Don't call me evil god

Chapter 78 Open the door! The Crusaders investigate the evil god!

The source of the commotion was the Bloodfang Gang's other leader's stronghold, the Blood Red Mercenary.

The structure of the mercenary group's base was not complicated.

In addition to a small building for members to live in, there was a large open space for daily training.

The thick brick wall, more than two people high, blocked the view of prying inside, leaving only a gap for two people to pass side by side as an entrance and exit.

In the early morning, most of the Blood Red Mercenaries were still asleep, and only two guards who rotated throughout the day were on duty.

All unfamiliar faces would be stopped by them.

If someone broke in by force, the guard on duty only needed to pull the lever of the alarm device to immediately notify all members of the Bloodfang Gang in the base.

The alarm device also has a certain shadow energy detection effect. If a thief who performed stealth tried to sneak in and there was a shadow energy fluctuation, the device would also issue a corresponding warning.

After changing clothes, Pete arranged for Brandon and Reina to raise the flag of the Crusaders in the back, while he and Gale went forward to negotiate with the guards of the Bloodfang Gang.

"The Crusaders are investigating the evil god!"

"We need to go inside to investigate!"

Pete and Gale, who were born in aristocratic families and received relevant etiquette training, were somewhat similar in their pretentious performances.

Hearing Pete's righteous words, the two guards guarding the door were startled at first, and then looked up and down at Pete and the other four with some disbelief.

The sharp blade emblem of the Glowing God Cult, the iconic battle flag and sword and shield combination, and the light armor emitting a bright silver light.

It looks like they are really the Crusaders?

"Sir! No, no, why would the evil god... have anything to do with us?!"

"We are the base of a legitimate mercenary group here!"

Pet lied seriously: "Of course, of course."

"I believe you are all good citizens of Green Harbor and will not be involved with the evil god."

"But we now suspect that there may be some dangerous items related to the evil god that you brought back without knowing it."

"This is what we want to investigate!"

Gail followed Pete's rhythm tacitly and began to put pressure from the side, threatening with a dark face: " clearly knew there were dangerous items, but you hid them privately and did not report them to the church?"


Pet stood up again to make a little round: "Please rest assured, we just got intelligence that there may be signs of dangerous items appearing nearby."

"Now it's just a routine inspection to eliminate hidden dangers!"

The two guards began to sweat.

It's true that their status in the Blood Fang Gang is higher than those ordinary members. After all, the Blood Red Mercenaries are the thugs specially raised by Dursley, and the treatment they enjoy is naturally better than that of a large number of thugs.

But like the ordinary members of the Bloodfang Gang, they did not receive the order from the leader Dursley to "stop the Crusaders at all costs".

Suddenly, the Crusaders came to their door.

In their impression, the Crusaders' action targets have always been related to evil gods.

Dangerous items related to evil gods? Isn't that something that will make you crazy and die if you touch it?

How can this be related to them?

Although some time ago, the leader of the Blood Red Mercenaries took them to the Blood Red Roulette and received a "secret technique" of unknown origin to strengthen.

But in the chaotic area of ​​the Lower City, there are many things of unknown origin.

The vendors who set up stalls in the black market can blow a half-broken scroll into a divine artifact to communicate with a powerful existence. As long as they find the right method, they can get the favor of that god and become his agent in the mortal world.

The members of these Blood Red Mercenaries also have a variety of beliefs, mostly various not-so-powerful foreign gods.

After all, the teachings of the Glorious God conflict with their style of doing things. Even if they want to offer their faith, the Glorious God will not pay attention to them.

When they accepted the secret arts, they just thought that their leader Dursley suddenly got the favor of some foreign god and was recruiting followers to share the blessings of the foreign god. They didn't think about the evil god at all.

If it was the power of the evil god preached by the Glorious God Church, they should have become crazy monsters who lost their minds long ago!

Aren't they still fine now?

What's more, this power is really useful!

After being strengthened by the "secret arts", they have broken up and subdued other gangs in the lower city under the leadership of the leader in the past few days.

The status of the Blood Fang Gang has become higher, and they seem to be the rhythm of dominating the lower city.

But if it comes to challenging the powerful crusaders of the Glorious God Church...

They still don't have the courage.

Under the "declaration" of Pete and Gale, the two guards still obediently made way:

"Okay... please come in, gentlemen."

"We will help you inform the captain right away!"

With some words, he successfully fooled the two guards and temporarily gained their trust.

After making sure that both of them left the pull rod device that could send an alarm to the base, Pete decisively used his right hand behind his back to make a "hands-on" gesture to Brandon and Lena!

Brandon took the lead and pulled out a heavy crowbar from the bottom of the previously held battle flag, and smashed it on the head of the guard closest to him!


The iron crowbar collided with the back of the guard's head, making a dull sound.

In Brandon's mind, because he was maintaining the effect of the magic of [Revelation of All Things], he could clearly understand the status of the guard.

[Health: 68% (↓30%)]

[Status: dizziness, imbalance, concussion (mild)]

Brandon reacted immediately.

"Not strong enough! Need to finish off!"

Without saying anything, without giving the guard a chance to warn, he struck him again!


Brandon was relieved when he saw the word [Coma] added to the guard's status.

As for the other guard, Rena and Pete also cooperated well.

Pete attracted the other party's attention, and Rena took the opportunity to go around behind him, pulled out the rope that had been prepared long ago, and started a throat lock!

When the guard's status changed from [Silence] to [Suffocation] and then to [Coma], Rena stopped.

The two guards who should have sounded the alarm at the first time both lost consciousness and fell to the ground, failing to convey the news of the "danger" to the Bloodfang Gang members in the base.

Pete breathed a sigh of relief.

"Mr. Brandon, lend a hand and drag these two guys out first."

"Reina, go outside to inform others and prepare for the raid!"

At the same time.

Outside the Blood Red Mercenary Base, Miranda watched the four guys who claimed to be "Crusaders" walk in with a swagger after a negotiation.

Then not long after, the two guards were dragged out without knowing whether they were dead or alive? !

"Lord! What happened?!"


Thanks to ymr Fengtou for 2 monthly tickets, thank you for sleeping well and eating better, book friend 20221010091640486672409 for 1 monthly ticket, and thank you all for your recommendation votes! Crab!

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