets of Everything], a new eyeball would grow on the flesh ball.

As the number of people using the magic increased, the number of eyeballs on the flesh ball also increased.

The appearance became more and more evil and terrifying.

When standing next to the flesh ball, it seemed as if being stared at by countless pairs of malicious eyes.

When the divine power that Norwen infused into the carrier was almost exhausted, the flesh veins on the flesh ball would become shriveled and black, as if they had lost their vitality, reminding Norwen that the reserve divine power was insufficient and urgently needed to be replenished.

Norwen looked at this scene and fell silent again.

According to his original expectation, the carrier he created should be able to allow him to check in real time how many believers were using the magic of [Revealing the Secrets of Everything] and the current divine power consumption.

This thing...seems to have done all of this!

The number of eyeballs growing on it represents the number of believers who use divine arts.

The loss of vitality of flesh and blood means that the divine power is insufficient and needs to be recharged.

Norman hesitated for a while, and finally sighed.

"Forget it, it's fine as long as it works!"

He gave up the idea of ​​making a new carrier.

He had a hunch.

Anything that has anything to do with his divine power probably won't look normal.

"As for the appearance, I'm the only one in the kingdom of God, and the believers can't see it, so it's okay if it's weird."

"When a program can run normally, it's best not to try to fix those strange bugs."

"As long as the believers don't have any problems using it!"


In the rolling bolt workshop.

After Pete shared the plan of disguising the Crusaders with Brandon's co-workers, they were also excited.

On the one hand, they were also oppressed by the Bloodfang Gang in the Lower City in the past, and it was difficult to resist;

On the other hand, they saw Pete lead his men to defeat Evan, which gave them enough confidence.

This shows that the Seeking Knowledge Sect now really has enough ability to eliminate the threat of the Blood Fang Gang!

The workers found some suitable materials on the spot.

If they wanted to disguise themselves as Crusaders, they would not be able to make the heavy mail armor, neck guards, and wrist guards that the genuine senior Crusaders wore with the conditions of the workshop.

Those things were all expensive, made of extremely rare materials and painstakingly forged.

However, it was still possible to make some prototypes, such as flags with Crusaders' patterns, emblems of the sharp blades of the Church of the God of Light, and light clothes worn by Crusaders when they traveled on a daily basis!

It was nothing more than drawing emblems in the corresponding places.

After an all-night effort, before dawn, they finally made a total of 4 sets of Crusaders' outfits that looked decent:

Light helmet with face guard;

Light armor engraved with the emblem of the Church of the God of Light;

Temporarily polished and made of inferior iron long sword;

Large shield with a layer of iron sheet wrapped around the wooden board;

And two golden battle flags.

"Four sets is four sets, it doesn't matter, as long as they can be used!"

"We want to use the excuse of a Crusader search to enter the Bloodfang Gang's base, so quality is more important than quantity."

Pate didn't plan to arrange for all members to dress up as Crusaders.

For the job of disguise, we need to find a player who can keep calm and show the noble aura of a Crusader in every move, which is not something that anyone can do.

Pete looked around at everyone in the workshop and mobilized them:

"I, Lena, Gale, and Mr. Brandon, we are responsible for pretending to be the Crusaders."

"Others wait nearby."

"After we scare the guards and take control of the entrance, we will give the signal and everyone will start the formal attack!"

"As long as they are from the Blood Fang Gang, no one will be left alive!"

"Time is short and the task is heavy."

"The Blood Fang Gang didn't have time to find out that Evan was killed by us."

"We need to raid the remaining two strongholds in succession to prevent them from reacting and taking precautions!"

"Everyone, are you ready?"


Thanks to Book Name 13733, Book Friend 140317190358733 for 2 monthly tickets, thanks to Gugu for updating today, Book Friend 20230302141817302 for 1 monthly ticket, and thanks to all readers for their recommendation tickets, thank you~

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