Don't call me evil god

Chapter 89 Do you want to believe it a little?

Being surpassed in the divine art of radiance, which she was best at, was a big blow to Miranda.

In terms of the battle situation, Miranda even felt that even without them, these people from the Seeking Knowledge Sect could eliminate all the enemies of the Blood Fang Gang without any danger.

Although she said she needed their help, in fact, Miranda felt that her greatest contribution might be the [Healing Blessing]!

In terms of treatment, she couldn't compete with these people from the Seeking Knowledge Sect. Every time, before she had time to finish chanting the prayer, they had already started looking for the next target who needed help!

"How did you do it?" One of Miranda's companions couldn't hold back and chose to ask for advice.

When they used divine arts, they needed to chant the first half of the prayer first, and wait for the response from the God of Radiance before reciting the second half of the prayer. Otherwise, the divine arts would not work.

But these people from the Seeking Knowledge Sect didn't seem to worry about the problem of no response to the divine arts. They chanted the prayers faster than one another, and they could produce accurate results every time!

"It's very simple."

"As long as you offer your faith to our Lord, everyone can do this."

"Maybe this is the characteristic of the old gods."

The priests and believers of the Seeking Knowledge Sect looked accustomed to it.

Gail, with a seductive expression, took the opportunity to encourage: "Do you want to consider adding an object of faith? The Glowing God Church does not require you to believe in one person, right?

When Miranda heard this, she felt like she had seen a ghost.

Because she was really tempted!

The divine art had given a warning before, and she was not completely sure whether the old gods were worth believing in.

But the smooth casting effect of the divine art is really useful!

The Glowing God Church did not require believers to believe in the doctrine of only the Glowing God. Most people would believe in multiple gods to obtain the blessing effects of different gods.

For example, some holy warriors would also offer their faith to the giant bear god Sotok among the foreign gods to obtain the strength and toughness of the bear given by Sotok;

Some secular believers would also believe in the gods of wealth and harvest. God, the God of Tranquility, and even the God of Luck and the God of Joy, these foreign gods, do not become professionals, simply obtain their blessings, and make life more convenient.

Only extremely rare fanatics, often ascetics in the church, mortals who are willing to devote themselves to a certain god, will firmly believe in only one specific god.

If you only need to offer faith to this existence called "God of Knowledge" without other requirements and influences, you can make the casting of the Radiant Divine Art smoother.

Miranda feels that, let alone her, most of the Crusaders may not be able to resist this temptation!

The church will not require the Crusaders to only believe in the God of Radiance. On the contrary, as long as it is not the power from the evil god, they can believe in both and obtain different powers.

"Where is your church temple? What do you have to pay to become a believer? "One of Miranda's companions couldn't help asking.

Gail's eyes lit up immediately.

He believed in the God of Knowledge after being preached by Pete. He hadn't found anyone to complete the task of recruiting people to the church, so now this opportunity has come!

Although there is a way to eliminate the Blood Fang Gang members to get rewards, the reward of 5 knowledge points doesn't seem to be much.

But the Blood Fang Gang is not the leeks in the field. Up to now, let alone the ordinary members on the periphery, the three strongholds have been overturned.

When the Blood Fang Gang is eliminated, there will be few opportunities to earn a lot of points in Green Harbor.

Knowledge points will not expire, and mosquito legs are meat no matter how small.

"Faith is not such an inconvenient thing. As long as there is the existence of the Lord in your heart, there is no place that is not a temple!"

"My Lord is great. He is different from other gods. You don't need to prepare gifts or offerings for joining the church. As long as you recite His name sincerely, you will get His response after being recognized! "

Gail introduced the gods very skillfully, and Miranda's companions were obviously moved, but still a little hesitant.

It was still the same problem.

The God of Knowledge is different from the gods that came after the new Huili.

The process of establishing faith is similar for several gods or various foreign gods familiar to mortal races. Everyone has been familiar with it for so many years.

After selecting the god, find the corresponding church, provide the church with gifts that meet the requirements, and wait for the monks responsible for missionary guidance to organize the initiation ceremony. Start praying under the gaze of the god, and get the blessing of the response, and that's it.

However, people like Nowen do not need to offer sacrifices to the gods, and there is no process. Strict initiation ceremony, as long as you calm down and pray devoutly, you can get a response from the gods. Miranda and others have never seen it before!

Believers must choose the right gods, and gods are also choosing their believers.

Only qualified mortals can get a response from the corresponding gods when they pray.

Logically speaking, only those evil gods who do not consider the situation of believers at all and respond to mortals only to pollute, corrupt, and degenerate them will have no requirements for believers!

As long as you dare to pray in the corresponding way, the evil gods will give you power!

Gale seemed to have guessed the reason for the other party's hesitation, and pointed to the companions around him.

"Do you think we look like a sect that believes in evil gods?"

"We use the divine arts and magic that you are familiar with. It's okay. Once you become a believer of the evil god, these divine powers will be distorted and changed. We are all normal!"

"What else are you worried about?"

"It seems... that's right?"

The fellow Crusader who came with Miranda was convinced.

Gail was overjoyed: "Come, come, follow me. They are going to clean up the battlefield. Let's go out and find a quiet place. I will teach you the prayer to call on the Lord to respond!"


Half an hour later.

"Lord, please bless me and heal the pain!"

Miranda's companion held the open Radiant Canon in his left hand, pointed it at Miranda, and quickly chanted the prayer of [Secondary Healing], and waved his right hand as usual.

The golden glow immediately fell on Miranda's body.

The companion excitedly gave Miranda a thumbs up: "It really helps to use the Radiant Divine Art. This old god is indeed a great existence!"

While saying this, the companion also sighed with regret: "What a pity, if I had known this, I should have offered my faith before coming here. I just joined now and missed a lot of justice points and legendary experience!"

Miranda: shocked, confused

The level of their candidate crusaders is basically the same, and Miranda is even considered to be relatively strong among them.

As a result, not long after that, the opponent's magic effect has directly improved by leaps and bounds, and it seems that he has surpassed himself.

Moreover, the opponent is just like those people from the Seeking Knowledge Sect, talking about "Justice Points" and "Legendary Experience" and other words that she can't understand!

Miranda hesitated: "Or... I believe it a little bit?"


PS: The previous content has been slightly modified to unify the purchasing power of currency.

At present, it can be roughly converted: 1 gold coin has a purchasing power of about 50,000R, 1 silver coin is about 500R, and 1 copper coin is about 5R.

In addition, the denomination smaller than the copper coin is the copper coin, which is a small copper granule not officially minted by the Kingdom of Reyak. 1 copper coin is about 1R.

For example, a town house with a courtyard in a border area costs more than a dozen gold coins, which is equivalent to a selling price of about 700,000R.

For example, in Chapter 88, a night of service at the Love House costs 3 silver coins, which is equivalent to 1500R;

If there are any mistakes in the prices that Guozi didn't notice, please leave a comment to remind me and I will correct it.

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